Brian named OC

Uncalled for post Josh. Check your facts. The most unqualified person( traditionally) ever was just elected. Obama actually has a law degree, was a Senator before coming President. Your boy Trump (with zero political experience) is good at taking a golden parachute out of the business he runs into the ground. Kind of like Alford huh? Run when the getting is good.

I admire President Obama for what he accomplished with health care, taking out Bin Laden, and being a champion for progressive issues. You might not, but I do. At least Obama does not mock disabled people.

Be careful what you wish for. George Jr. might not have been the brightest bulb on the block, but he has more tact than this Charlatan coming in.
Obama got into college through affirmative action. Colleges have become liberal as hell so I'm sure he fit right in. Michelle Obama got into college through affirmative action too.
The only thing Obama was qualified for was insuring more police officers would die in the line of duty. Obama came from the corrupt political machine in Chicago.

He sent more Whitehouse officials to the funerals of criminals than he did the funerals of officers. He also didn't attend the Thatcher funeral as well as the Paris Accords where every major world leader showed up and linked arms in a show of solidarity after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Sums up his allegiance perfectly.
I will only tell you, as a retired guy who has plenty of time for reading from a variety of sources, that Obama is more defined by the lies told about him that the truths. I know we need to avoid politics on this site, and I agree. But, I just wanted to make this one comment. Do some research and you may find me to be more right than wrong. If you really want examples of incorrect statements, simply look at the two or three immediately above.
I will only tell you, as a retired guy who has plenty of time for reading from a variety of sources, that Obama is more defined by the lies told about him that the truths. I know we need to avoid politics on this site, and I agree. But, I just wanted to make this one comment. Do some research and you may find me to be more right than wrong. If you really want examples of incorrect statements, simply look at the two or three immediately above.
I agree that your wrong.
The only thing Obama was qualified for was insuring more police officers would die in the line of duty. Obama came from the corrupt political machine in Chicago.

I presume you get your "facts" from Fox News because you sound like you have been brainwashed by Sean Hannity. You actually sound like Sean Hannity, or Donald Trump. You actually sound like an idiot. And a racist. Read the article below. If you are capable. I pulled out a couple of paragraphs for you if you happen to have the attention span of a pug.

Oh and by the way, you do realize that the single deadliest day for police officers (72 deaths ) was under George Bush's watch on 9/11. You know, the guy that ignored the intelligence on Osama Bin Liden BEFORE 9/11. And HE went on to Ensure thousands of our bravest soldiers would die in combat because of ginned up intelligence.

As for longer-term trends, the number of law enforcement fatalities has declined substantially in recent years. As we said earlier, there has been a 17 percent decline in law enforcement fatalities in the last seven years during the Obama administration compared with the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008.

In fact, the 109 total law enforcement fatalities in 2013 was the fewest since 1956. The chart below, based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, shows the total number of police fatalities since 1956.

Killed in the Line of Duty


Donald Trump says there has been “a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty — a very big rise.” He’s right, to a point. There has been an increase in firearms-related deaths in the last six months compared to a year ago.

But the number of fatalities from all causes, not just firearms, is largely unchanged from a year ago, and has substantially declined in recent years.

Annual fatality data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that there have been an average of 135 police fatalities a year under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015, compared with 162 a year for the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008. That’s a decline of 17 percent.

Trump made his remarks at a speech in Virginia. Trump said he planned to focus on military veterans, but he spent the first part of his speech discussing the sniper attack in Dallas that resulted in the deaths of five law enforcement officers.

The shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old black man, told negotiators that he was angry at the deaths of blacks killed by police officers.

Trump, July 11: [W]e’ve also seen increasing threats against our police and a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty – a very big rise.

The Trump campaign, which now provides speeches with footnotes, cited a USA Today article that reported a 44 percent increase in officers shot and killed so far this year compared with a year ago. The article, which was based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, said there had been 26 officers shot and killed from Jan. 1 to July 9 compared with 18 for that same time period a year ago. That included the five officers killed in Dallas.

But the data also show that the number of officers who died in the line of duty from all causes, not just firearms, is about the same as a year ago. There have been 60 as of July 13, one more than during that same time in 2015. Auto crashes, job-related illness and officers struck by vehicles are among the other common causes of law enforcement deaths.

As for longer-term trends, the number of law enforcement fatalities has declined substantially in recent years. As we said earlier, there has been a 17 percent decline in law enforcement fatalities in the last seven years during the Obama administration compared with the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008.

In fact, the 109 total law enforcement fatalities in 2013 was the fewest since 1956. The chart below, based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, shows the total number of police fatalities since 1956.


