Brian Ferentz

The name Ferentz = medicority until proven otherwise. Iowa is a whopping 12-13 since Saint Brian joined the staff, and Iowa hasn't even sniffed a Big Ten title for 5 years now, and hasn't actually won one for 10. Let's not get carried away here.

If you haven't noticed the breath of fresh air he's brought to the program it may be you who has a problem and not the rest of us. Your use of "Saint Brian" was a dead give away to your eyes being wide shut...
You guys are nuts. Brian Ferentz will pay his dues as OC and head coach somewhere else. I doubt the next Iowa head coach will come from "in house" unless KF suddenly gets sick or something.
True Hayden didn't have the facilities that KF has and I'm sure it impacted preparation. He also never won the big one. To say that the quality of teams that KF has faced is less than HF is ridiculous. The SEC has been the dominate conference winning 6 of 7 of the last NC or whatever. Iowa has played several SEC teams over the past 10 years...and KF's teams are evenly matched physically and have won their fare share...including a BCS win over a team that had been unstoppable on offense. GT had punted 5 times in their previous 10 games or something like that, and they punted 5 times in the first half against Iowa. KF has his teams ready to play and his bowl prep is without question a strength of his staff. I don't think those UCLA teams we faced were world beaters...we just wet the bed when we got to Pasadena.

I still think what HF had to do was more difficult. Changing a culture, a mindset is much harder than restocking the cupboards with talent. Taking nothing away from KF and everything he has done, but HF is the reason why we have expectations.
You guys are nuts. Brian Ferentz will pay his dues as OC and head coach somewhere else. I doubt the next Iowa head coach will come from "in house" unless KF suddenly gets sick or something.

Couldn't disagree more, barring a major scandal I think this is setting up exactly for BF to take over. i believe KF is 57, look for BF to get that HC in waiting status in about 3-5 years. KF will walk away probably when he is 63 or 64 years old.
Same amount of wins in3 less games. Math is hard.
You guys are pretty stupid. First off, you need to wait to see if Kirk loses either of his next 2 (assuming he even makes another one). Then you would need to compare the relative difficulty of the games (Hayden playing the Pac 10 champion 3 times in the Rose Bowl, for example, while Kirk has failed to qualify even once for that illustrious game). It's fairly pathetic that I have to walk you through basic concepts like this, but I don't mind. It's how people learn. You might want to start taking notes at this point.
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Ummmm its called math.
Ummmmm... he could still lose his next 2 and end up with EXACTLY the same record, you idiot. Logic and statistical probability sure are difficult concepts, aren't they? You do realize that Kirk hasn't won a bowl game in 4 years, right genius?
Doesn't Brian first need to prove himself as a coordinator? As a head coach at a smaller school? Big difference between being a line coach and running the whole show. Someday he will make good head coach ...but his FIRST head coaching job won't be at Iowa.
Ummmmm... he could still lose his next 2 and end up with EXACTLY the same record, you idiot. Logic and statistical probability sure are difficult concepts, aren't they? You do realize that Kirk hasn't won a bowl game in 4 years, right genius?

Ummmmmm, it is still math, and I can't help you if you don't understand that 6-5 > 6-7-1, only an idiot doesn't understand this. Oh, and BTW here is the bowl records, one is obviously more impressive with both facing stiffer competition and also beating quality opponents.

Unranked Tenn.
#19 Texas
Unranked San Diego St.
Unranked Wyoming
#20 Washington
Unranked Texas Tech

#12 Washington
#13 UCLA
#11 Florida
Unranked NC State
#8 Washington
Unranked BYU (TIE)
Unranked Cal
#16 ASU

Unranked Texas Tech
#17 Florida
#12 LSU
unranked South Carolina
#9 Georgia Tech
#12 Missouri

#5 USC
#16 Florida
#18 Texas
#19 Oklahoma
#16 LSU
I have always thought BF might be a great HC...I'd say give Davis another year or two...have him ride off into the sunset...bring BF into the OC seat/head coach in waiting...then boom...few more years, KF rides off and BF picks up the reins. Iowa will experience little drop off or rebuild...which is the goal.

Iowa is a lot more likely to hire a failure (aka Burns, Nagel, Lauterbur, Commings) than the next Urban Meyer. Iowa's goal should be to just not experience a Todd Lickliter moment, find someone to keep us competitive and in the hunt (which I feel BF would do).
On the face of it, sure, 6-5 is numerically a better percentage than 6-7-1, but for comparison sake it's irrelevant.

You can't accurately use pure numbers to judge a coach's bowl acumen fairly until each coach has the same # of bowl appearances. Or at the least, you ask "who was better at 10 bowls, etc."

But even that doesn't factor perceived quality of opponent into things.

If you still support the notion that a 6-5 bowl coach is "better" than a 6-7-1 bowl coach, then you're saying a coach who may be, say, 2-0 in bowl games, is a better bowl coach than HF @ 6-7-1.

Uh huh.
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Ummmmmm, it is still math, and I can't help you if you don't understand that 6-5 > 6-7-1, only an idiot doesn't understand this. Oh, and BTW here is the bowl records, one is obviously more impressive with both facing stiffer competition and also beating quality opponents.

