I have a few things to say, then I'll ask a couple of questions...I find it incredibly short sighted of the network to cut the legs out from under this show so soon, especially when we were subjected "The Journey: Illinois' Free Fall to the Bottom of The Big 10" for an entire year and the endless "nap time favorites" during the day, highlighting the wonderful new book store on such and such's campus and that lamefest tailgating show...
Since Jon has more class in the hangnail on his left pinky than I do in my entire body, I'll say it...F the BTN! I'll watch the games, but nothing else from here on out, thanks! And sure, it'll be tough, but I've eaten my last batch of Velveeta and Ro*tel and what the heck, Edge is just as good as Barbasol anyway!
Whoever wants the soapbox, I'm done with it now...
My questions are as follows...
Is all of this happening because the EastcoastSportsPropagandaNetwork thinks the show resembled PTI "a little too much?"
Or is it because they had to trim your salary down so they can afford to pay Nebraska starting next year??? Cuz if it's this one, I'm REALLY going to hate Nebraska!