Brian named OC

Pathetic. What a joke this program has become. Daddy has balls, or he's just that arrogant, or out of touch with reality. He said sonny is the best fit? How so? He never even interviewed anyone else. To those that think he is going to succeed, it doesn't matter what he does differently because he can't recruit either. There simply is a lack of talent, and speed. Until they get someone that can recruit better than MAC talent, then we see the same shit.
Well if the highest power in the land can appoint son-in-law as senior adviser, don't see why footfall coach can't appoint son to OC.
Well if the highest power in the land can appoint son-in-law as senior adviser, don't see why footfall coach can't appoint son to OC.

You just intimated Trump and Kirk are morally the same.

Welp, guess whose gonna be winning arguments when the nice guy card is played????

I know I might be conspiracy theory minded, but I think this thing has been planned since the day Derpvis was hired. Kirk's connections to the folks that decide the Joe Moore award really made this plan fall together at the right time.
I know I might be conspiracy theory minded, but I think this thing has been planned since the day Derpvis was hired. Kirk's connections to the folks that decide the Joe Moore award really made this plan fall together at the right time.
damn, Kirks a mastermind
Ferentz reminds me more of Obama than Trump. Trump wants to make America great again, while Obama wants to go to Hawaii and play golf a couple of times a year. Ferentz wants to take a summer cruise with his kid every year. Whoever Ferentz is like the Iowa football program isn't very interesting to me anymore. Fry had me hooked, but Ferentz unhooked me. Ferentz searche high and wide across the nation for the best offensive coordinator he could find for the football program and the Iowa fans, and he found the right guy right in his own family.
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Obama was at least qualified. Trump not so much. Trump equals Steve Alford. Trump all talk and will likely go down as the biggest mistakes rural midwest US voters ever made.

Ferentz, well, Ferentz equals Jimmy Carter.....nice guy, can build a nice house, but can't bring the hostages home (National Titles).
So you've been in a coma for 8 years. Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.

Uncalled for post Josh. Check your facts. The most unqualified person( traditionally) ever was just elected. Obama actually has a law degree, was a Senator before coming President. Your boy Trump (with zero political experience) is good at taking a golden parachute out of the business he runs into the ground. Kind of like Alford huh? Run when the getting is good.

I admire President Obama for what he accomplished with health care, taking out Bin Laden, and being a champion for progressive issues. You might not, but I do. At least Obama does not mock disabled people.

Be careful what you wish for. George Jr. might not have been the brightest bulb on the block, but he has more tact than this Charlatan coming in.
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