BYU in talks with Big 12....

I've flung my fair share of smack talk the direction of the Clones, but deep down I don't wish any ill-will towards ISU. With that disclaimer out of the way, I am going to now reaffirm my disbelief at the level of delusion Cyclone fans continue to maintain regarding the long-term viability of the Big XII. It's all about # of eyeballs and geography. The Big Ten is fortunate to be very blessed in both categories...the Big XII not so much. That is what it boils down's just not looking viable.

I have to ask - if Colorado was a geographic mismatch and is such a better fit in the Pac 12, how the heck is BYU any better?!?!? They're another state WEST from where Colorado is (last time I checked a map, at least) and I really doubt BYU is going to bring the # of eyeballs along with them that are going to be needed to get the Big XII where it needs to be.

You are clueless if you don't think BYU brings eyeballs. BYU is much much much bigger nationally than Colorado. They have a fanbase across the country.
McMurphyCBS Brett McMurphy
by marcmorehouse
@kbohls reports OU, OSU, Texas & Tech will announce to Pac 12 by October

This is just bizarre. OU, OSU, and Tech I could see to the Pac-## in order to survive.

But why anybody would want the UTerus at this point is beyond me. Even with the eyeballs and recruiting, they've now got their own network and you're still one PMS incident away from it all falling apart for your conference, as they are doing with the Big 12.
This is just bizarre. OU, OSU, and Tech I could see to the Pac-## in order to survive.

But why anybody would want the UTerus at this point is beyond me. Even with the eyeballs and recruiting, they've now got their own network and you're still one PMS incident away from it all falling apart for your conference, as they are doing with the Big 12.

Texas will go wherever they want.
This is just bizarre. OU, OSU, and Tech I could see to the Pac-## in order to survive.

But why anybody would want the UTerus at this point is beyond me. Even with the eyeballs and recruiting, they've now got their own network and you're still one PMS incident away from it all falling apart for your conference, as they are doing with the Big 12.

Commissioner Scott over in the Pac-12 seems to think he has the stones large enough to control Texas. If he can get them to drop the LHN and turn it into a regional network like they have for the existing teams, the Pac-12 may have a chance to tame them.
I've grown to loathe the Big 12. I think it would be funny if BYU turns them down. I doubt that will happen, but if it does, there might be more truth to the Oklahoma to the Pac 12 story than I think there is. And no Clone fans, I don't loathe the Big 12 because of you, I really don't care where you end up; I just think the conference is such a joke. It's 7 teams bowing to Texas, and Oklahoma.
What does that mean anyway? The BIG was in contract with Texas, ND, and others last year. Doesn't mean an agreement came to fruition.

I didn't say it would. I simply put up an article and said what they said. I haven't said they would or wouldn't.

Texas to the Pac 12 will never happen. Ever.
I've grown to loathe the Big 12. I think it would be funny if BYU turns them down. I doubt that will happen, but if it does, there might be more truth to the Oklahoma to the Pac 12 story than I think there is. And no Clone fans, I don't loathe the Big 12 because of you, I really don't care where you end up; I just think the conference is such a joke. It's 7 teams bowing to Texas, and Oklahoma.

Why would you doubt BYU turning them down? I think it's a plausible outcome. BYU has it pretty good right now as an independent, and seriously, looking at the dysfunctional relationships in the Big 12 they are going to have to think long and hard about making that jump.
Why would you doubt BYU turning them down? I think it's a plausible outcome. BYU has it pretty good right now as an independent, and seriously, looking at the dysfunctional relationships in the Big 12 they are going to have to think long and hard about making that jump.

How do you know BYU has it good right now as an independent? Have they done anything yet as an independent? Played a game? Anything at all?
How do you know BYU has it good right now as an independent? Have they done anything yet as an independent? Played a game? Anything at all?

They write their own paychecks and can schedule anybody they want. Yes, their schedule sucks the next few years, only because it's hard to find teams to schedule with such short notice. Give them a few years and they can have a schedule like ND.

Not only that, but you ignored the part of my post about joining a dysfunctional Big 12. Look at the rumors swirling out there. They may be just that, rumors. But if I am an AD at a major university looking to join the Big 12, I would be very skeptical about committing to something that could be crumbling.
They write their own paychecks and can schedule anybody they want. Yes, their schedule sucks the next few years, only because it's hard to find teams to schedule with such short notice. Give them a few years and they can have a schedule like ND.

Not only that, but you ignored the part of my post about joining a dysfunctional Big 12. Look at the rumors swirling out there. They may be just that, rumors. But if I am an AD at a major university looking to join the Big 12, I would be very skeptical about committing to something that could be crumbling.

Unless they don't really have anything to lose. If they hold on to their TV network, join the big 12 and it collapses after a year they're right back to independent or move to the pac 12. Only thing they lose out on is the scheduling as you mentioned. I could be missing something though.
In contact with ND and ESPN officials about the Big 12.

How do you know BYU and ND were in contact about the Big 12? Again this statement is all that was said about ND in that whole article:

The talks have also included ESPN officials and even some input from Notre Dame representatives

Did it ever occur to you that maybe BYU wanted some input from ND to see how their 6 year contract to play each other could be affected if BYU did decide to join the Big 12 and didn't want to play all 6 of those games when they would be adding OU and Texas on the schedule every year?

On the day it declared its independence last year, BYU announced it had agreed to an eight-year deal with ESPN and a six-game series with Notre Dame, also an independent.

You just continue to skip over important parts of the article and just assume everything is going to be fine. I have no doubts BYU is thinking about joining the Big 12, but not ND.
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Why would you doubt BYU turning them down? I think it's a plausible outcome. BYU has it pretty good right now as an independent, and seriously, looking at the dysfunctional relationships in the Big 12 they are going to have to think long and hard about making that jump.

If BYU could somehow get the sweet BCS deal that ND has, then there would be no reason for them to want to join the Big 12. However, (and I'm not sure about this) I think it will be next to impossible for them to make a BCS bowl without playing a very difficult schedule. Why not join a conference where you get to play teams like Kansas, Kansas State, and ISU plus a couple of cupcakes in the non-cons and still have a shot to go to a BCS game? If they get to keep their network, they really have no worries. If the Big 12 blows up, oh well, go back to being independent. No big deal. They just have to understand that they need to get on their knees once in a while for Texas.
That's an opinion piece with no facts or comments from sources.


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