Barkley Hill in IC this weekend?

This should read "a CF kid wanting to go where he'd not get instantly buried on the depth chart by many other quality RB's". Let's be honest, it's no coincidence that he changed his pledge to Iowa after the top 2 RB's left the school. It has nothing to do with him choosing one school over the other in the sense that "this one is better than that one". The kid has a great chance of playing next year at Iowa. No hard feelings toward the kid and that's pretty much the thought for most Cyclone fans.

so what does that say about his thoughts on the clown RB stable when he committed, if that is the logic.....
so what does that say about his thoughts on the clown RB stable when he committed, if that is the logic.....

Use your grown-up words. He liked the staff at ISU, that's according to him anyway. Also, he would have most likely grown into Woody's spot. Don't try and spin this as it was some incredible feat by the Hawk staff. Tell the full story to an unbiased party and they'd agree with what I posted above.
I doubt Barkley Hill ends up being much of a player but I will love him forever for the threads of gloating hawks and butt hurt clones that he gave us tonight.

This is awesome
Use your grown-up words. He liked the staff at ISU, that's according to him anyway. Also, he would have most likely grown into Woody's spot. Don't try and spin this as it was some incredible feat by the Hawk staff. Tell the full story to an unbiased party and they'd agree with what I posted above.

incredible feat? taking a recruit from the clownz? no, i don't view it as that, as i'm sure no on does, including yourself.

according to him he was also still solidly with your clownz after the weekend getaway......

i doubt he was worried about PT as your guys are passing this off as - your 2nd leading rusher was Woody at 375 yards......that's the big time at clown town, i guess.....
This should read "a CF kid wanting to go where he'd not get instantly buried on the depth chart by many other quality RB's". Let's be honest, it's no coincidence that he changed his pledge to Iowa after the top 2 RB's left the school. It has nothing to do with him choosing one school over the other in the sense that "this one is better than that one". The kid has a great chance of playing next year at Iowa. No hard feelings toward the kid and that's pretty much the thought for most Cyclone fans.

Burried on the Depth Chart at ISU. Please, please explain this. You have me captivated. Face it, you wanted him, IA got him. It happens to Ia on ocassion and it sucks, but if you think the only reason he came to Ia is the depth chart vs ISU's I don't see the logic. Can't wait to see an interview with him where he exclaims, " I always dreamed of playing for IA". It's coming, just wait.
Burried on the Depth Chart at ISU. Please, please explain this. You have me captivated. Face it, you wanted him, IA got him. It happens to Ia on ocassion and it sucks, but if you think the only reason he came to Ia is the depth chart vs ISU's I don't see the logic. Can't wait to see an interview with him where he exclaims, " I always dreamed of playing for IA". It's coming, just wait.

The two rs fr: Standard owns Montee Ball's Missouri high school records in both yards and td's. Nealy was highly touted coming out of high school last year. Check his offer list. Add in Woody, Johnson, White and Hollis. What does that mean? It means buried on the depth chart. It's simple logic. Pride just won't allow most if you to realize that. Sure, it would have been nice to have him, but oh well.
The two rs fr: Standard owns Montee Ball's Missouri high school records in both yards and td's. Nealy was highly touted coming out of high school last year. Check his offer list. Add in Woody, Johnson, White and Hollis. What does that mean? It means buried on the depth chart. It's simple logic. Pride just won't allow most if you to realize that. Sure, it would have been nice to have him, but oh well.

Uh, Woody was your #2 RB at 375 yards. What RB in his right mind looks at your backfield and thinks redshirt?
Uh, Woody was your #2 RB at 375 yards. What RB in his right mind looks at your backfield and thinks redshirt?

If you tell the entire story, Woody had the 2nd most because Johnson went down in the 4th game of the season. Otherwise, he's number 3 as the job gets split between Johnson and White. The 2 rs fr didn't need to play because of the depth. They got the year to bulk up and learn the system. If you still don't grasp the fact that this season there will be a bottleneck at the rb position, there is no getting through to you. Oh, also add in the fact that the qb's run the ball a lot in this offense and you have a lot of guys sharing the load which isn't going to allow for a single guy to have that many more yards than everyone else.
That's not what the argument was about, however. Now go find me numbnuts in the dictionary, please, since you claim I spelled it wrong. Go on. I'll wait.

You can find the word numb however. In the beginning I was joking because what you wrote looked like you were calling Hill numnuts for not comitting. I was trying to make light of an agressive atack by you.

Now, back to the argument, how do we really know what the conditions of any offer are? We all thought Malloy was offered a scholly when in the end he just pre-maturely commited. So just because it shows they have an offer, I don't buy much into it untill they step foot on campus and get the offer. Which obviously happened and which he reacted to with switching sides.

The way I look at it we are both hawk fans so the name calling B.S. is just uncalled for. However, when provoked I will respond in kind.
That's not what the argument was about, however. Now go find me numbnuts in the dictionary, please, since you claim I spelled it wrong. Go on. I'll wait.

One more thing. Did you actually look for the spelling of numbnutts in the dictionary, just to win an argument with someone you have never met? If so, you win.
I doubt Barkley Hill ends up being much of a player but I will love him forever for the threads of gloating hawks and butt hurt clones that he gave us tonight.

This is awesome

I was thinking the same thing. Even if he never plays a down for Iowa this was worth it.
I was thinking the same thing. Even if he never plays a down for Iowa this was worth it.

Wow Barkley... you can't find love and support like that just anywhere.

They don't even care if you play a down for Iowa... only that you left Paul Rhoads and ISU at the altar just days before signing day. Gotta love it! Have fun in IC.
lmao, now you are hoping he reads these threads so he switches back?

You clowns are awesome! Talk to Barkley, I am sure he is reading every word. :D
You can find the word numb however. In the beginning I was joking because what you wrote looked like you were calling Hill numnuts for not comitting. I was trying to make light of an agressive atack by you.

Now, back to the argument, how do we really know what the conditions of any offer are? We all thought Malloy was offered a scholly when in the end he just pre-maturely commited. So just because it shows they have an offer, I don't buy much into it untill they step foot on campus and get the offer. Which obviously happened and which he reacted to with switching sides.

The way I look at it we are both hawk fans so the name calling B.S. is just uncalled for. However, when provoked I will respond in kind.

Didn't really think you would ever go off the deep end after being called numnuts...but I suppose to each their own.

I usually stick to things I know, and I know Barkley was offered. I DON'T know if Malloy was offered or not. I was under the impression that he was offered, accepted, got into a bit of trouble, and his offer was revoked in place of a chance to walk on. Barkley, however, was offered long before he visited. You stated kids will switch if they don't live in a 30 mile radius of Ames. Not true. In this instance it happened. No denying that.

One more thing. Did you actually look for the spelling of numbnutts in the dictionary, just to win an argument with someone you have never met? If so, you win.

Nope, because I knew it wasn't a word. Just like I know numnuts isn't a word. I don't take it as saying someone has "numb nuts", because that would be weird. Numnuts is just a funny way to say idiot. Or, I guess, not so funny to you.

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