
I think it was Truman who said "all good leaders are readers, but not all good readers are leaders"! hmmm...seems to somehow apply here.
My first coupla months on this site were not fun at all. From almost Day One, with the stupid Marengo Cougar thread, I took a huge ration of shite from a lot of posters because I displayed the temerity to say that the cougar shouldn't have been killed and the guy who killed it was a doosh with a hero fantasy. It got ugly fast. I had guys telling me that they were going to kill my puppy and I was called all sorts of awful hurtful names like "hippie" and "wimp" and your favorite, "libtard".
Plus, I made the HUGE mistake of misunderstanding OK4P's...err, distinct style...and I went out of my way to antagonize him. Kind of like how, on your first day in prison, you find the biggest baddest mofo and crack him on the jaw to earn respect. Those transactions did not work out in my favor, to put it mildly.
I was very naive.

You're still our favorite libtard, libtard. :D
No. I suspect I'm going to have to increase the amount of the bribe I offered to le Diesel. :(

I offered him for you and I to take Tulsa +10 against da Clowns since he thinks da Clowns roll by double digits and if we win we get our privies back in da cave. JD has been silent on this, unfortunately. :(
You make a good point there. If it wasn't for the regulars, there would be a lot less to read. So sometimes to get the good, you have to take some bad.

I agree. I think that might be one of the more frustrating parts about it for me...

A lot of the regulars have some good information and are very capable of posting informative and quality posts. I have been a member of this board for almost 2 years (I had just been a lurker before). The first year that I joined I posted 500+ times and was on this site almost constantly (especially once I got the mobile app), but since then I have posted roughly 100 times and I rarely visited, until this month.

Obviously, one reason would be the fact that there isn't as much to talk about or read during the off-season, but even last off-season I remember visiting the site multiple times a day. I think over time... the number of quality posts have decreased and the amount of derailment and "trolling" increased. There just seems to be too many people that look for any opportunity to jump down someone's throat or to try to belittle them and their opinions, and yes, often with a meme that leads to derailment of the thread.

It got to the point where people would go dig up posts from a year ago for the sole purpose of trying to belittle or "make fun of" someone. I, personally, don't take the things that people say on the internet to heart, but what is the point? I guess I just don't see what purpose it serves other than to be a jerk.

For example, when did I happen to log back on this month I noticed that someone had bumped the infamous thread.

Yes, I started that thread. Yes, I had a long and rough day and was over-the-top in part of my post and it turned into a bit of a p***ing match. The other half I was trying to give information on how former Hawkeyes looked at the Vikings training camp. I admitted I was over-the-top, I laughed at myself, and I even poked fun at myself, but I think it is an example of why some people are tentative when it comes to posting.

Like someone said about the LoLo Jones thread... I remember someone started a thread about USA men's soccer:

...and the first 2 replies were trying to derail it/troll posts. Again, what's the point of posts like that?

I really enjoy reading different people's opinions/views and discussing Hawkeye sports (and sports in general) and that is the reason I came on this board. Many of the people who do a lot of the unnecessary "trolling" have some really interesting and quality posts that are on-topic. I just feel like there is a time and place for all of the other stuff and I wish we could cut back on some of the crap and make hawkeyenation a place where quality discussion dominates the forums instead of memes and childish behavior. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy some of the humor or funny posts/threads on here, but I think if people try to keep that stuff to the the right place/time that hawkeyenation will be a much better environment.

Call me optimistic, but I have confidence that most, if not all, of the Hawkeye fans on here are capable of that.

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