I do find it interesting that there is a 100+ post thread about this on CyFan.
The word schadenfreude comes to mind.
Well they really didn't do you any favors with the Thursday night time slot and going against the game on ESPN.
If they kept LeCharles and dropped Jon, I would be absolutely flabbergasted.
Jon, you were hands down the better of the two.
Agree on all counts. It was my favorite show on the BTN.I typically felt like LeCharles really knew his stuff, but he hadn't really gotten the hang of how to handle the PTI format. When you're limited to 90 seconds or 2 minutes, you can't speak slowly. Jon did a pretty good job of keeping a quick (but still understandable) pace, which is what makes shows like this fun to watch. I mean Wilbon and Kornheiser are EXCELLENT at that. I think LeCharles probably would have caught on eventually if given more time, and the show would have really taken off. Jon and LeCharles really had a solid dynamic, with LC leaning towards the traditional powers and Jon to the underdogs of the conference.
Anyway, I was happy to see Jon get the opportunity, and I thought he handled it very well. Best of luck in the future, I'm sure something else will come along before too long!
Tough market for a middle aged white guy with no collegiate playing experience.
If its the right fit I would love to do something with the BTN again. But glad I will be on assignment for them from time to time now. Knowing what I know now I still would have done it. Great experience and I know I can do it. Knowing is good enough
My personal vote is that Adam Rittenberg taps out after 3 years of doing the Big Ten Blog. Though he does a solid job and seems to give the Hawks respect, I think Jon would be a MUCH better fit. You know so much about the Big Ten and you bring the rare mix of professionalism and a fan perspective.
Either way, best of luck. If Cyclone Fanatic has anything to say about it, KXNO will have an opening when Matt Perrault gets fired because of there sad little boycott. Silly Cyclones, winning is for Hawks.
Cyclown boycott?
How would one even know if that was happening?
Yeah, Matt spent like 45 minutes pointing out that Pollard had openly admitted that ISU needs other teams (ie Iowa, Neb, UNI) to get over 50K at a game. And while Matt may have beat a dead horse, all he did was make fun of the admission.
So some CyFan idiots are trying to start a boycott of the KXNO sponsors.
If they can't even get 45K coming off a huge win on a perfect night against a top ten team I'd say those sponsors have nothing to fear.