Brian named OC

At the risk of saying something favorable towards Josh he actually used "intimated" correctly. It isn't related to intimate. It means that one is implying something or hinting at something.

Lol, I am not laughing because you corrected me but you cracked me up with "At the risk of saying something favorable".
In my lifetime, as far as Presidents go.... Eisenhower and Trump had no experience in politics. Of those who had experience, Obama had the least. He was a state senator in Illinois (is that something to brag about?) for 5 years and a US Senator for 3. If you include campaigning, he actually had less than 3 years as a US Senator.

As far as qualifications, none of these three had the experience to do the job. Eisenhower did a wonderful job as President and is still highly regarded today. Trump has yet to serve a day in the office (and already has many people who hate him, unfortunately) but I remain hopeful. Obama spent 8 years complaining about the mess he was handed while doubling our debt, forcing health care on a disapproving public and polarizing our nation. I was hopeful when Obama was elected but my hope changed.

I give Ike more credentials than Trump though. At least Ike had military experience (and at a high level as a General) as compared to Trump.

I disagree with what you say about Obama. Experience at the State and National Level as a Senator is still far more experience in the political process as to what Trump as done prior to his run for President. But, his judgment and the things that he says is what scares more than that.

I should note that technically no political experience is needed to run for President, but I think most reasonable individuals would agree it does not hurt to have knowledge about how government works (and military). I'm guessing Trump is going to have a lot of people holding is hand (those in the Swamp he was going to drain, but has only added to it), but that might not be enough.

But, I want to get back to Football. There will be plenty of time to see how all of this shakes out.
In my lifetime, as far as Presidents go.... Eisenhower and Trump had no experience in politics. Of those who had experience, Obama had the least. He was a state senator in Illinois (is that something to brag about?) for 5 years and a US Senator for 3. If you include campaigning, he actually had less than 3 years as a US Senator.

As far as qualifications, none of these three had the experience to do the job. Eisenhower did a wonderful job as President and is still highly regarded today. Trump has yet to serve a day in the office (and already has many people who hate him, unfortunately) but I remain hopeful. Obama spent 8 years complaining about the mess he was handed while doubling our debt, forcing health care on a disapproving public and polarizing our nation. I was hopeful when Obama was elected but my hope changed.

Agreed. But unlike you I knew he would fail. Look at his mentors. All of them anti-capitalist & anti-american.

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