Unranked Tenn.
#19 Texas
Unranked San Diego St.
Unranked Wyoming
#20 Washington
Unranked Texas Tech

#12 Washington
#13 UCLA
#11 Florida
Unranked NC State
#8 Washington
Unranked BYU (TIE)
Unranked Cal
#16 ASU

Unranked Texas Tech
#17 Florida
#12 LSU
unranked South Carolina
#9 Georgia Tech
#12 Missouri

#5 USC
#16 Florida
#18 Texas
#19 Oklahoma
#16 LSU

Sorry, but this is only half the story and is misleading.

I did my own "math"

HF's fourteen bowl opponents were a combined 110-40-6. That's a 73% winning rate.
KF's eleven bowl opponents, thus far, stand at 97-33, a 74.6% winning rate.

And forget about rankings. Rankings are bogus. Some fictitious number pulled out of the air by sports-writers, coaches and computers. Parochial thinking all around. Great for debate, absolutely worthless for comparing strength of schedule.

So, no, the "edge" isn't quite that clear to me.
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Doesn't Brian first need to prove himself as a coordinator? As a head coach at a smaller school? Big difference between being a line coach and running the whole show. Someday he will make good head coach ...but his FIRST head coaching job won't be at Iowa.

Meh, by time KF steps down you will know exactly what you have in BF. More than likely he would have been a coordinator and he won't need time at Kent St. to prove he is worthy of being the next Iowa HC.
A football coach is supposed to be reserved. Running your mouth doesn't give you a competitive edge, so why do it? To make fans happy? Maybe a guy like Paul Rhoades has to be a troll to placate his fans since he can't coach, but Iowa coaches shouldn't need to do that.

Whoa! Taking what I said and turning it into me wanting a coach who runs his mouth is quite the stretch. There's a big difference between speaking your mind and running your mouth. You can speak your mind in a thoughtful and respectful manner. Basically all I meant was Brian doesn't hesitate to elaborate on his feelings about something. Kirk, on the other hand, tends to just keep everything in. There's nothing wrong with that either.
Sorry, but this is only half the story and is misleading.

I did my own "math"

HF's fourteen bowl opponents were a combined 110-40-6. That's a 73% winning rate.
KF's eleven bowl opponents, thus far, stand at 97-33, a 74.6% winning rate.

And forget about rankings. Rankings are bogus. Some fictitious number pulled out of the air by sports-writers, coaches and computers. Parochial thinking all around. Great for debate, absolutely worthless for comparing strength of schedule.

So, no, the "edge" isn't quite that clear to me.
So if rankings and winning percentage don't matter them what about your opponents conference affiliation? Or how about how much better CFB is as a whole than it was in 80's and 90's. Sure they haven't coached in the same number of bowl games but if you're going to use that Asa comparison then you'll have a hard time comparing any coaches.
Since this turned into a Hayden Fry vs KF..... Hayden Fry is a Legend for reasons that transcend statistics. Unless something miraculously changes for KF.. his legacy will be all but forgotten after he leaves
Sorry, but this is only half the story and is misleading.

I did my own "math"

HF's fourteen bowl opponents were a combined 110-40-6. That's a 73% winning rate.
KF's eleven bowl opponents, thus far, stand at 97-33, a 74.6% winning rate.

And forget about rankings. Rankings are bogus. Some fictitious number pulled out of the air by sports-writers, coaches and computers. Parochial thinking all around. Great for debate, absolutely worthless for comparing strength of schedule.

So, no, the "edge" isn't quite that clear to me.

I never said KF was hands down way better than Hayden in bowl games. I think the facts I posted show pretty reasonably that KF has had SLIGHTLY better success at bowls, and against a better quality competition. You can poo poo rankings all you want, but there was a reason that Wyoming, SDSU, NC State, BYU, and Cal were all unranked when Hayden played them. KF has faced very formidably competition every single bowl games sans 2 games.
Since this turned into a Hayden Fry vs KF..... Hayden Fry is a Legend for reasons that transcend statistics. Unless something miraculously changes for KF.. his legacy will be all but forgotten after he leaves
I'm sure that his 20 yr tenure will all but be forgotten. Do you guys pay attention to some of these programs that go through coaching changes (usually because the university thinks they can do better). Rarely does a coach take over, and the team just gets that much better. Most teams struggle for a while to get to where they were. Unless they were awful before the coaching change. our 7-10 win /yr average coach may not be as easily replaced as we think. The wrong new coach could try to change the program image for "the better". If Iowa isn't a hard working, blue collar program for the guys with a chip on there shoulder, then what are we.........A B1G school in the middle of a corn field with nothing to do but drink and get harassed by the ICPD. We will need someone exactly like Brian to keep the image and tradition going.
Since this turned into a Hayden Fry vs KF..... Hayden Fry is a Legend for reasons that transcend statistics. Unless something miraculously changes for KF.. his legacy will be all but forgotten after he leaves

Fry is a legend, and rightfully so. Fry brought this program out of the dark ages, and allowed KF to then go on and accomplish what he has.

Not sure why you think KF will be forgotten when he leaves, he has made his own legacy here as well.
Ummmmm... he could still lose his next 2 and end up with EXACTLY the same record, you idiot. Logic and statistical probability sure are difficult concepts, aren't they? You do realize that Kirk hasn't won a bowl game in 4 years, right genius?

You're kind of sensitive there. Your third grade name calling also helps you make your "point". You really told Dean.

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