Black and gold blowout

You are deranged if you think JO was a bigger deal because of his offer list compared to Jok, the injury and the improper rehab scared schools away for Jok, do you know anything about the road Jok took to Iowa, seriously.

Add your little jab at Clemmons, I live in Michigan and Clemmons is from Michigan...get a clue. He saved Iowa in some games, others he didn't play well, but he was a freshman.

To your comment on Fran liking JO, I don't care, Fran isn't going to play players that aren't better than ones on the bench. Jok will be the best player Fran has recruited to can mark that down.

Jok was ranked higher than players like Jabari Parker before his injury. ESPN said Jok was a player that was going to have a bigger impact in college than Harrison Barnes after his freshman year, he gets hurt and that is the story of how Jok ended up at Iowa. If you don't like it, oh well, it is the truth.

Keep living in your dreamland and thinking Oglesby who has not proven any more than Jok at the college level is a far BIGGER recruit and is a better player.

JO will have a better year than Jok. Worry about your boy clemmons.
JO will have a better year than Jok. Worry about your boy clemmons.

I highly doubt it and what is there to worry about with Clemmons? Do you know anything about his HS career and the position he played and who and what kind of talent he played around?

Seriously, I want to see how smart you are.
I highly doubt it and what is there to worry about with Clemmons? Do you know anything about his HS career and the position he played and who and what kind of talent he played.

Seriously, I want to see how smart you are.

You will once JO shoots over 40% this year and gets more minutes than Jok.
It takes talent to troll the FB and the BB board at the same time. You don't have it.

I think both Jok and Oglesby will have good years. Clemmons is a player. Hopefully, Iowa will be deep and injury free this year. All three of them are gonna be good.
I don't know or care who was the better recruit but I think JO is a one-dimensional player who is a below average B1G athlete. If he can come off the bench and make a few big shots that would be great but ideally we would have someone in that role that could physically compete a more effectively. I share the skepticism expressed about Jok(or Uthoff0 walking in and being a big contributor this year. The more likely sources of improvement will be the continued development of Woodbury & Gessell, a more consistent Marble and return to shooting form by White.
The most impressive player I saw at the B&G Blowout was................Ally Disterhof (spelling?) That girl has got some game.

Not that she was better than the men, but I was familiar with them already. I've never seen her play before, but I predict a great future for her. She will play this year, significant minutes, too.
I have seen enough basketball players in the past 35 years to know a better stroke when I see one. Rick Williams was the first one I saw up close and personal. He was my JR high school gym teacher. There have been a few since. Jok has a better stroke, plain and simple. If JO can get his head straight, maybe he will get to play more. He doesn't hurt us on the defensive end. But Jok can do things that JO can't do on the offensive end. It should be interesting to see if he works harder on defense.
Oh, you know this?

Potential, the greatest buzzword for "failure in his career so far" in basketball.

To be honest, potential is all we have to go on with Jok right now. And to say that JO has not proven any more at the college level than Jok is a bit absurd.

Not saying that a shooting stroke is any indication of who will have a better year or better career, because I hope they both play well for Iowa. However, after watching several highlight videos of both Jok and Oglesby, I actually believe JO has the better looking stroke. JO gets better extension while Jok seems to push the ball out in front of his body a little. It's still a good stroke, just not technically as good as Oglesby in my opinion. That doesn't mean Jok can't or won't shoot a better percentage, because there are other things that go into it. But again, I am rooting for both here.
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No but you must be. Go look at the offers. I just posted them. Not even close. Make sure you know what you're talking about before you say anything.

You're the joke in this exchange. I guess AW shouldn't get any minutes based on offers. Do you even know what your argument is here because I sure don't get it...other than you clearly detest Jok or adore Ogelsby.
First of all, Jok does not have a better stroke. At all.
Second, Oglesby was significantly bigger recruit outta HS. WAY BIGGER. So don't ever refer to HS again

By the way...I did see both guys play in high school and Jok was better and had the better shot IMO. You may want to add that IMO to your rants...will get a little more latitude from those of us that actually know something about all of this. Jok's shot definitely looked like it would transition better to the college game IMO. Before you make another ridiculous comment go review my posts. I'm not a guy that bashes JO. Both guys have a place on this team.

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