Brian Ferentz

Man, some of you argue just to argue.

The "one" in the x-x-1 record doesn't mean anything...neither a win or a loss.

So, if KF loses two more in a row, he's at 6-7. And that would put him exactly 'even' with HF (6-7-1). EXACTLY.
While you are technically correct, the BCS has changed things. While it used to be that the Big 10 champ played the Pac 10 champ every year, that typically is no longer the case. Kirk would have made the Rose Bowl in his career but was directed to another game due to BCS considerations. Who can forget the scene in 2002 at Minnesota with Brad Banks carrying around a rose after the win? And then, the BCS told them they had to play at the Orange Bowl.

Iowa fans know this. The Orange bowl got to pick first and took Iowa so they didn't play in the Rose. Anybody who actually follows Iowa football knows this. People who say that on here are either extremely challenged mentally or most likely trolling. If you feed the trolls they just post more.
Man, some of you argue just to argue.

The "one" in the x-x-1 record doesn't mean anything...neither a win or a loss.

So, if KF loses two more in a row, he's at 6-7. And that would put him exactly 'even' with HF (6-7-1). EXACTLY.

Maybe I like to argue, or maybe I don't like people messing up simple math, or maybe just a little bit of both. Either way when someone says 2 + 2 = 5, I will always "argue" with them, unless it is my 6 month old, and then I will be impressed that he even knows what 2 and 5 are.
Man, some of you argue just to argue.

The "one" in the x-x-1 record doesn't mean anything...neither a win or a loss.

So, if KF loses two more in a row, he's at 6-7. And that would put him exactly 'even' with HF (6-7-1). EXACTLY.

tell that to the hundred bucks i lost on usa mnt on sunday.
Man, some of you argue just to argue.

The "one" in the x-x-1 record doesn't mean anything...neither a win or a loss.

So, if KF loses two more in a row, he's at 6-7. And that would put him exactly 'even' with HF (6-7-1). EXACTLY.

I really can't day that it would put them exactly even. KF would have won 6 games in 13 tries while HF would have had 6 wins in 14 tries. Ties do factor in. The Hawks had a chance to win the game but didn't.

So, not quite exactly. Exactly.
The name Ferentz = medicority until proven otherwise. Iowa is a whopping 12-13 since Saint Brian joined the staff, and Iowa hasn't even sniffed a Big Ten title for 5 years now, and hasn't actually won one for 10. Let's not get carried away here.

You should substitute "Iowa football" for Ferentz. Ferentz has been what Iowa football historically is: kinda average.
Judging by the negative and sarcastic tenor of most of your posts, you are unhappy with reality.
Couldn't disagree more, barring a major scandal I think this is setting up exactly for BF to take over. i believe KF is 57, look for BF to get that HC in waiting status in about 3-5 years. KF will walk away probably when he is 63 or 64 years old.

That will absolutely NOT happen ... No way, no how ... Let's disect your scenario ... Brian becomes head coach in 3-5 years ... So, are you saying either Davis or Parker step down as coordinators and then Brian takes over as D coordinator? Or O coordinator? Neither Davis nor Parker are leaving Iowa until Kirk leaves Iowa ... So, assuming Brian will not be an O or D coordinator at Iowa in those 3-5 years you are projecting when the job opens up that Brian makes the leap from OLine coach to running the whole show? That is absolutely not going to happen ... Based on what? Don't get me wrong, I like Brian and SOMEDAY I think he will make a great head coach ... but not in 3-5 years at Iowa ...

I am perplexed at why people think he will be the next head coach at Iowa because that will not happen ... The AD is not going to name Brian as head coach when he has never been a head coach or a coordinator ... Simply won't happen ...
I agree he wont go from OL Coach to head coach. But what makes you so sure Davis wont move on in a couple years ? Im just asking
That will absolutely NOT happen ... No way, no how ... Let's disect your scenario ... Brian becomes head coach in 3-5 years ... So, are you saying either Davis or Parker step down as coordinators and then Brian takes over as D coordinator? Or O coordinator? Neither Davis nor Parker are leaving Iowa until Kirk leaves Iowa ... So, assuming Brian will not be an O or D coordinator at Iowa in those 3-5 years you are projecting when the job opens up that Brian makes the leap from OLine coach to running the whole show? That is absolutely not going to happen ... Based on what? Don't get me wrong, I like Brian and SOMEDAY I think he will make a great head coach ... but not in 3-5 years at Iowa ...

I am perplexed at why people think he will be the next head coach at Iowa because that will not happen ... The AD is not going to name Brian as head coach when he has never been a head coach or a coordinator ... Simply won't happen ...
That will absolutely NOT happen ... No way, no how ... Let's disect your scenario ... Brian becomes head coach in 3-5 years ... So, are you saying either Davis or Parker step down as coordinators and then Brian takes over as D coordinator? Or O coordinator? Neither Davis nor Parker are leaving Iowa until Kirk leaves Iowa ... So, assuming Brian will not be an O or D coordinator at Iowa in those 3-5 years you are projecting when the job opens up that Brian makes the leap from OLine coach to running the whole show? That is absolutely not going to happen ... Based on what? Don't get me wrong, I like Brian and SOMEDAY I think he will make a great head coach ... but not in 3-5 years at Iowa ...

