Big Ten Pulse: My involvement

This is the format I was talking with people about after week two. I told them that if they just let us have bullet point topics, I could drive the discussion and it could evolve into a sports talk show on tv, with a lot of opinions and an actual conversation.

They seemed married to the PTI format at that time. Apparently, they must feel that format was not conducive to a good show with people that don't have a past relationship (which I agree with) because they scrapped it.

That was the only bummer to me in all of this, seeing the format they used tonight...because that sort of thing is my wheelhouse. I think LeCharles and I would have done well in that setting.

No regrets, no hard feelings.

Well, I'm ******. At you!

You COULD have warned me NOT to DVR it last night. Instead, I start watching, thinking/hoping you at least had an episode "in the can" for this week.

You know, of course, what happened. Except...I had to admit--to my WIFE, for pete's sake!--that I was the one who DVR'ed the show. I may NEVER get the remote in my hands again.

You need to post warnings! :) (all in fun, although I am ******...because they made a good show a bad one)
I liked it better tonight too. Doyle and Leman are really animated, and Pizzo keeps 'em going for the entire half hour.

Let me guess: your favorite Three Stooges episodes are the ones with Shemp?

Frankly, after suffering through J Leman, even SHEMP would be an upgrade.
I do like the flow of the show now better. It seemed Jon was getting rushed a lot, and not a lot of banter between him and LB. I'm guessing it went down like this: They knew Jon had a great idea, and was the better of the two, and could easily slide him into the new format, but rather than making it look bad for LB, they chose to drop both, so it looks like no favoritism, and just a change in overall format. They will bring back Jon in another show down the line! LB may be doing something else there, he wasn't horrible, but not real polished, and labored in his talk. Jon was clearly the best of the 5 so far on the show, but he'd be even better in the format that was done last night.
Sorry to hear that Jon. I thought you did a good job on the show, but have to admit that your counterpart made the production rather awkward. Good luck with your future endeavors.
Yeah, I turned it on, you weren't on there, so I shut it off. Probably won't watch it again. The tv is usually off on Thursday night, so I won't have to remember to turn it on when The Pulse comes on now.
I'm sorry the show didn't work out Jon. I really wish you could come back to KXNO. I wouldn't care what time of day...........I'm really missing my daily Hawk fix!
I know the radio show ended, but I think you and Deace are fantastic together. I enjoyed the State Of The Nations show and your radio show you did with him in the past.

It would be great if something came along for you two on the BTN. A Iowa homer and a Michigan homer working together. ;)

I hope to see weekly podcasts from you guys.
Second person I've seen in this thread ripping DiNardo and I don't get it.

He and Howard Griffith are really good. Informative but have a good presence, good chemistry and can have some fun.

I didn't say anything about Howard Griffith. I like him. DiNardo isn't insightful or overly humorous. I know he's supposed to be the Oger of the group. I guess in that capacity, he works. He's a dumbed-down, less-successful version of Lou Holtz. The guy with all the stories. No thanks.
I didn't say anything about Howard Griffith. I like him. DiNardo isn't insightful or overly humorous. I know he's supposed to be the Oger of the group. I guess in that capacity, he works. He's a dumbed-down, less-successful version of Lou Holtz. The guy with all the stories. No thanks.

Comparing DiNardo to Holtz is laughable. DiNardo actually knows what he's talking about. I think we'll see Holtz, in very short order be diagnosed w/Alheimers. Not joking, and that's sad.
I'm watching it now and can't help but think this is the format the BTN should've went with in the first place - with Miller & Deace. There was nothing wrong with LB's insight into conference football but he never improved his wooden delivery.
My head is not down at all, other than just being a competitor. But seriously, I don't have a disease, no one I care about is in pain or suffering and this was a great opportunity and the door is not closed.

That's good perspective. I think we can ALL agree that we know you're talented and you'll get another shot somewhere down the know Lee Corso is looking pretty rough, so maybe on Gameday :)

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