The 1970s were particularly deadly for law enforcement. Eight of the top 10 years occurred in the 1970s. The most fatalities during this 61-year time period occurred in 1974, when there were 280 law enforcement deaths. (The spike in 2001 reflects the officers killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.)

As for the number of law enforcement officers shot and killed, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said such fatal shootings are on the decline.

“Firearms-related fatalities peaked in 1973, when 156 officers were shot and killed,” the fund says. “Since then, the average number of officers killed has decreased from 127 per year in the 1970s to 57 per year in the 2000s. The 42 firearms-related fatalities in 2015 are 26 percent lower than the average of 57 per year for the decade spanning 2000-2009.”

The fund provides annual data for an 11-year period, from 2005 to 2015. The peak during that time was 73 in 2011, and the low was 33 in 2013. The annual average has been 51 in the first seven years under Obama, and 56.25 under the previous four years. (See chart below.)


The sniper attack on the police officers in Dallas was the deadliest day for law enforcement since 9/11, and it was a major factor in the “very big rise,” as Trump said, in officers shot and killed. But that’s for six months. The longer-term trends tell a different story.

Share The Facts

Donald Trump
Presidential candidate

Says there has been “a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty — a very big rise.”
In a speech in Virginia – Monday, July 11, 2016

© Copyright 2017
Last edited:
Obama was at least qualified. Trump not so much. Trump equals Steve Alford. Trump all talk and will likely go down as the biggest mistakes rural midwest US voters ever made.

Ferentz, well, Ferentz equals Jimmy Carter.....nice guy, can build a nice house, but can't bring the hostages home (National Titles).

In my lifetime, as far as Presidents go.... Eisenhower and Trump had no experience in politics. Of those who had experience, Obama had the least. He was a state senator in Illinois (is that something to brag about?) for 5 years and a US Senator for 3. If you include campaigning, he actually had less than 3 years as a US Senator.

As far as qualifications, none of these three had the experience to do the job. Eisenhower did a wonderful job as President and is still highly regarded today. Trump has yet to serve a day in the office (and already has many people who hate him, unfortunately) but I remain hopeful. Obama spent 8 years complaining about the mess he was handed while doubling our debt, forcing health care on a disapproving public and polarizing our nation. I was hopeful when Obama was elected but my hope changed.
You just intimated Trump and Kirk are morally the same.

Welp, guess whose gonna be winning arguments when the nice guy card is played????


Not quite. Kirk sees a ten year old boy going up an escalator and say in ten years he will be one of my offensive linemen. Trump sees a ten year old girl going up the escalator and says in ten years I will be dating her. :eek: Rob, I just couldn't help it as that fruit was too low hanging.

Josh, I believe you meant insinuated. If Trump and Kirk are intimate that's more than I need to know.
Not quite. Kirk sees a ten year old boy going up an escalator and say in ten years he will be one of my offensive linemen. Trump sees a ten year old girl going up the escalator and says in ten years I will be dating her. :eek: Rob, I just couldn't help it as that fruit was too low hanging.

Josh, I believe you meant insinuated. If Trump and Kirk are intimate that's more than I need to know.

At the risk of saying something favorable towards Josh he actually used "intimated" correctly. It isn't related to intimate. It means that one is implying something or hinting at something.
It's called the executive branch. It's getting an executive for once. Obama is a disciple of Bill Ayers and his wife. Both terrorist murderers.
Not quite. Kirk sees a ten year old boy going up an escalator and say in ten years he will be one of my offensive linemen. Trump sees a ten year old girl going up the escalator and says in ten years I will be dating her. :eek: Rob, I just couldn't help it as that fruit was too low hanging.

Josh, I believe you meant insinuated. If Trump and Kirk are intimate that's more than I need to know.

A) Why are you crying to Rob?

2) Click on this ------------>

C) Ya gotta bring more when ya go after the BIG DAWG
I presume you get your "facts" from Fox News because you sound like you have been brainwashed by Sean Hannity. You actually sound like Sean Hannity, or Donald Trump. You actually sound like an idiot. And a racist. Read the article below. If you are capable. I pulled out a couple of paragraphs for you if you happen to have the attention span of a pug.

Oh and by the way, you do realize that the single deadliest day for police officers (72 deaths ) was under George Bush's watch on 9/11. You know, the guy that ignored the intelligence on Osama Bin Liden BEFORE 9/11. And HE went on to Ensure thousands of our bravest soldiers would die in combat because of ginned up intelligence.

As for longer-term trends, the number of law enforcement fatalities has declined substantially in recent years. As we said earlier, there has been a 17 percent decline in law enforcement fatalities in the last seven years during the Obama administration compared with the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008.

