Just a couple things...
1. While trying to piece this together, how does this matter tie directly to Barta and the athletic department? I'm not commenting on whether or not Barta handled this well, but in terms of his duties as AD, is he ultimately responsible for the handling of this matter or is this something that falls outside of the athletic department and more so on the university as a whole?
2. In my opinion, as I expressed in a different thread, this is a student safety issue. The difference between being able to keep the athletes safe as opposed to fans/other participants is the fact that we are able to keep the athletes (for the most part) separate from the fans. Athletes don't go into the stands or outside the confines of the field/court and for the most part fans/spectators are kept off the field/court and prevented from direct interaction with the players during the course of the game as well as before and after, within reason.
Obviously alcohol and the "asshole" fans are a part of gameday, so how do you really protect a group such as the band, who is dressed in school uniforms and representing, in this case, the visiting team when there is very little that can be done to keep the band and the fans from interacting. I said it before, but does the visiting team really need to bring a band on the road with them? I'm not a fan of marching bands in general, and not taking a side in the debate, but is it rally a good idea to provide "targets" for the idiot fans and drunks to take their frustrations out on without being reasonably able to protect those that are being put in that situation?
I guess I just don't understand the benefits of taking a band on road trips.
Edit: I guess I just don't see how this is an athletic department issue and not a university issue as a matter of public safety.