Big Ten Pulse: My involvement

I think there will be another BTN show for you in the future. The Pulse was OK but I don’t think the format allowed the program to be what I thought it would be. I was looking forward to hard in depth reporting on some of the college sports issues.
I cannot believe the goofball with the long hair. And what is the deal with the Pennsylvania accents. Good grief the long hair dude kept me thinking the show was waynes world. Good format horrible hosts.
I disagree, the format was much better, imo. I feel bad they didn't start the show this way as I think Jon could have easily played the role Rick Pizzo did. Jon just didn't have the right partner(s).

This is the format I was talking with people about after week two. I told them that if they just let us have bullet point topics, I could drive the discussion and it could evolve into a sports talk show on tv, with a lot of opinions and an actual conversation.

They seemed married to the PTI format at that time. Apparently, they must feel that format was not conducive to a good show with people that don't have a past relationship (which I agree with) because they scrapped it.

That was the only bummer to me in all of this, seeing the format they used tonight...because that sort of thing is my wheelhouse. I think LeCharles and I would have done well in that setting.

No regrets, no hard feelings.
Saw it tonight and once with Jon, it is WAY better now.

Nothing against Jon but he is more of a Radio guy. This group seem comfortable on camera whereas LeCharles and Jon didn't.
Saw it tonight and once with Jon, it is WAY better now.

Nothing against Jon but he is more of a Radio guy. This group seem comfortable on camera whereas LeCharles and Jon didn't.

The format they used tonight was 90% riffing, which is radio, which is what I was talking to them about after the second week. Would have liked a shot with that format.
You guys are joking? Right?

I suddenly hate the show.

But maybe it's because I just can't stand Lemon and IL?

I mean, I really hate IL.
Yeah Jon, I couldn't help but think as I watched the show you could have played the Pizzo role. It would have been perfect for you. It's a shame that the network wouldn't give you a shot to do what was basically your idea to begin with. I kinda feel they threw the baby out w/ the bath water. It was clear watching the show that LB wasn't ready for the job yet, but you definitely were, and their version of "Stat Boy" was awful. Better things will come eventually, w/ the network keeping ties they obviously believe in your talent.
Saw it tonight and once with Jon, it is WAY better now.

Nothing against Jon but he is more of a Radio guy. This group seem comfortable on camera whereas LeCharles and Jon didn't.

I liked it better tonight too. Doyle and Leman are really animated, and Pizzo keeps 'em going for the entire half hour.
This is the format I was talking with people about after week two. I told them that if they just let us have bullet point topics, I could drive the discussion and it could evolve into a sports talk show on tv, with a lot of opinions and an actual conversation.

They seemed married to the PTI format at that time. Apparently, they must feel that format was not conducive to a good show with people that don't have a past relationship (which I agree with) because they scrapped it.

That was the only bummer to me in all of this, seeing the format they used tonight...because that sort of thing is my wheelhouse. I think LeCharles and I would have done well in that setting.

No regrets, no hard feelings.
I am wathing it right now, and I agree!! It was BS that they did not give you guys this format. I think even LB would have been ok. It is like they admit they Fd up with the latter format, but yet did not give you guys the chance at the new one. I don't know the inner workings of TV, but if they new the format was a big part of the problem, why not give you guys the change to make it work. Bummer Jon!
Watched the show and like it better now. Maybe the format or maybe the hosts not really sure. What I do know is there are way too many people kissing Jons butt. He's a big boy and not asking for anything. If he was as good as MOST of you people are stating the show would of been left alone.
Watched the show and like it better now. Maybe the format or maybe the hosts not really sure. What I do know is there are way too many people kissing Jons butt. He's a big boy and not asking for anything. If he was as good as MOST of you people are stating the show would of been left alone.

Cool first post brah.
I think that Leman was way to excited, and always flipping his surfer boy hair out of the way (ANNOYING). I thought Pizzo was good, but Doyle just was boring to me. I don't think it was an improvement, but I also don't think LB would have been any better in this format either.
I think that Leman was way to excited, and always flipping his surfer boy hair out of the way (ANNOYING). I thought Pizzo was good, but Doyle just was boring to me. I don't think it was an improvement, but I also don't think LB would have been any better in this format either.

yeah, it's bad enough when a female is hair flipping........
This is the format I was talking with people about after week two. I told them that if they just let us have bullet point topics, I could drive the discussion and it could evolve into a sports talk show on tv, with a lot of opinions and an actual conversation.

So not only did they give you the ax they also went with the format you recommended. Nice.
Leman is a big dufus! I think keep the other two and replace Leman with Jon. Your not in college anymore Leman.... Your hair looks ridiculous! Bring Miller back to the PULSE!

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