Brian Ferentz

And what evidence is there that says he wouldn't be? We aren't getting a superstar up and comer or a proven great coach as a successor.

You might want quit being such an antogonist. You know damn well that there is no evidence BF would or would not be the best candidate (or even a candidte at all) at some point in the future. Further, HawkeyeMHA didn't even broach the subject of who would be the candidates; let alone whether superstar up and coming or a proven great coach would be KF's successor. You threw that hyperbole in to rant against a comment. If you disagree with HawkeyeMHA's comment, at least provide a well constructed and reasoned reply to back up how you feel and why you feel that way. For example, if you do feel BF would be the best candidate to replace KF, you could have said something like: "BF will have had x number of years at Iowa as a position coach (and perhaps) as a coordinator. BF is an alum and we know he bleeds black and gold. BF will have had x number of years as a coach to build his recruiting relationships. BF has made comments in the past that could lead a person to believe that his coaching philosophy (on offense) would be more wide open than KF's, so it doesn't appear that BF would be as conservative as KF; which some fans hold against KF."

You see, it's pretty simple.

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