Brian Ferentz bolting to coach with O'brien for Houston Texans?

Some people are saying this isn't a done deal yet. Sounds like he can either go to Houston or he might be given a plan at Iowa laying out his future there.

I hope he stays but certainly understand wanting to take an opportunity. I really like his energy and what he has brought to our program. He is a tough minded individual who is not afraid to speak his mind. Losing him is a loss.
Brilliant. Just because you says so, I now trust your opinion over a 16 year college football coach who is known for developing NFL OL, and one of the hottest coaching commodities out there in BOB. You are probably the top internet coaching evaluator in all of the world wide interwebs.

Did that come off sarcastic enough, or should I edit it for more effect?

By all means, include date to show your brilliance. You would have passed on a BF for "hundreds of others that were more qualified", and passed on the guy who showed in just a couple years that he is NFL quality.....not just college quality, but NFL quality.

It is just comical to me when freaking internet posters think they know more about coaching than guys that have eat, drank, and slept football for a lifetime. KF fully understands what it takes to be a good coach, and he KNEW that Brian was gonna be good one. KF proved to be right, you proved to be wrong.

Kirk knew this b/c he is his son--at least prior to his hire at Iowa. Not a lot of objective evidence to prove that he would have been better than someone like AJ Blazek, former Hawkeye center who won a national award while coaching the OL at Winona St. Prior to BF coming to Iowa. Nepotism is all around this game. Lane Kiffin ring a bell?
He'd be a fool not to take the job. If he wants to be a head coach someday this is the type of experience that can seriously bolster his resume. It wouldn't be the end of the world for Iowa if he leaves. Hire AJ Blazek and move on.
I think they are implying that if he sticks around at Iowa he will be bumped up to OC within "x" years. Whatever that is.

I figured. What I don't get is why not now? It isn't like GD is the long term answer at OC, never was. It seems the plan was always to bridge from GD to Brian, the sooner the better. Find out if it is gonna work, or not, why delay the inevitable?

If anything hopefully the offer from BOB moves up the timeline for this, and it happens now or next year at the latest.
KF would catch a lot of crap offering a raise to keep him too. All of this was a ploy to get his son a better salary right? The guy can coach and recruit. Hope he stays. Nothing says he can't go get more experience under another talented coach, and then c one back to iowa as OC and head coach to be. They can get a new OL coach entrenched now, whom will one day work for BF.
Some people are saying this isn't a done deal yet. Sounds like he can either go to Houston or he might be given a plan at Iowa laying out his future there.

I'd rather lose GD and keep BF. One of the best looking and successful O-fensive sets was the three TE set. I'm pretty sure GD or KF didn't push to use that?
It's a loss if true but seems to me that Brian's offensive ideas and what he wants to do doesn't exactly jive with KF's vision. KF is who he is, he isn't going to all the sudden start running something completely different from what we've seen for the past 15 years. If anything, he's gotten more conservative as time has gone on.

Please share with the forum Brian's offensive Ideas..and be specific. BTW did he tell you what his ideas are?
I'd rather lose GD and keep BF. One of the best looking and successful O-fensive sets was the three TE set. I'm pretty sure GD or KF didn't push to use that?

Do you think this was the first time Iowa used a lot of 3 TE sets under ferentz?
Do you think this was the first time Iowa used a lot of 3 TE sets under ferentz?

no kidding. In addition...I love it when people make statements like Brian Ferentz came up with the 3 TE set idea. How the hell would you know in less you were in the planning meeting? It's like the statement that Brian was the reason for changes on offense. I'm sure he has input, but GD ran tempo offense at could be he wanted to do that here. Hmmm...Brian must have influenced him to remember he did that at Texas. We didn't run tempo two years ago because we didn't have the personnel and we were afraid of putting our defense on the field faster. This past year, we had confidence we could do it successfully and we weren't afraid of putting our defense on the field faster.
Meh. Not really impressed with his recruiting and the OL underwhelmed at times this year. I think there are hundreds of candidates at least as qualified as BF. Do u really think dad had no part to play in his hiring?

Meh. Not really impressed with his recruiting and the OL underwhelmed at times this year. I think there are hundreds of candidates at least as qualified as BF. Do u really think dad had no part to play in his hiring?

Do you think a center, one of the most intelligent positions on the offense, that played and coached in the NFL was too stupid to coach at Iowa? Also before you answer, remind you the rumor going around that he might be the next NFL Texans OLine coach.

He was doing his Dad a favor, not the other way around. Idiot.
He'd be a fool not to take the job. If he wants to be a head coach someday this is the type of experience that can seriously bolster his resume. It wouldn't be the end of the world for Iowa if he leaves. Hire AJ Blazek and move on.
Pretty much this. Kirk would probably tell him the same thing. Also, I'm not sure why some people think he is currently qualified to become our new and improved OC.
Is Jimmy Sexton Brian's agent too? Seems like he learned some tips from his old man and is looking for a little pay bump.
Because Phil Parker never made any changes. We now run tempo on offense occasionally and our offensive play count was way up over previous years. Hmmm...seems some changes have been made to me. Nice post.

2 cynical cents. More plays were, in part due to the higher tempo, however more plays were due to pretty good execution (fewer penalties) and the fact that it so often took 3 plays (or 4) to get a first down and many plays to score. In short, lack of explosive offense.

Slow grind...

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