In fact, the 109 total law enforcement fatalities in 2013 was the fewest since 1956. The chart below, based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, shows the total number of police fatalities since 1956.

Killed in the Line of Duty


Donald Trump says there has been “a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty — a very big rise.” He’s right, to a point. There has been an increase in firearms-related deaths in the last six months compared to a year ago.

But the number of fatalities from all causes, not just firearms, is largely unchanged from a year ago, and has substantially declined in recent years.

Annual fatality data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund show that there have been an average of 135 police fatalities a year under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015, compared with 162 a year for the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008. That’s a decline of 17 percent.

Trump made his remarks at a speech in Virginia. Trump said he planned to focus on military veterans, but he spent the first part of his speech discussing the sniper attack in Dallas that resulted in the deaths of five law enforcement officers.

The shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old black man, told negotiators that he was angry at the deaths of blacks killed by police officers.

Trump, July 11: [W]e’ve also seen increasing threats against our police and a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty – a very big rise.

The Trump campaign, which now provides speeches with footnotes, cited a USA Today article that reported a 44 percent increase in officers shot and killed so far this year compared with a year ago. The article, which was based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, said there had been 26 officers shot and killed from Jan. 1 to July 9 compared with 18 for that same time period a year ago. That included the five officers killed in Dallas.

But the data also show that the number of officers who died in the line of duty from all causes, not just firearms, is about the same as a year ago. There have been 60 as of July 13, one more than during that same time in 2015. Auto crashes, job-related illness and officers struck by vehicles are among the other common causes of law enforcement deaths.

As for longer-term trends, the number of law enforcement fatalities has declined substantially in recent years. As we said earlier, there has been a 17 percent decline in law enforcement fatalities in the last seven years during the Obama administration compared with the previous seven years, from 2002 to 2008.

In fact, the 109 total law enforcement fatalities in 2013 was the fewest since 1956. The chart below, based on data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, shows the total number of police fatalities since 1956.


The 1970s were particularly deadly for law enforcement. Eight of the top 10 years occurred in the 1970s. The most fatalities during this 61-year time period occurred in 1974, when there were 280 law enforcement deaths. (The spike in 2001 reflects the officers killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.)

As for the number of law enforcement officers shot and killed, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said such fatal shootings are on the decline.

“Firearms-related fatalities peaked in 1973, when 156 officers were shot and killed,” the fund says. “Since then, the average number of officers killed has decreased from 127 per year in the 1970s to 57 per year in the 2000s. The 42 firearms-related fatalities in 2015 are 26 percent lower than the average of 57 per year for the decade spanning 2000-2009.”

The fund provides annual data for an 11-year period, from 2005 to 2015. The peak during that time was 73 in 2011, and the low was 33 in 2013. The annual average has been 51 in the first seven years under Obama, and 56.25 under the previous four years. (See chart below.)


The sniper attack on the police officers in Dallas was the deadliest day for law enforcement since 9/11, and it was a major factor in the “very big rise,” as Trump said, in officers shot and killed. But that’s for six months. The longer-term trends tell a different story.

Share The Facts

Donald Trump
Presidential candidate

Says there has been “a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty — a very big rise.”
In a speech in Virginia – Monday, July 11, 2016

© Copyright 2017
You can take statistics and try to make them say whatever you want if it will make you look good. I get my information from hearing about police officers being assassinated on the job after your president supported thugs over the police. There would of been lots of people alive today that are dead because Obama became president. You can say the same about Bush junior too. Both Bush and Obama were pretty poor presidents. I think Bush was just poor, while Obama had his left wing agenda. Either way they have caused a lot of misery. It doesn't really matter how you try to sugarcoat the Obama failures.
Very classy farewell speech by Greg Davis tonight, you may not agree with him but he always carried himself with total class unlike Brian Ferentz!?#)?
It's called the executive branch. It's getting an executive for once. Obama is a disciple of Bill Ayers and his wife. Both terrorist murderers.

A) Why are you crying to Rob?

2) Click on this ------------>

C) Ya gotta bring more when ya go after the BIG DAWG

Relax Josh I was just joking not being serious. I only addressed Rob because he has mentioned that we shouldn't be talking politics on the forum and I was just letting him know I was joking. I had not read any of your previous comments that were made. I just went to the last page of the thread and saw your comment and jokingly made my comment.
Very classy farewell speech by Greg Davis tonight, you may not agree with him but he always carried himself with total class unlike Brian Ferentz!?#)?

Just because we don't like the decisions or mistakes that KF or GD makes doesn't mean they are not good people. So I second what you just said.

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