Big Ten Pulse: My involvement

Completely agreed about the middle aged white guy with no college football experience! it's crap but true, plus beings that jon is not an east coast guy doesn't help any---
seriously---it does not take a college degree to figure out that Lebron was clearly the worst of the two (not saying jon was bad) but my point is that this guy was definitively a definition of a meat head---

Giving Jon's class and unwillingness to tell us the deal with the show(that or maybe it's contractual LOL) it appears that jon got the short end of the stick and got the boot from the show....... F**k that!
Well one thing I have learned over the last not bet against Miller! He is going to be just fine and probably on to even bigger and better things!

The most successful people in the world have all had things not work out. We have all hit roadblocks and failed at only makes one stronger in the end. I am sure Jon would not trade this experience for anything and it will only help him down the road.
I am surprise they did not give this more time to develop. I would rather watch this than "campus programming". That being said I did think at times Jon showed his Hawkeye love too much. Not for me, but probably for the rest of the BT nation. I think we have grown accustomed to OSU and UM bias and don't recognize it as someone being a homer, but they probably are. We just don't notice it as such because they are the big 2 figure they are going to garner most of the attention. We all know Jon and that he has great knowledge of the BT, but I would imagine that the rest of the country just saw some Hawkeye guy and wondered why he was on this network.
I think it was a poor decision to start a show off like that on a Thursday night during football season. They should have started it earlier when everyone was desperate for Big Ten related football news and opinions. That could have helped get more people interested in it. Even then keeping the show on a Thursday night during football season would have been tough. Tuesday or Wednesday night would have been best.

What about that absolutely HORRIBLE show that's on Friday nights?????? Big Ten Tailgate or some crap. The only thing good about that show is lookin at the good lookin chicks. The guys were complete morons last year. Then they decide to add another guy to it this year and he's even worse!!! I didn't think that was possible.

Basically, I'll watch the Big Ten Network on 2 different occasions: First when a football game is on of course, and second when I can get Dinardo and Howard's opinion on the Big 10 conference. Other than those 2 (and what was The Pulse) I have no desire to watch the other garbage shows they've came up with.
I would imagine that the rest of the country just saw some Hawkeye guy and wondered why he was on this network.

This. If everything were exactly the same, and Jon was on the show because he ran an Illinois fans' Web site, wouldn't we all be saying this from the start?
Never in my life have I seen such a parade of sycophants, supplicants and suck-ups as what I've seen in this string. You all make me sick. ;)

However, Jon, I thought you did a good job when I saw the show and thought the handicaps were: (1) your partner--he may be well suited to other things in broadcasting, but this wasn't the right format for him, and (2) is there enough material to do that kind of a weekly show focusing predominantly on the Big Ten--or stated otherwise, if you focus predominantly on the Big Ten for an opinion show, is it too narrow in focus even for fans of Big Ten teams?

As you know, many of the most successful people in the media (and other fields) found their big break through "failing" a time or two, but being noticed by someone in the process. You've got a foot in the door--if you want to do more of that kind of thing, I hope you get the chance. As we used to say in the mean streets of my youth, "you gots da utensils!"


The Artist Formerly Known As Freddy Brown
I only saw the show once and that was last week. Jon gave LeCharles the look what the hell are you talking about look a couple times. I don't kow how the other shows went and do not know what expectations were, but something was definately missing last week. Not impressed with LeCharles.
Never in my life have I seen such a parade of sycophants, supplicants and suck-ups as what I've seen in this string. You all make me sick. ;)

However, Jon, I thought you did a good job when I saw the show and thought the handicaps were: (1) your partner--he may be well suited to other things in broadcasting, but this wasn't the right format for him, and (2) is there enough material to do that kind of a weekly show focusing predominantly on the Big Ten--or stated otherwise, if you focus predominantly on the Big Ten for an opinion show, is it too narrow in focus even for fans of Big Ten teams?

As you know, many of the most successful people in the media (and other fields) found their big break through "failing" a time or two, but being noticed by someone in the process. You've got a foot in the door--if you want to do more of that kind of thing, I hope you get the chance. As we used to say in the mean streets of my youth, "you gots da utensils!"


The Artist Formerly Known As Freddy Brown

What? You start off with the statement above & end with the same context that everyone else is stating. What makes you different than anyone else up until now? What's your point? I don't get it. Very hypocritrical.
What? You start off with the statement above & end with the same context that everyone else is stating. What makes you different than anyone else up until now? What's your point? I don't get it. Very hypocritrical.

Notice the big blue round object thing winking in his post?
What? You start off with the statement above & end with the same context that everyone else is stating. What makes you different than anyone else up until now? What's your point? I don't get it. Very hypocritrical.

This had to be sarcastic, but I'll bite anyway. The poster you responded to was being sarcastic. I thought the ;) would have made that obvious, along with the rest of his post.
"Okay BTN, if you chose correct, you'll win the new computer, the skiing equipment and the new car. Who do you pick?"

"LeCharles Bentley!!!"

"Okay let's see if you've won..."

[ame=]YouTube - The Price is Right losing horn[/ame]
I know they are different shows, but how does Jon lose his gig, yet Jerry DiNardo keeps his?

Second person I've seen in this thread ripping DiNardo and I don't get it.

He and Howard Griffith are really good. Informative but have a good presence, good chemistry and can have some fun.
Jon--you should have gone down "guns blazing." Burn that bridge, burn that bridge to the ground. :)

LB is horrible.
The BTN made two mistakes.....

1. Using a PTI format.
2. Not giving the show enough of a chance.

In any did a great job Jon.....I'm sure something else even better will come along.
Agreed. PTI works on ESPN because they are able to use the biggest headlines in all of sports and even some outside of sports. Trying the same style of show and limiting it to topics closely related to the Big 10 is a tough concept to sell. Most fans of Big 10 teams stick around to hear about their team and that's it. Just not enough topics to keep things interesting. Plus ESPN had a huge advantage with PTI... A lot of guys (including myself) have the channel on ESPN whenever there's nothing else on television. Therefore people were forced to experience PTI whether they knew it or not. Plus I admit Wilbon and Kornhole occasionally have some interesting dialogue. I doubt many people just leave their TV tuned to the Big 10 network and happened to stumble across The Pulse.

Jon, it's obvious most if not all of your success has come from covering the Hawks. I'm certainly not saying you aren't capable of more than that, but I think it's something you're uniquely good at. I hope the Big 10 plans to continue using your skills as they cover stories related to the Hawks. You always represent us very well, and you often help a big Hawk fan like myself look at things from a different perspective.
GEICO commericials?

You could play the role of coming from the future to tell yourself to get insurance, "Did Biff have a buttload of pooh fall on him in whatever time he was in?"

* * * *

I liked the show. Nice mix of material. Different than the other shows.

Must have been the timekeeper that did it in. He had to have been hired from the Big12. Like Texas, he kept letting you guys play after the clock hit 0:00

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