Bowl Game.

We certainly don't live in a free market system. Our financial problems are where we don't let markets work.
Some of you need perspective, but sadly most have none.
How about this for perspective? Most of the people on this board will spend their entire lives working their *** off and will never see the $3.8 million Kirk Ferentz receives in a year. $3.8 million to put out a mediocre product and go to some bowl nobody cares about! Now tell me, does that seem fair to you?

Life isn't fair and the money argument is lame. Would anybody be less ****** if KF was making 1.5 mill? Do things need to change? Absolutely, but the money arguement is just dumb.
Don't you have a grotesque picture to post somewhere?

Own it.

"Go" to a bowl game? How about we start with who is going to "watch" the bowl game?

Oh! Mark my words, I will watch (at least part of it).

That's why they know me as a "true fan".

As for attendance. There's plenty of lemmings with rug-burned knees, money to burn and time to kill.
Oh! Mark my words, I will watch (at least part of it).

That's why they know me as a "true fan".

As for attendance. There's plenty of lemmings with rug-burned knees, money to burn and time to kill.

So will I what the hell else am I gonna do in December go outside and make a f***ing snowman!!!
Hey you guys...this has been a very successful season to many on this board...we get to go to a bowl game, even though about every team in the country gets to go a game anymore.

Gee next year we can all shoot for seven wins again...but hey, the coaches will tell us the team is young until we go to the bowl game. Course WHOSE fault is that the young players never get into games because we play not to lose (and of course do just that), so the scores are always close. Young players can't get in the game.

If we get a lead, put the brakes on and play not to lose...Give EVERY team we play a chance to beat us. And they are starting to do just that. This staff gets more umimpressive every game...

This was the easiest schedule we're had in a long long time. We didn't lose to good teams... We lost to awful teams. If our coaches did their jobs and prepared the team each week and came up with a gamelan to win.... We wouldn't have lost at least 2 of the games we lost. You want perspective? Look at the teams we lost to and our schedule and tell me 7 wins is an accomplishment.


PSU is not awful
Nebby is not awful
ISUx is not awful
MSUx is not awful

Minney is awful
Maybe you would prefer to live in China. Be my guest. Obviously if that is the best you can do for a reply then I'll assume that you are giving up on your weak argument.

The ole "love it or leave it" card huh? The last time I saw that used was in the 60's and 70's and it cost us 45,000 extra lifes in vietnam.

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