I am perplexed at why people think he will be the next head coach at Iowa because that will not happen ... The AD is not going to name Brian as head coach when he has never been a head coach or a coordinator ... Simply won't happen ...

KF has a deal thru 2020...another 7 years. Now, maybe Brian will be offered a coordinator job or head job at a smaller school, but I have doubts. I think that Greg Davis will retire after another 2-3 years on the job, opening the o-coordinators job for Brian, who can do it for 3-4 years, and be prepared to step in for KF. Iowa loves the stability and success of the Ferentz era....and hiring a new coach is always a crapshoot....nothing like having a candidate groomed in-house to reduce risk of turnover and disruption.
Since this turned into a Hayden Fry vs KF..... Hayden Fry is a Legend for reasons that transcend statistics. Unless something miraculously changes for KF.. his legacy will be all but forgotten after he leaves

Yes, because Iowa football has such a rich history of greatness that KF's tenure will simply be lost in the shuffle. Are you ******* serious, Clark?
That will absolutely NOT happen ... No way, no how ... Let's disect your scenario ... Brian becomes head coach in 3-5 years ... So, are you saying either Davis or Parker step down as coordinators and then Brian takes over as D coordinator? Or O coordinator? Neither Davis nor Parker are leaving Iowa until Kirk leaves Iowa ... So, assuming Brian will not be an O or D coordinator at Iowa in those 3-5 years you are projecting when the job opens up that Brian makes the leap from OLine coach to running the whole show? That is absolutely not going to happen ... Based on what? Don't get me wrong, I like Brian and SOMEDAY I think he will make a great head coach ... but not in 3-5 years at Iowa ...

I am perplexed at why people think he will be the next head coach at Iowa because that will not happen ... The AD is not going to name Brian as head coach when he has never been a head coach or a coordinator ... Simply won't happen ...

Read JHHawk's post. Then you will realize it is plausible and could very well happen.
There have been a few major conference programs as of late taking a bit of a risk by hiring head coaches with no head coaching experience and coming directly from the OC or DC position but I've not heard of a single example of one being promoted from only position coach level experience to a head coach at a major conference level.

Regardless of his roots or his success with the program he will need more than position coach level experience on his resume.
There have been a few major conference programs as of late taking a bit of a risk by hiring head coaches with no head coaching experience and coming directly from the OC or DC position but I've not heard of a single example of one being promoted from only position coach level experience to a head coach at a major conference level.

Regardless of his roots or his success with the program he will need more than position coach level experience on his resume.

Art Briles of Baylor was a high school coach before they hired him. Bret Bielema was never a head coach when Wisky hired him. Pat Fitz was never even a coordinator when NW hired him as a head coach. Bill OBrien was never a head coach when PSU hired him. Bo Pelini was d- coordinator when Neb hired him. The IU coach was nevcer a head coach when they hired him. Brian Ferentz would not get the job unless he has been a coordinator, but I think he will get that job eventually.
Art Briles of Baylor was a high school coach before they hired him. Bret Bielema was never a head coach when Wisky hired him. Pat Fitz was never even a coordinator when NW hired him as a head coach. Bill OBrien was never a head coach when PSU hired him. Bo Pelini was d- coordinator when Neb hired him. The IU coach was nevcer a head coach when they hired him. Brian Ferentz would not get the job unless he has been a coordinator, but I think he will get that job eventually.

So it looks like Briles (came out of the high school ranks to become head coach at U of Houston then eventually Baylor) and Fitzgerald were appointed w/o even OC or DC level history. All others you mention at least had OC or DC level history on their resumes. I do understand that there are a number that have entered the game w/o head coaching experience as I recognized in my post but wasn't aware of Briles or Fitzgerald not having at least OC or DC experience on their resumes.
Art Briles of Baylor was a high school coach before they hired him. Bret Bielema was never a head coach when Wisky hired him. Pat Fitz was never even a coordinator when NW hired him as a head coach. Bill OBrien was never a head coach when PSU hired him. Bo Pelini was d- coordinator when Neb hired him. The IU coach was nevcer a head coach when they hired him. Brian Ferentz would not get the job unless he has been a coordinator, but I think he will get that job eventually.

Kevin Wilson

Also, John Haurbagh had only been a special teams coach when the Ravens hired him. Tomlin/Cowher only had 1 year experience as DC(s) before the Steelers hired them. I also agree within the next 2-3 years BF will be the OC. It is plausible by 2021 BF could very well be the HC, I don't know why people think it could never happen.

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