Brett Bielema

Not exactly true. Oklahoma offered Stoops but had to have an answer right away. Stoops told Iowa he needed to know now if he was being offered or not, and Ferentz hadn't been interviewed yet. Bowlsby said he had promised Ferentz and interview and had to stand by his word, so Stoops called Oklahoma and took the job.

Just a serious, serious failure there...
Bielema was an Alvarez hand puppet who actually started to believe that he was responsible for Wisconsin's success. Watch him fail at Arkansas. We don't want him in Iowa City.

Um not quite. Bielema already has that dumpster fire at Arkansas heading in the right direction. Theyre averaging 360 yards rushing per game against Auburn, Nichols St and Texas Tech. Iowa might have their total rushing yards through 3 games by 2017.
I'd have to think on Bielema. Something tells me he may have a couple of screws loose.

You don't think Hayden did? How bout Bill Snyder? Les Miles? You have to be at least a little crazy to base your (substantial) livelihood on 18 - 22 year olds in a game where the best around only win 75% of the time and a loss has thousands of angry fans with pitchforks ready to publicly scrutinize and lambast your every move with more hatred than a Roman lynch mob at a crucifixion.
Beliema would be and has been in my mind as a first pick. Lots of people don't like him but he's a tremendous recruiter and wins. He reminds me of Alvarez in a lot of respects........he's his own man, carries the swagger, not afraid to step on toes (the part many don't like). Actually I think you could make a case for him as AD, if not now then later after head coaching. Would agree with Deace on the points he makes about Barta in that he should be replaced.

I'd also be keeping an eye on Dave Doeren who I have mentioned before on this board. Midwest boy, Drake player/grad, assistant positions at Wisconsin (and others), put Northern Illinois football on the map as head coach, now in his 2nd year at the helm at NC State. Off to a 3-0 start in 2014. Still too early to predict how he might do in is biggest assignment yet but he's on his way. .......again. He should be on our radar.

Both Midwest guys who might welcome a return closer to their homeland and families.
if we complain about the way Rhoads acts then how could we look at ourselves in the mirror and say "yeah, I like his fire". I've always thought he was a D-bag personally and that $EC "swagger" would get Iowa on probation within a few years.
I seriously think Bob Stoops would come here if offered. He's taken some heat because Oklahoma expects top 5 finishes about every season and you know he loves Iowa. He's even said before he wishes he would have handled that Bowlsby interview better. He's got a lot of respect for Iowa and understands what it takes to win here because he was here. I think Bielema is a jerk and wouldn't win people over even if he won. Hell people bang on Fran for being fiery and outspoken but Bielema (and his wife) are idiots. You don't want that kind of PR here in your coach I don't think.

The problem with Stoops is he'd cost about as much as Ferentz so you can't buy him out and expect Stoops to be hired. Iowa would have to wait a bit and let the buyout come down and see where Stoops was sitting at career wise. I have friends who are Oklahoma fans who have talked about firing him. The nickname "Big Game Bob" isn't a kind one.

I really think he's flourish in Iowa City. The pressure to win isn't like it is in Oklahoma and he's bring in some damn good recruits and a winning teams.
I seriously think Bob Stoops would come here if offered. He's taken some heat because Oklahoma expects top 5 finishes about every season and you know he loves Iowa. He's even said before he wishes he would have handled that Bowlsby interview better. He's got a lot of respect for Iowa and understands what it takes to win here because he was here. I think Bielema is a jerk and wouldn't win people over even if he won. Hell people bang on Fran for being fiery and outspoken but Bielema (and his wife) are idiots. You don't want that kind of PR here in your coach I don't think.

The problem with Stoops is he'd cost about as much as Ferentz so you can't buy him out and expect Stoops to be hired. Iowa would have to wait a bit and let the buyout come down and see where Stoops was sitting at career wise. I have friends who are Oklahoma fans who have talked about firing him. The nickname "Big Game Bob" isn't a kind one.

