Barta: Chair Incident Crossed Line

since when did the world become so politically correct towards chairs? to me constantly yelling at refs is worse then picking up a chair a foot off the ground and slamming it down
Gary might want to focus on improving the image and performance of the FB program. Maybe Kirk can give Fran some advice on adding some fire and stability to the program, once he names a DC, finds 5 new running backs,5 new defensive lineman and new QB, of course.

GB future depends on Fran so suggest he support him.
I am not sure I follow what you are getting at?

Fran's "temper" (I think it is better described as his passion for his players) is part of the reason his players have improved. There would not be a story about the team's improved played if not for his demeanor, so it's hard to say, in my opinion, that the focus is wrongly put. The two are intrinsically intertwined.

Acceptance of their role as bottom feeders is not an option for him, and he's not going to let them slide into that mindset. After 3 years of mediocrity, that attitude can become pervasive - a "here we go again" benign acceptance of their fate. My take is he is not going to let them go there, and when he sees it, like last week at Michigan State, he's going to let them know about it, right then. It's not just about being physically better players, it's about an adjustment of their collective attitude as a team. It's not going to be poor, little, undermanned Iowa anymore. He's calling BS on that.

The fact that one element of the story is getting press over the other is not surprising - it's different, a stark contrast to what preceded him. As he has said, he's trying to change the culture of the program. Maybe as part of that, he has to rattle some cages. As they get better, the team's improvement and play will more and more become the story, and his demeanor, less so. That's what I meant.
My God Barta, this is the best hire you have made as AD..Don't F*ck it up!!! You need to be in this guys corner. HE GETS THIS THING TURNED AROUND AND HE'S GOING TO HAVE OTHER SCHOOLS POUNDING THE DOOR TO GET HIM. He'll go where he is appreciated.
This is getting more attention then it deserves. If that chair doesn't fold up when he slams it down none of this is even being talked about. That chair folding up and falling to the court made it look worse than it really was.
Fran's "temper" (I think it is better described as his passion for his players) is part of the reason his players have improved. There would not be a story about the team's improved played if not for his demeanor, so it's hard to say, in my opinion, that the focus is wrongly put. The two are intrinsically intertwined.

Acceptance of their role as bottom feeders is not an option for him, and he's not going to let them slide into that mindset. After 3 years of mediocrity, that attitude can become pervasive - a "here we go again" benign acceptance of their fate. My take is he is not going to let them go there, and when he sees it, like last week at Michigan State, he's going to let them know about it, right then. It's not just about being physically better players, it's about an adjustment of their collective attitude as a team. It's not going to be poor, little, undermanned Iowa anymore. He's calling BS on that.

The fact that one element of the story is getting press over the other is not surprising - it's different, a stark contrast to what preceded him. As he has said, he's trying to change the culture of the program. Maybe as part of that, he has to rattle some cages. As they get better, the team's improvement and play will more and more become the story, and his demeanor, less so. That's what I meant.

thats what i`ve been saying all along attitudes win games not talent:cool:
Barta may not care for all I know and was saying that merely to appease the detractors.

That game was horrible. Probably should have just been asked to get thrown out.
Posted this in a different thread. I can just see how this conversation went down between Barta and Fran:GB(sticking head in Fran's open office door and knocking), "Hey coach, you got a minute?"Fran, "I'm a little busy preparing for Purdue."GB, "This will just ttttake(voice shaking) a minute."Fran(looks at watch), "What's up?"GB, "Ummmm just got a call from the higher ups in the B1G and they were do I put this(nervous laughter)...they want me to ask you to tone it down a bit."30 seconds of uncomfortable silenceFran, "we done here?"GB, "Yep, great win on Saturday coach."Fran(pointing at empty coffee cup), "You want to pitch that in the trash on your way out?"
Barta's in the right. You can rationalize it all you want (Oh, he's just PASSIONATE), but getting mad and yelling and throwing things is child-like behavior. I don't tolerate it from my two year old nephew (although he is very passionate about his Weebles), and you shouldn't tolerate it from 50 year old mentors.
i dont necessarily agree with barta on this but i do think you can show passion and not look like a child throwing a temper tantrum. and that is what fran looked like with the chair.

dont get me wrong i love his passion and think he is the right coach but it probably was wrong. that being said barta could have stuck up for him and behind closed doors told him certain things were unacceptable and unneccessary.
Barta's in the right. You can rationalize it all you want (Oh, he's just PASSIONATE), but getting mad and yelling and throwing things is child-like behavior. I don't tolerate it from my two year old nephew (although he is very passionate about his Weebles), and you shouldn't tolerate it from 50 year old mentors.

hahaha i wouldn`t tolerate you either and i`m almost 50 years old:D
Barta's in the right. You can rationalize it all you want (Oh, he's just PASSIONATE), but getting mad and yelling and throwing things is child-like behavior. I don't tolerate it from my two year old nephew (although he is very passionate about his Weebles), and you shouldn't tolerate it from 50 year old mentors.

Of course, with an avatar like that, how could you be anything other than the epitome of cool?
Barta's in the right. You can rationalize it all you want (Oh, he's just PASSIONATE), but getting mad and yelling and throwing things is child-like behavior. I don't tolerate it from my two year old nephew (although he is very passionate about his Weebles), and you shouldn't tolerate it from 50 year old mentors.
Bingo. Barta is stepping in because somebody has to be an adult here.
Barta's in the right. You can rationalize it all you want (Oh, he's just PASSIONATE), but getting mad and yelling and throwing things is child-like behavior. I don't tolerate it from my two year old nephew (although he is very passionate about his Weebles), and you shouldn't tolerate it from 50 year old mentors.

I kind of agree with the passion but there is a line.
Seriously people. Gary has the guy that is turning around IA BB and he doesn't have enough brains to defend the guy. I can't believe this much crap is being made out of a coach slamming a chair down.
How long after The Turnaround is complete does Fran leave Iowa for greener pastures?
I'm sure almost any one of the ACC and/or Big East schools would hire him in a second, especially after he revives the Iowa Basketball corpse.
This is what I worry about. The dude is legit...which means, Iowa will find a way to sour him on the future.

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