Best Hawkeye Memory with Dad or Granddad


Well-Known Member
Mine would be the 1985 Mich vs Iowa game with Granddad. The next day we went to KC and watched KC beat ST Louis in 7th game of world series......awesome couple of days and one of the best Hawk victories I have seen in my lifetime.

In honor of Father's day let's take a minute and remember our fond memories and share them if you guys feel like it.

Thanks Granddad. We miss you
Dad took me to my first Iowa game vs Penn State. Was the most amazing thing ever. It was like the first big sporting event I been too. I'll never forget it.
When I was kid riding with my dad in the combine during harvest listening to Zabel call the games. Dad always got a kick out of Zabel's "I love it I love it I love it"

I miss him every day. Love u dad.
My Hawkeye memory is my first Iowa game on my 12th birthday in 1981. Dad took me to the Iowa/UCLA game at Kinnick and they won 20-7. I remember Mark Bortz (back in the days when he was a defensive lineman before becoming an All-Pro offensive lineman for the Bears) recovering a fumble in the North endzone and the crowd going crazy!

When my dad and I walked back to our car in the Hancher Parking lot we saw a group of fratboys pouring beer, hotdogs, mustard and ketchup all over a car in the Clapp parking lot.

Good Times!
Went back home to my hometown of Slater, IA while I was a freshman at the U of I for the weekend of Iowa @ Penn St (2001). We won in overtime. 2.5 years later my dad died of a massive heart attack. He has a Tiger Hawk on the back of his grave.
My best Hawkeye memory with my dad is pretty recent. We started making a road trip every year together in 2006, this is the game we went to last year...

[ame=""]YouTube - Iowa vs. Michigan State: Stanzi to McNutt[/ame]
Mine is similar, Brian.

The 2005 Capital bowl. I'll never forget that hail mary for the win and my dad, brother and I screaming and hugging each other. We went from devastation to total celebration in 12 seconds...never seen my dad so happy and excited. Two years later he died of lung cancer....still miss him every day of my life, he was the kindest and most decent man I've ever known. I still have his Hawkeye sweater vest he loved to ugly piece of apparel but he loved it.

Anyway, that's just one of a lot of great moments watching the Hawks and Clones together since the 70's...great way for fathers and sons to bond. Or in my case, fathers and their 3 daughters!
Only one. My Dad died last year. For the last few years of his life he was plagued by severe back pain from multiple spine fractures from a fall. Most of the time he was so whacked out on pain medication that it was hard to hold a conversation.

The last time we had together before his fall when he was still completely coherent was in 2002. I was in grad school at Iowa and he came out from California for the Iowa homecoming game and also to see his grandson who was born in July of that year.

We ate big *** turkey legs and watched Iowa vs. Purdue at Kinnick. That was the game when Banks hit Clark on 4th and Goal for the victory. It was the second most exciting Hawkeye game I saw, next to Cap One. It was a hard last few years, so I am particularly grateful for that memory.
I was 3 or 4, my dad brought me home an Iowa pennant from the newly-built Carver-Hawkeye Arena.
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Mine would have to be going to my first Hawk game in the mid-70's with my dad, sometime soon after Bob Cummings became coach. I was about 10 years old and UCLA came to town and here is what i remember:

