Biggest hopes with new offensive coaches

I am hoping to see the following:

7) Get more guys on the field from the first game on. Get that experience which is needed when guys get injured

Good one. That is definitely an area that could stand some improvement. Getting more creative with position groupings could help achieve that goal.
Since my biggest hopes (crossing routes, TE use, play action, middle of the field) are already being named, I'll get a little exotic:

Use the zone read and run/pass option plays a little more. I know, more of Davis' forte, but with our trend in going after mobile QB's recently, it just adds another element for the defense to think about.
I'm not sure how you can't see this as a positive. The biggest thing is that KOK got some very valuable experience. People have to remember, O'Keefe wasn't afraid to throw the ball and throw defenses out of what they were doing. That to me was what has been missing. Teams put 8 in the box and we don't hurt them...and I mean hurt them by throwing on every down. I can remember O'Keefe starting several games with 5-6 straight make the defenses adjust and dictate to them. With a young QB this is a positive to help him develop more quickly.

I scratched my head sometimes at some of the play calling in certain situations with KOK...but you know, he may have had the most remarkable year offensively that I have ever seen in 2004. What he did with Drew Tate and a Division 3 running game, was truly remarkable. That year goes down in history for me for taking "doing more with less" to a whole new level. He doesn't get enough credit for generating offense that year. Granted, the defense was stellar...but you still have to score. Welcome back KOK.

I just wish Norm could come back too.
The talent level at WR isn't going to change much.

Still trying to process this.

What's next? Norm Parker?
Play calling that doesn't result in the opposing linebacker pointing to the exact place where the upcoming play is about to go to.
I would like to see more quick slants. They are tough to stop and it allows the QB to get rid of the ball quickly which will be important since we'll have an inexperienced Stanley behind center. More play action will also help him make easier throws. Most of all I just want to see us run plays every third down that actually put the receivers past the first down mark. I'm not sure there's anything more maddening than throwing a 3 yard pass on 3rd and 6.
Please see the title. This is what you HOPE will happen.

1) Will become more aggressive against lessor teams. It seems in the past offensive conservancy vs teams we should walk all over keeps the opponent in the game and results in losses FAR TOO OFTEN.

2) Simplify the passing game. For years now it has been difficult for Fr/RS Fr to come in and learn and contribute to Iowa. It really isn't that way for any other position group, so why make it so difficult on Fr WR?

3) Get younger on the offensive side of the ball coaching wise. If you want to bring in some experience I get that, but we need at least 2 if not 3 of the new coaches to be younger guys who can get after it recruiting wise.

Those are my 3 top "hopes" for what we see, what do you want to see?

A national title. Well you asked didn't you?? The odds have got to be better than winning the lottery.
Very good suggestions, all!

Weird case of de-ja-vu, tho, and I just can't put my finger on it ... It's like I've seen these same laundry lists of hopes, from the same coaching staff, since about 2006.:eek:o_O;)
Nothing is going to change. Why do you think KF hired him back? Mainly to help tutor sonny boy so he doesn't fall on his face, but KOK won't challenge KF much on anything. KF is sneaky, and most are too naive to see it. This is a move to help Brian adjust to the OC position. The offense was average at best when he was here before, but now all of a sudden this is a great hire. This staff needs someone that can recruit, period. We don't have that, and won't until the Ferentz clan is gone. We still have no talent at receiver. That was a major need, and wasn't addressed again. More of the same.
First off, I'm glad we have KOK back. I think he has a wealth of knowledge and hopefully built some relations in Florida for improved recruiting. Furthermore, I believe many schemes that will work out well Ken has done well. It looks like we actually have some decent receivers coming into the fold that, when you look past star rankings, look to be very good and should produce in the shift in offensive philosophy.

The few things that I want to see is:

1) Not taking the foot off the gas pedal. If we lose a game from not going into a shell, I'm okay with that. If we can get a 3-4 score lead we can then put back-ups in and get them some experience. It will also help to prevent the losses to lesser teams that should be beaten, and improve national perception.