I really think he's flourish in Iowa City. The pressure to win isn't like it is in Oklahoma and he's bring in some damn good recruits and a winning teams.

No way Stoops leaves Oklahoma for way.
No way Stoops leaves Oklahoma for way.
24 of his 39 career losses are conference losses. The fans there expect conference titles and I don't think he's won one outright since 2007. I'm not saying it's going to happen but the fans in Norman are really fickle when it comes to football.

He started out as a Hawk and would be worshiped here. Maybe he would think about coming back to where his coaching career began if things worked out.
Whenever the day comes that Iowa is in the market for a new football coach, which I think is within 5 years max, I don't have a great deal of faith in the University of Iowa hiring machine to make a good call. Some schools say they are committed to things and they are. Some say they are committed to things and then don't act like it...they'll cash the checks from the amazingly loyal Iowa fans, build nice and new shiny things they have to build to stay competitive and all, and pay their head coach tons of money in one of the worst contracts ever put together in collegiate athletics (from the school side of things). Then they'll try to go out and hire coordinators in the lower spectrum of the pay scale among power five conferences. Phil Parker is doing fine. Greg Davis is not money well spent.

I think Kirk Ferentz has been worth most of the money he has been paid...only now am I at the point of wondering if the axis' are crossing a bit...but he is a big part of why the program actually is on very good footing facilities wise...but so are the fans, and now mostly we can thank the B1G TV money for that, too.

I think Gary Barta is excellent at fund raising.

I am not a big Sally Mason fan, which puts it mildly. I'd be fine if she had moved on down the road by the time Iowa hires its next football coach. Losing Skorton flat sucked. Politics.

So yes, if Kirk were to resign in the next year or two, Bret Bielema is my first phone call. Strike that...Bob Stoops is my first phone call (he is 54 now) but I just don't see him leaving Oklahoma. Then call Bielema and I think he would take the job. But I have big time doubts if Iowa's administration would do that...because Iowa just does things their way and I am not a fan of it.

None of this is to say there aren't people there that I like...there are several there that I like. But I am just not a Mason fan, I am not a fan of the culture of nobody ever loses their job, even sexual deviants, they just reassigned or rehired later on down the line....this convo will drift off into the political realm if I continue any further, so I will stop.
I don't think Bielema would do as well here as he did in Wisconsin, but I'd take him. He knows how to win in this conference, and makes the tough decisions to do so. He fired an OL coach, like what, two games into the season because he wasn't performing up to par. You think Kirk would ever consider such a thing? No. Biels has that brashness about him, a little like Hayden, and you won't see him selling his own program short like Kirk does constantly. I think we'd at least get back to "I hope we didn't hurt any of your boys" when we played against lesser teams.
Quite some time ago, I said Mark Stoops may be a good replacement. I would like to see how his first job as head man goes at Kentucky first. He has ties to the state of Florida as well as Ohio. Bob Stoops would be great as well. I also think Brett Bielema would be a terrific hire. He knows the BIG TEN and has done very well coaching in it. With the facilities Iowa now has, there is no reason they couldn't hire a very good coach to take over.

What do you mean " first job as a head man " . He was the head coach at the University of Arizona , until he was relieved of his duties for doing such a poor job. Get your facts straight !
Good points, Jon. I'm fine with Iwa making the first call to Biels. With Ferentz out of the picture at that point, however, I just wonder whose recruits BB would try to poach?
Screw that. I'll take Mark Farley or that dude from North Dakota St.
Farley has never been up for D-1 jobs for a reason. I think he knows he's a fit for Northern Iowa and doesn't want to become the next Terry Allen. I've never heard of him even looking around and he's had more success then Terry Allen did at Northern Iowa.
Iowa may pay its coaches big bucks but I don't think they will do it out of the gate. Barta would hire a coach from the mac conference and take his chances. I don't think he has the b***s to walk with the big boys.

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