Brian Ferentz bolting to coach with O'brien for Houston Texans?

If his last name wasn't Ferentz, most fans probably wouldn't care.

I am as big a fan of Kirk as anyone, and respect Brian....a lot of people on this board are hoping Brian will take over for Kirk...I believe that would be a mistake. If he wants to be a head coach someday, he needs to go out and build up his resume, and not get the job because of who his daddy is.

If he really is leaving, I wish him the best.

He didn't get a job because of who his daddy was but I do agree with you about him needing to get out and experience some other coaching techniques.

I also don't feel like this would be some gigantic loss for the Iowa coaching staff. I don't know if it's because he's young and energetic but I don't get why people consider him a great recruiter. Our recruiting class is ok but nothing special in terms of the rest of the Ferentz era
Never said he was no good. I have no idea what his role was with the Pats. Do you? He wasn't a position coach and didn't coordinate. So maybe a scout? If so, prior to being hired as Iowas OL coach , his resume included playing college football and scouting for a NFL team. I stand by my statement that Iowa can find hundreds of better qualified candidates.

Brilliant. Just because you says so, I now trust your opinion over a 16 year college football coach who is known for developing NFL OL, and one of the hottest coaching commodities out there in BOB. You are probably the top internet coaching evaluator in all of the world wide interwebs.

Did that come off sarcastic enough, or should I edit it for more effect?
Never said he was no good. I have no idea what his role was with the Pats. Do you? He wasn't a position coach and didn't coordinate. So maybe a scout? If so, prior to being hired as Iowas OL coach , his resume included playing college football and scouting for a NFL team. I stand by my statement that Iowa can find hundreds of better qualified candidates.

he was the TE coach at NE. honestly how did you not know that? also, to the bolded part, hyperbole much!
Brilliant. Just because you says so, I now trust your opinion over a 16 year college football coach who is known for developing NFL OL, and one of the hottest coaching commodities out there in BOB. You are probably the top internet coaching evaluator in all of the world wide interwebs.

Did that come off sarcastic enough, or should I edit it for more effect?

Quitting Iowa to coach in the NFL is a good resume builder. I am referring to the time when he was hired at Iowa. I could edit to include dates if reading words is hard for you.
I thought BF coming back to Iowa was part of a plan.....the exact plan i am not sure. Not really sure what I think now.
I belive he was much more involved in 3.0 than just being OL Coach. They would never admitt it but I think he was not just another position coach on this staff. We dont really know he is leaving yet do we ?
Brilliant. Just because you says so, I now trust your opinion over a 16 year college football coach who is known for developing NFL OL, and one of the hottest coaching commodities out there in BOB. You are probably the top internet coaching evaluator in all of the world wide interwebs.

Did that come off sarcastic enough, or should I edit it for more effect?

he was the TE coach at NE. honestly how did you not know that? also, to the bolded part, hyperbole much!

For one year he coached the TEs. He scouted 3 years. What is so hard to understand about the fact that when hired at Iowa he did not have much on his resume?
Never said he was no good. I have no idea what his role was with the Pats. Do you? He wasn't a position coach and didn't coordinate. So maybe a scout? If so, prior to being hired as Iowas OL coach , his resume included playing college football and scouting for a NFL team. I stand by my statement that Iowa can find hundreds of better qualified candidates.

Guess you weren't paying attention. Brian was TE coach his last year at New England. He worked his way up the ladder there. Of course, I am sure Bill B promoted him only because he was Kirk's son :)
Quitting Iowa to coach in the NFL is a good resume builder. I am referring to the time when he was hired at Iowa. I could edit to include dates if reading words is hard for you.

By all means, include date to show your brilliance. You would have passed on a BF for "hundreds of others that were more qualified", and passed on the guy who showed in just a couple years that he is NFL quality.....not just college quality, but NFL quality.

It is just comical to me when freaking internet posters think they know more about coaching than guys that have eat, drank, and slept football for a lifetime. KF fully understands what it takes to be a good coach, and he KNEW that Brian was gonna be good one. KF proved to be right, you proved to be wrong.
Dear Kirby,

It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Never said he was no good. I have no idea what his role was with the Pats. Do you? He wasn't a position coach and didn't coordinate. So maybe a scout? If so, prior to being hired as Iowas OL coach , his resume included playing college football and scouting for a NFL team. I stand by my statement that Iowa can find hundreds of better qualified candidates.

He was tight end coach. Maybe you should do research before you randomly badmouth people.
Some people are saying this isn't a done deal yet. Sounds like he can either go to Houston or he might be given a plan at Iowa laying out his future there.
Some people are saying this isn't a done deal yet. Sounds like he can either go to Houston or he might be given a plan at Iowa laying out his future there.

So sign another 10 year contract that kicks in when KF is gone, and has Brian as the HC? Is that what you are claiming? ;)

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