Best poster of the year

Well thank you, Mr. Helper. If you want to help, start by following JD's rules and posting things like this in the Off-Topic forum so that those of us trying to navigate the football board don't have to sort through this nonsense in order to read herbyhawk's or papahawk's hard hitting FOOTBALL analysis.
As much as I hate to admit it, OK4Prez is always entertaining. Cynical, but very entertaining. There is much truth in what he writes about Iowa FB if you read between the lines. Ghost of BTT might be the funniest of them all - very intelligent dude, IMO.

The other night was one of the most entertaining evenings of the year on this board. Miller went wild and banned about ten people. Hilarious and much deserved for the people who received the dreaded "banhammer".

I have been banned myself; it hurts a little bit but the sting goes away quickly; the "Banhammer" is an awesome weapon to wield. We should give OK4Prez the "OK4Prez Banhammer" so that he can jokingly ban people when they are out of line.

The last two seasons have been tough; the team just hasn't quite come together in any consistent way; there have been some great wins but too many puzzling losses. This board is not as much fun when the Hawks aren't winning consistently. Perhaps the attempts at humor on this board reflect that fact.....
As much as I hate to admit it, OK4Prez is always entertaining. Cynical, but very entertaining. There is much truth in what he writes about Iowa FB if you read between the lines. Ghost of BTT might be the funniest of them all - very intelligent dude, IMO.

The other night was one of the most entertaining evenings of the year on this board. Miller went wild and banned about ten people. Hilarious and much deserved for the people who received the dreaded "banhammer".

I have been banned myself; it hurts a little bit but the sting goes away quickly; the "Banhammer" is an awesome weapon to wield. We should give OK4Prez the "OK4Prez Banhammer" so that he can jokingly ban people when they are out of line.

Much like a salary push at the end of the year, posters are starting to cuddle up to OK4P in hopes of landing some hardware at the prestigious HN awards ceremony
Much like a salary push at the end of the year, posters are starting to cuddle up to OK4P in hopes of landing some hardware at the prestigious HN awards ceremony
I don't want any stinking awards (nor do I deserve them) and I certainly don't LIKE OK4Prez. I'm just saying that many of his posts are entertaining, as are others. Some of his posts can be downright cruel as well - I guess that is what people want in this day and age.

This board boils down to two things:

1. Actually getting informative articles from Miller and his staff. They always do a remarkable job - the analysis is tremendous. I wish the coaching staff would read them (maybe they do).

2. Reading the hilarious posts, which no one should take seriously.

It is really about entertainment and cheap laughs, IMO. You can't take this board or college football seriously, although many people do.

I do say, humbly, that the constant criticism of the coaching staff gets a little old, but maybe that is my problem. It just gets incredibly tedious and boring. There is very little original thought on this subject. The bottom line is that when you are winning, you are a genius; when you are losing, you are an idiot and are second-guessed. That is the fate of all coaches at this level.

We also have hundreds of Iowa State trolls that hang out here. Why, I do not know. They are 100% morons, IMO, suffering from "little brother" syndrome. The fact that it is a "free" board makes it easy for them, but the advantages of a free board far outweigh the disadvantages. I'm sure they love the meltdowns when we lose, but "faking" it as an Iowa fan is really stupid and childish.
Either this is an alias for Foval, or your 8 posts indicate that you don't come on here too much. Foval has offered some reasonably good discussion, but not nearly enough to rank him as a POY candidate. Actually, I don't know if we have one of those this year. The board has lost a lot of the best participants.

I am on here multiple times a day. Just enjoy reading more than posting. To assume his 8 posts doesn't mean he isn't hear is ignorant.
My 8th post struck a nerve hopefully the committee will take Foval21 into consideration and the conversation on this board will change.
Maybe the spokesperson for the committee could put in a good word.
Look last I checked Kirk was still coaching the football team, KOK was still the OC and McCall and Coker were still on the team. They were all mentioned in my OP thats why its in the football forum.
All I'm trying to say is give Foval21 a look he went to the whip late and is coming on strong.
P.S. I hope you and Ma had a nice Christmas.

That there is a stretch. ;)
I don't want any stinking awards (nor do I deserve them) and I certainly don't LIKE OK4Prez. I'm just saying that many of his posts are entertaining, as are others. Some of his posts can be downright cruel as well - I guess that is what people want in this day and age.

This board boils down to two things:

1. Actually getting informative articles from Miller and his staff. They always do a remarkable job - the analysis is tremendous. I wish the coaching staff would read them (maybe they do).

2. Reading the hilarious posts, which no one should take seriously.

It is really about entertainment and cheap laughs, IMO. You can't take this board or college football seriously, although many people do.

I do say, humbly, that the constant criticism of the coaching staff gets a little old, but maybe that is my problem. It just gets incredibly tedious and boring. There is very little original thought on this subject. The bottom line is that when you are winning, you are a genius; when you are losing, you are an idiot and are second-guessed. That is the fate of all coaches at this level.

We also have hundreds of Iowa State trolls that hang out here. Why, I do not know. They are 100% morons, IMO, suffering from "little brother" syndrome. The fact that it is a "free" board makes it easy for them, but the advantages of a free board far outweigh the disadvantages. I'm sure they love the meltdowns when we lose, but "faking" it as an Iowa fan is really stupid and childish.

I actually get OK4Prez. I enjoy the people that don't get him. OK4P rubs a lot of people wrong but there is always some truth to what he posts if one can actually interpret some of his posts without blushing with anger. There is always some true hidden message, coupled with humor.

He can rub you wrong but send a message if one is really interested in interpreting what he is getting at. A suppose kind of like Rush or Bill O'reilly in a way. :eek::D

In contrast, Vintage is more like Bill Maher. Ugh!! :eek::eek:
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OK4P & Ghost top my list, if I were on the secret committee, which I am not, as far as you know.
OK4P & Ghost top my list, if I were on the secret committee, which I am not, as far as you know.

Which Ghost?

Is OK4P eligible? He should be in the running, but in all honesty I thought he had a better 2010 than 2011. Too much ball-punching this year.

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