Big Ten Pulse: My involvement

As a tell it like it is kind of guy, this is BS. Your co-host sucked, bro. Sorry, he just did. If you're taking the hit for that guy's incompetence then the BTN is idiotic.

Frankly your mediacom show with Deace was better than The Pulse, and that's no knock on you.
That may be, foof, but he's not even close to being capable of co-hosting a prime time talk show. Total inarticulate meathead.
Quite frankly, I found it puzzling that the BTN paired such a dope with Jon. Jon deserved a LOT better.
This thread wouldn't exist if lecharles "don't call me Ray" bentley hadn't been picked as the other half of The Pulse.:mad:

Jon, you were terrific on The Pulse, and it's only a matter of time before something even better comes your way. Looking forward to your other BTN work. :)

plus 1 Jon just wanted to add with the others I liked that show, thought you did a great job, and good luck with your next adventure, it's gotta beat the sh## out of what I do for a living lol.
I appreciate the sentiments.

LeCharles did a good job and was working hard to get better. He didn't have much TV experience before this. Not that I have had a lot, outside of the Mediacom show and some guest appearances on programs. I felt we were both improving week to week, but it wasn't what the network hoped it would become in that amount of time. It's their network, and I am thankful I got a shot at it.

I am pretty much a 'things happen for a reason' kind of person. There was a reason I got the chance to do it, and there is a reason it didn't work out, and there is a reason why the BTN still wants me to do other projects for and with them. I am not joking when I say that I am at ease with what happened. Sure, I would have liked for it to have continued, but there is a reason it didn't. You sometimes don't learn the reasons or see what they are for a few weeks or months. But I am sure it will become clear.

Live and learn...the old saying about tis better to have loved and lost than never loved at all is true...I am glad I got a shot at I will never wonder if I could do it, because I believe I can. Perhaps just not inside the format the BTN wanted for this program.
I don't think the amount of subject matter, or more precisely the lack thereof, available to BTN lent itself to that format in the first place. Think of how rough it would have been to come up with topics once football season ended. I think the reason a show like PTI works is because they have a ton of stuff to talk about. Hell, Favre and Tiger are worth 10 minutes a piece by themselves. You were limited to the Big Ten. That's really not a lot to work with compared to a show with national subject matter available to talk about. Still, you did a good job with it.
I do find it interesting that there is a 100+ post thread about this on CyFan.

The word schadenfreude comes to mind.
Jon, You were terrific on the show and very natural. I thought LeCharles was brutal. I hate to say it, but he was just plain awful. The BTN needed to keep you and put you with a better co-host.
The show did not flow well because of LeCharles...IMO.
I watched every show. Sorry to see it go, and I'm going to miss yelling at LeCharles.
I'm sure you'll come out smelling like roses.
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I typically felt like LeCharles really knew his stuff, but he hadn't really gotten the hang of how to handle the PTI format. When you're limited to 90 seconds or 2 minutes, you can't speak slowly. Jon did a pretty good job of keeping a quick (but still understandable) pace, which is what makes shows like this fun to watch. I mean Wilbon and Kornheiser are EXCELLENT at that. I think LeCharles probably would have caught on eventually if given more time, and the show would have really taken off. Jon and LeCharles really had a solid dynamic, with LC leaning towards the traditional powers and Jon to the underdogs of the conference.

Anyway, I was happy to see Jon get the opportunity, and I thought he handled it very well. Best of luck in the future, I'm sure something else will come along before too long!
I personally didn't like the PTI format for this. It made for little discussion. One got tho say their point on one topic and the other took the next. It always left me feeling like there was more left to discuss. Jon Hopefully you get another shot at something. I am sure you would do well.
Jon, I echo the sentiments of most on here. I thought you were polished and seemed like a natural. Your co-host needed some polish and I think that he was a stretch from the beginning.

Keep at it, take every opportunity in front of the camera you can get and another opportunity will present itself.
Sorry to hear about the gig. I am sure that something will come up based upon your stint. You did a good job, even reining your inner Hawk in. LB needs to work on his delivery.
I think things happen for a reason too. The reason you got the job is that you knew people at the network, had a body of work to show them, and did a good job in your audition. The reason they went in a different direction is that the show did not perform well, whether that is determined by ratings, survey, or internal review.

But if makes you feel better to consider it the workings of some ambiguous supernatural force, go with it.

The few times I have caught some of the show I thought, "Bentley is raw and I bet everyone else is saying, "who is that other guy?" Think you gotta go with the been there credibility angle, or sportsjournalist angle, or fan site guy angle. Mix and match doesn't work.

All of this being said, maybe it is just a way to get back to the original dream of being the voice of the Hawkeyes.
Jon: If you are not a morning guy any chance you and Deace could get together for an afternoon show prior to him going on WHO. I know it's not the prime time, but you would pull alot of listeners. Just saying!
Never in my life have I seen such a parade of sycophants, supplicants and suck-ups as what I've seen in this string. You all make me sick. ;)

However, Jon, I thought you did a good job when I saw the show and thought the handicaps were: (1) your partner--he may be well suited to other things in broadcasting, but this wasn't the right format for him, and (2) is there enough material to do that kind of a weekly show focusing predominantly on the Big Ten--or stated otherwise, if you focus predominantly on the Big Ten for an opinion show, is it too narrow in focus even for fans of Big Ten teams?

As you know, many of the most successful people in the media (and other fields) found their big break through "failing" a time or two, but being noticed by someone in the process. You've got a foot in the door--if you want to do more of that kind of thing, I hope you get the chance. As we used to say in the mean streets of my youth, "you gots da utensils!"


The Artist Formerly Known As Freddy Brown

Sorry Schmidlap, my bad. :eek: