Black and gold blowout

I noticed woody push Jok once during the game. For no reason at all other then to mess with him. You could tell he was completely joking around. Cracked me up.
Marble looked pretty quick. It did look like a pick up game, but other pg's will have a hell of a time defending marble when we have a big lineup in. Utoff does have a smooth quick release.
Hard to get a solid read based on tonight's format as the coaches essentially let the guys just have fun but here's my initial thoughts.

Uthoff - quick release and has a nice step back jumper but needs to be careful he doesn't fade away too much.
Jok - relatively quiet when you consider the points he put up in PTL & Europe but I get the sense he could be special as the ball was through the twine before you realized he even took the shot
Gesell - appears back to 100% and looks to be in great shape as he elevated several times to throw it down with the big boys however his outside shooting seemed on par with last season
Marble - pretty quiet but seems poised to have a solid senior season and looks to be in his best physical shape yet
Basabe - see Marble
Olesani - defensive shot-blocker and offensively appears to be making steady improvement...just need him to crash the boards for the easy put-backs
Woodbury - struggled getting vertical on a couple of dunks and also unable to finish in traffic for 3-pt play but ball handling and shooting outside the low-block markedly improved (even dropped in a 3ptr)
McCabe - based on the lost weight I believe he will be primarily seeing time at the 3 spot this season and perhaps asked to be the defensive stopper similar to May last year
Clemmons - not enough to tell but appears in great shape like the others
Oglesby - release is quicker but the accuracy still remains a question mark
White - appeared stronger and conditioning looks to be improved as well as the outsider jumper which could make him a real match-up nightmare at the 4 spot
Meyer - still feel he is the odd man out this season but could take on some of Basabe's minutes at the 4 spot next season
Stokes - stronger but still doesn't quite have the frame like his dad...could see spot duty in the press but most likely only if we get hit hard by injuries
Ukah - athleticism similar to Basabe
Denning - quality practice player who will continue to push the others to become better

As an overall team I believe this may be the most physically fit squad I've seen in years. Even the low-post guys are in shape and they all appear to have spent time in the weight room this off-season. I will be shocked if Fran does not leverage a full-court press much of the game. The other thing that continues to stand out is just how long the team is especially when you consider the wingspans of Olesani, Woodbury, White, Basabe, Uthoff, Marble and the fact that 3 or 4 out of those 6 guys are likely to be in the game at any point in time.
Meyer - still feel he is the odd man out this season

And it isn't just a playing time issue. He just doesn't seem to fit in the general flow of the game on either end.

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