2) Lose the Predictability, this can be from either always having a play ran to the weak side, or having Indiana (inside) and Ohio (outside) for our audibles. Another would be personnel; it really would have been nice to see Parker back on the field in a capacity other than a Jet sweep that everyone knew he was going to run. Fine great, put a guy like that in and have him run those plays, but not as the only thing he does, hell put him in as a decoy and run the other direction. Every play should have at least 2 things that can be done from that look, that's how PA works. It looks like one thing then, BAM 40 yards or a touchdown.

3) Building a game plan specialized to the opponent. The Ohio State game when Iowa rolled out with 3 TE's was great and was used specifically for OSU, Why not do that more often?

4) DAMN IT use TE's more often! 2 and 3 TE sets should be far more commonplace. And if we aren't doing that spread out the field and put Wadley in as the only back and let him do his thing.
I am hoping to see the following:

1) More aggressive play calling on 1st down
2) At least 2 deep ball passes per half every game
3) Break from our normal tendencies of run on first down and the standard run checkdown at the line of scrimmage.
4) Put the pressure on defenses with mixing up tempos and no huddle options.
5) Once inside the opponents 40 yard line play the game to win and treat the field like it is four down territory.
6) Continued discipline with very few penalties
7) Get more guys on the field from the first game on. Get that experience which is needed when guys get injured
8) As Hayden would say scratch where it itches. If they can't stop the run don't pass it just to pass. Run it until they can stop it, same goes for the pass.
9) Open the first game with Wadley in the wildcat

I totally agree with a lot of this. Being aggressive sure helps. When the other team knows that your not going to take a shot 20 yards or more down field pretty more then once a game then your playing in a phone booth. It makes the Olinemans job harder not to mention the Qbs. When the safeties and LBs can crowd the line... Getting away from tendencies throughout the season would be huge. If you know that a teams front 7 is their strength don't feel like you have to bang your head against the wall and run it early and often just to find out... That's where the scratch where it itches applies. Let's have game plans for each opponent and pick on their weaknesses. It seems like we always try and dictate our strengths unto our opponents which is great if you are dominant. But if you want to be balanced and aren't so dominant then give yourself the best chance to be successful.
Getting away from predictability has been on most fans wish list for years. It gets tiring seeing the defense look like they are having a team meeting at the line of scrimmage on first and second downs and then going total pass D on third. KOK was better at using the middle of the field, especially with TE's and RB's.
I wouldn't argue with any of this. The big thing I'd like to see is Iowa become less predictable.

KOK was much better than Greg Davis running counter and misdirection plays. I hope Brian F builds more counter action into the hawk offense which will make them more unpredictable. As someone else said use the whole field in the passing game including the middle and deep.
Nothing is going to change. Why do you think KF hired him back? Mainly to help tutor sonny boy so he doesn't fall on his face, but KOK won't challenge KF much on anything. KF is sneaky, and most are too naive to see it. This is a move to help Brian adjust to the OC position. The offense was average at best when he was here before, but now all of a sudden this is a great hire. This staff needs someone that can recruit, period. We don't have that, and won't until the Ferentz clan is gone. We still have no talent at receiver. That was a major need, and wasn't addressed again. More of the same.

This thread is for hopes for the offense. but I wonder if this what you hope.
I think he has a wealth of knowledge and hopefully built some relations in Florida for improved recruiting.
What kind of relations would an NFL assistant have built to help with recruiting HS kids? I doubt he had the time or the need to buddy up with any big HS programs down there. This does very little to help our recruiting.
This thread is for hopes for the offense. but I wonder if this what you hope.

No, I don't hope that. I just have nothing better to do than hope the Iowa offense fails under Brian Ferentz. Get real. It was a horrible hire, and anyone that walks upright can see the agenda of KF. This staff needs a dynamic recruiter in the worst way, but instead of KF stepping outside his comfort zone, he hires from within or hires a retread coach.
Put the best players at any given time on the field. If a freshman WR demonstrates the most ability play 'em and burn the redshirt. More imaginative play-calling on offense. Keep the defense guessing and on its heels.
More creative use of RBs and TE in the passing game, and in general more innovative in finding ways to get Wadley the ball.
This isn't a hope but a prediction. Wadley will be de-emphasized in the new offense. In KF's offense...In KOK's offense.
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