Bakari Evelyn

I'll describe myself as very interested at this point. There will be no excitement until there is a commitment to the Hawks. Tempered by the whole D J Harvey thing...

Same here, especially considering how good of a coach and recruiter Chris Jans is. While Jans is there, New Mexico State is a legit basketball school. Fortunately, I think we have a lot to sell in terms of playing time and opportunity to win. If he is healthy, he could provide the perfect transition into the Toussaint era as well as softening the blow of Moss's departure. Ultimately, if he's looking to play in front of friends and family, a lot of big ten games are drivable from Detroit. If he's looking for warmer weather/change of scenery, I think New Mexico State is probably where he ends up.
Out of curiosity, I looked it up, and Iowa looks like a very solid landing spot compared to New Mexico State roster opportunity wise. NMSt is returning a LOT of minutes (80+) at the guard spots with their 2 top scorers there and 3 other major contributors AND they already added a transfer guard that averaged 11ppg at UTEP this year. With as loaded as they are at guard, I don't know if he'd average more than 15-20 minutes per game even if he was the top guard, which is the system Jans demonstrated he's comfortable with last season.

Contrast that against an almost guaranteed 25-30 minutes a night at Iowa where the coach will want you to be a showcased scorer/distributor/defender. There's over 65 minutes available at guard for only 3 newcomers including the transfer who would far and away have the most experience. Add that to a roster of very talented bigs and wings. If you think you're a star, but haven't had the opportunity, Iowa is your landing spot.
Based on his comments it sounds like if his Iowa visit goes well, he could end his recruitment and commit to Iowa. So I'm optimistic. I actually think that this kid with his passing and ball handling fits better with Iowas needs for next year than the Harvey kid. But that could just be me justifying missing out on Harvey.

I really like this kids ball handling and passing ability. This could ease the blow of losing Bohannon for the year.
Wow. I just watched the rest. I think this would be a real good get for Iowa. He has a very good delayed dribble and can create confusion when dribbling with quickness. He looks to be just a baller which Iowa hasn't had at the 1 or 2 for quite some time. He can create if he has to.
He had three bone spur operations so he should be recovered from that. He shoots in the seventy percentile in free throws. When he was a freshman at Nebraska he hit 8 of 8 free throws for 100%. Hopefully, he will start with Toussaint learning from him. Fredrick sounds like a winner at the off guard. Iowa should have a lot of power inside.
I love this kid I think he's gonna be huge this year for us. He has d1 experience and has played at a high level when not battling injuries. Has the ability to attack the rim, and create his own shot, like we haven't had in a guy in awhile.

If he can do this along with CJ Fredrick and Joe T, this team is going to be DAMN fun to watch!
I'm personally excited for this Iowa basketball season just because there are so many unknowns. We know that some players that played last year were solid role players or have been solid starters. But who will be the star? Do Garza and Wieskamp go from being solid starters to the leaders and stars of the team that we need? We have no idea what kind of players PMac, Toussaint, Evelyn, CJ, and Nunge will be or can be down the line.

My expectation for the year is 6 to 8 big 10 wins and a trip to the NIT. Most people wouldn't be too excited for that kind of season but seeing new players that we don't know what to expect is intriguing to me.
I think they are capable of beating anyone. They should be tough this coming year barring injury. They are going to be deep and talented.
I think they are capable of beating anyone. They should be tough this coming year barring injury. They are going to be deep and talented.
I think they have a good chance to have a good year. I'm optimistic but I also don't want to have too high of expectations. Which is why I'm excited for this season.
Interesting summations considering the loss of four players from last years squad. A lot is also expected from players we have never seen play. I certainly hope everyone is right and we do great.
Being down 3 starters(Bohannon, Moss, & Cook) and 2 bench guys (Baer & Dailey) normally equals a down year due to having to rely more on incoming frosh than one would like. What makes this situation a bit different is 3 of the new guys in the rotation have at least 1 year of playing experience at the DI level(Pemsl, Nunge, & Evelyn) and another has been in a DI program for a full year already(Fredrick). Throw in Pat and you have another guy that, while he hasn't officially been part of the team, has grown up around the program and you have 5 guys that should be ready to contribute. So I guess that means Joe T is the lone guy that has not been around a DI program before and all indications are that he's fitting in quite well already.

There are definitely some unknowns at how the guard play will shake out but I think some fans are being too cautious with their expectations. IMO they should be considered a bubble team and around .500 in conference play(give or take a game or two) with a chance to do better if the guards end up playing well. If this team isn't at least competitive or within a game or two of being .500 in conference play, something went wrong. I don't see it happening (barring any unforeseen circumstances) but if they resemble the 2017-2018 team at all, Fran should be shown the door.
The defense should be markedly improved. Nunge has huge Uthoff level defensive upside. Any of the sg options should be a defensive effort upgrade over Mossand at the 1 you’ll have either a healthy JBo (unlikely) or someone with more defensive size or rep. You would expect LG and JW to hold serve or improve.
The players Iowa lost from last year all had their flaws. There is only one of them that has a good chance of playing overseas next year. I enjoyed watching them play, but Iowa has a lot of talent on the roster. To believe that they can't be easily replaced talent wise is a stretch. Iowa will lose some experience, but they have a lot of experience returning. I think they should be able to play with and beat anyone. Every team has its moments, but they should be fun to watch next year. From what I've seen Iowa has a lot of gamers on their squad.