Best Hawkeye Memory with Dad or Granddad

My first game with my son was the Penn State game in 08. It was great because, my son was still in my wife's tummy. He was born 4 days later!
When I was kid riding with my dad in the combine during harvest listening to Zabel call the games. Dad always got a kick out of Zabel's "I love it I love it I love it"

I miss him every day. Love u dad.

My dad is a huge Hawk fan and I remember growing up listening to Zabel on the radio as well. It is one of my fondest memories, I still sometimes prefer listening to games on the radio just for nastalgic reasons, there is something about the way it sounds that is just pure sweetness.

My favorite Zabel moments were when he would yell "Touchdown Iowa!" and then 3 seconds later say "Down at the one", or "He turns the corner!.....and tripped up for a loss". I suppose that will happen when you are looking through coke bottles while calling a game from 150' in the air. ;)
My dad used to work for the bread company that supplied the hamburger and hot dog buns to Iowa (Kinnick) Stadium and the Fieldhouse. He used to take my brother and I to games in the late '60s, early '70s and get us in with him. I remember seeing several BB games during the '69-70 season, and many football games where the Hawks got pounded.

At football games we would be there hours in advance. Once, my brother and I were messing around and got thrown out by the police. We had to pool our money so my brother could by a knothole ticket and go get my dad so he could get us back in. Another time I found a football in the was an "official" collegiate football with "Iowa" stamped on it. I passed it on to my own son.

But my best memory is from the 1990 season. I took my dad to the Purdue game. It wasn't because Iowa won or that is was any sort of monumental was because...after all the games he took me to, I was finally able to take him to one.

He died in 2003 but at least he had the chance to see his grandson perform in the Hawkeye Marching Band.
Id say when me and my dad went to Orlando for the Capital One Bowl, that was an awesome experience from start to finish, also we went to the Outback bowl the year before that. Best thing I remember about the Tampa trip was staying in the Hilton on Clearwater beach we had Gator fans in the room above us taunting us from their balcony before the game, after the game they were silent. And I loved those grouper sandwiches MMMMM

But in all honesty every game is great, me and my dad still go to every home game together have since 96

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