- UCLA was ranked in the top ten
- We walked over to the ticket office and got 40 yard line tickets about halfway up on the east side 2 hrs before gametime
- The band sounded awesome warming up in the fieldhouse
- The grass was freshly mowed on (what is now the parking ramp and the south hospital wing)
-The Scottish Highlanders sounded even cooler than the band!
-Iowa won the toss (I vividly remember this because my dad murmered....dont get your hopes up.......i'm afraid thats all they'll win today son.....)
- A kid named Rob Fick was playing QB that day
- We won that game and a new Hawk Fan was born......
My dad passed away 18 years ago, and now I tell my son this story every time i take him to Kinnick
As a son, my favorite memories are going to basketball games at CHA in junior high. As a father, taking my daughter to her first football game at Kinnick this past season.
Sitting in our living room and jumping up running around when clayborn blocked punt at Penn State. That was the greatest
Mine had to be attending the game where Lookingbill drained that brick 3 pointer to beat Michigan in the closing seconds. Before the game, my old man kept on saying how he was going to take a leak in the gas tank of this one Michigan van that was full of scUM fans who were talking smack to him at a football game a year or two earlier and how he knew exactly which van it was. Though I was probably too old to do so, he hoisted me up on his shoulders to scan the parking lot for the van, but I couldn't find it. To this day, he says he has a perfect mental picture of the van and he will still take a whiz in their gas tank if he finds it.

A close second is the day of the OSU game back in ought four when we were at a tailgate and my buddy was raving about how he made this awesome pot of chili. My old man takes one taste of it and announces to everyone at the tailgate that it was just some Hormel chili that had been souped up. My buddy denied and denied, but then later that day says "Man OK4P, I don't know how your dad figured out my chili was just dressed up Hormel chili." Some people know wine, others know beer and others know cigars, but my old man knows a thing or two about quality chili.
Great stories all. Thanks for sharing. Nice to ready these on Father's Day I think.

Everyone have a great Fathers Day
I took my son, who was 6 at the time, to his first Hawkeye game two years ago. Which game you ask? '08 Penn State. :) I told him on the way home "you have no idea right now how big of a win this was in Hawkeye history, but someday you will." I got the cover of the next day's Register sports section framed and had "First Hawkeye Game with Dad" put on it. What a day and one I'll never forget and will always cherish!
1st game at Kinnick when I was 7 years old. Iowa vs. Minnesota in 1983. Ist play of the game Eddie Phillips went 80 yards for a touchdown and Iowa won 61-10 or 63-10 I think. We have season tickets and have went to a ton of games since then, but I still can see Phillips in my mind going around the right side on a sweep and coming right at us for the TD.
When I was 7 or 8, (1981-1982) my mom was taking some summer classes so my dad took my brother and I to Kinnick while we waited for her. I don't remember how we got in (maybe a gate was unlocked) but we were able to run around on the field and run some routes for my dad to toss us the ball. Of course every catch was a touchdown!

The place was totally empty except for my dad, brother and I but in our imaginations the place was rockin with hawk fans cheering every tackle, catch and touchdown!

it was an amazing afternoon.
Dec. 29, 1996! My dad and I went to the Alamo bowl when we beat Hanspard and the Texas Tech raiders 26-0 I believe. I know it wasn't the biggest game but I loved it because we sat right next to Timmy D's grandparents. Really nice people...I was only 13 and I idolized Timmy D so I felt like I was sitting next to my own grandparents in a wierd way. BTW Timmy D was awesome(as he always was) in that game.
I downed a bottle of Old Granddad along with other refreshments once while tailgating. I don't really have any memories of that game tho, it was all kinda hazy. It must've been fun tho, I woke up in the drunk tank.
I am a little late coming into this.. but I have a couple

Iowa State 1990... Dad took me to my first game in Kinnick Stadium via mom's season ticket. I wasn't really sure what to think of the Hawks at that time.. but I became an instant Hawkeye fan.

Michigan 2009... I am a football coach and teacher with a ton of debt, so whenever I can I take advantage of opportunities for tickets to Iowa games that are offered to coaches in the state of Iowa. Anyway, I really wanted to take my dad to this game because he tries to work as many Saturday day's as possible, so it is hard to get him to a game. I called the Iowa football office on Thursday of that week to see if they had any tickets returned and of course the answer was no. We didn't have school that Friday and while taking my wife's car to get an oil change the football office called... "Do you still want to go to the game?" Called my dad up at work, told him we were going and ended up having a GREAT TIME with my dad. Not sure I will have a ton more chances to be with him in Kinnick Stadium, but it was an amazing game.

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