My dad used to work for the bread company that supplied the hamburger and hot dog buns to Iowa (Kinnick) Stadium and the Fieldhouse. He used to take my brother and I to games in the late '60s, early '70s and get us in with him. I remember seeing several BB games during the '69-70 season, and many football games where the Hawks got pounded.
At football games we would be there hours in advance. Once, my brother and I were messing around and got thrown out by the police. We had to pool our money so my brother could by a knothole ticket and go get my dad so he could get us back in. Another time I found a football in the was an "official" collegiate football with "Iowa" stamped on it. I passed it on to my own son.
But my best memory is from the 1990 season. I took my dad to the Purdue game. It wasn't because Iowa won or that is was any sort of monumental was because...after all the games he took me to, I was finally able to take him to one.
He died in 2003 but at least he had the chance to see his grandson perform in the Hawkeye Marching Band.