Barta "without question.....

he will be Iowa's coach next season"

Barta said. "That being said, Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football. My expectations are for us to compete for and win championships. Maybe that's a bowl championship. A Big Ten championship. Maybe, someday, even beyond that. And because they are so high, in 2014 we didn't meet those expectations."

Barta is seriously lacking a set of balls. When he says, “bowl championship” he’s obviously referring any bowl win as a “championship”. So Iowa could go 6-6, travel to Detroit, win against Kent St. or some no name school and barta would consider that ‘meeting expectations’. What a joke.
That is some of weakest sauce ever. "Maybe it's a bowl championship"? Hey gar there's only one championship and that's the the B1G title. Then he contradicts himself by saying they didn't live up to expectations in 2014. Hold on there gar, Iowa still has a chance to win a bowl championship in 2014. The season isn't!
Gary Barta is a complete fraud. In his time here at Iowa we have never finished higher tha 9th in the Big Tens Learfield Cup and finished dead last 5 times. Thats not acceptable. This joker needs to go.
he will be Iowa's coach next season"

Barta said. "That being said, Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football. My expectations are for us to compete for and win championships. Maybe that's a bowl championship. A Big Ten championship. Maybe, someday, even beyond that. And because they are so high, in 2014 we didn't meet those expectations."

Barta is seriously lacking a set of balls. When he says, “bowl championshipâ€￾ he’s obviously referring any bowl win as a “championshipâ€￾. So Iowa could go 6-6, travel to Detroit, win against Kent St. or some no name school and barta would consider that ‘meeting expectations’. What a joke.

Am I reading this right? Did he seriously go "Jimmy"?


"Gary's got high expectations for Iowa football!"
"Gary gets the grumbling because Gary's a fan, too and Gary's very understanding and compassionate toward the fans."
"Gary has confidence that Kirk is Gary's guy! Kirk won't disappoint Gary, again."

So expectations are MAYBE a championship, MAYBE a B1G championship, and SOMEDAY MAYBE something beyond that. Are you serious? If the goal isn't a national championship then there's no point. You play to win every game not to MAYBE win. Fire them all now if this was truly said.
Gary Barta is a complete fraud. In his time here at Iowa we have never finished higher tha 9th in the Big Tens Learfield Cup and finished dead last 5 times. Thats not acceptable. This joker needs to go.
Is this for real? And if so, how in the hehl does he still have his job?
GB is not a good AD period....It's all about the almighty dollar and he knows it....KF has GB by the balls
"When I hear our fans are concerned, I don't blame people for feeling that way," Barta said. "Our fans have high expectations for this program. So do I. So does Kirk. So if there's anybody out there questioning whether or not the expectations are high, I just want to make sure everyone understands they are high."

Seriously? High expectations are not the concern here Barta.
Again. What did you all expect? Did you think Barta was going to get rid of him. It's going to end up with a 1 year extension before all is said and done, just wait.
"When I hear our fans are concerned, I don't blame people for feeling that way," Barta said. "Our fans have high expectations for this program. So do I. So does Kirk. So if there's anybody out there questioning whether or not the expectations are high, I just want to make sure everyone understands they are high."

Seriously? High expectations are not the concern here Barta.

Its a concern when the AD doesn't have them.
he will be Iowa's coach next season"

Barta said. "That being said, Gary, Kirk and others surrounding the program have very high expectations for Iowa football. My expectations are for us to compete for and win championships. Maybe that's a bowl championship. A Big Ten championship. Maybe, someday, even beyond that. And because they are so high, in 2014 we didn't meet those expectations."

Barta is seriously lacking a set of balls. When he says, “bowl championshipâ€￾ he’s obviously referring any bowl win as a “championshipâ€￾. So Iowa could go 6-6, travel to Detroit, win against Kent St. or some no name school and barta would consider that ‘meeting expectations’. What a joke.

what are you expecting from Iowa? National titles? It isn't going to happen. You sound like the crazy Nebraska fans living in the 80's...College football is different now. Players want to play in the SEC and Pac 12 now. The B1G is not the power it used to be. Nebraksa just hired a coach that will keep them at the same level or regress....Who is going to come to Iowa City and win national titles every year?
Maybe kirk can one day win the cyhawk championship. How about a fake punt championship. Or a super clock awareness award. What a bunch of losers.
what are you expecting from Iowa? National titles? It isn't going to happen. You sound like the crazy Nebraska fans living in the 80's...College football is different now. Players want to play in the SEC and Pac 12 now. The B1G is not the power it used to be. Nebraksa just hired a coach that will keep them at the same level or regress....Who is going to come to Iowa City and win national titles every year?

At this point I woulf settle for winning them every other year.
what are you expecting from Iowa? National titles? It isn't going to happen. You sound like the crazy Nebraska fans living in the 80's...College football is different now. Players want to play in the SEC and Pac 12 now. The B1G is not the power it used to be. Nebraksa just hired a coach that will keep them at the same level or regress....Who is going to come to Iowa City and win national titles every year?

I don't think there are a lot of Iowa fans who expect national championships. Very few sane ones, at least. What I do expect, though, is to challenge for/win a fair percentage of BigTen West titles and the occasional Conference Championship. It'd also be nice to beat Iowa State more than half the time, and not lose to other crummy teams like them.

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