Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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For anyone not concerned about Coronavirus....God have mercy on your soul. The studies have been posted long enough. It is a brand new viral with the potential to spread as aggressively as a plague. It has also already mutated once during its outbreak phase. In case you aren't aware this is very uncommon. We should all be passed the point of idle worry.
One thing the studies can't show is how many of the untested have already had the virus. It's very possible, if not probable, that that number is way higher than they are guessing. I'm hoping it's already gone through a huge percentage of the population.
The Casinos and hotels on the Las Vegas Strip are shutting down and no in dining at any McDonald's or Chick -Fil-A's in America, but the drive thrus will remain open. Those will be some long ass lines to wait in. This country is going into full mode shut down
Just a matter of time. The feds decision to slash the prime to virtual zero was a huge red flag as to what they are about to do. The feds are just trying to consult with health experts on the proper time length to shut the country down and then they will do it. We will need the national guard, etc., to protect against looting and general anarchy.
no in dining at any McDonald's or Chick -Fil-A's in America, but the drive thrus will remain open. Those will be some long ass lines to wait in. This country is going into full mode shut down

I don't know about where you live, but around here, and I am not exaggerating, Chick-Fil-A locations with the double drive through (which is most of them) move faster during the noon rush than the Hillside Strangler (that spot where 290 and 88 meet in the west suburbs of Chicago) did in the era before they had open road tolling.
The politicians in Cedar Rapids, IA are asking all bar owners/restaurants to be closed on St Pattys Day tomorrow. It looks like most bar owners are giving them the middle finger and will be open for business, 8am sharp!
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To answer the original question: No. I'm more worried at this point that my annual donation to the I-Club for the location of my football season tickets may be down the toilet if there's no fall football season. 'Flattening the curve' is the right idea and I hope measures taken are successful. However, a flattening of the curve also means extending the flattened curve longer into the future. Shutting things down now is relatively easy...a more interesting and complex question is when do you decide to open things back up? Who's going to be the first school district to say 'OK, come on back to school!" or who'll be the first governor to say 'OK, go back to life as normal." It's likely smaller events will lead to larger events over time, but who will hold the first large crowd event? And when?
To answer the original question: No. I'm more worried at this point that my annual donation to the I-Club for the location of my football season tickets may be down the toilet if there's no fall football season. 'Flattening the curve' is the right idea and I hope measures taken are successful. However, a flattening of the curve also means extending the flattened curve longer into the future. Shutting things down now is relatively easy...a more interesting and complex question is when do you decide to open things back up? Who's going to be the first school district to say 'OK, come on back to school!" or who'll be the first governor to say 'OK, go back to life as normal." It's likely smaller events will lead to larger events over time, but who will hold the first large crowd event? And when?
Point well taken. While flattening the curve will relieve pressure on the health care system there is the real possibility that it could prolong the outbreak.

I would hope the warmer temps and longer daylight hours of spring would help shut down the virus but March in New Orleans is like June in Iowa and they just reported a death down there.
Coronaviruses have been around a long time.

Yes, and different strains of coronavirus are more virulent than others just like with the flu and its various strains or variants, H5N1, H1N1, some of them lead to more deaths and worse cases of pneumonia without death.
If young people want to go to bars, that's fine by me as long as they know to stay away from high risk people. More importantly, high risk people should be staying away from absolutely everyone.

Once again you either do not know the facts or do not understand them or fail to think and use them.

Fact: People with no symptoms but have been exposed to the virus officially have covid 19 and can infect other people.

Fact: with little testing people do not know if they have it or not.

Fact: The virus can live on surfaces for some days 4 or so and infect people.

Putting all these things together it doesnt mean anything when you say 'as long as they stay away from hish risk people' or 'high risk people should stay away from others' because many and most times the non-symptomatic person who has the virus can pass it along by going into big crowds. Healthy people without the virus can get it from someone who looks and says they are healthy or they can get it by touching a surface to get the virus on their skin and then touch a membrane.
I think some very solid steps are being taken to slow down the infection speed. It could be that if a few more weeks go by without big spikes and outbreaks and there is a warmer weather shutdown of the virus by May or so. That would be great.
I think some very solid steps are being taken to slow down the infection speed. It could be that if a few more weeks go by without big spikes and outbreaks and there is a warmer weather shutdown of the virus by May or so. That would be great.

That would be great. But warm weather doesn't seem to slow this. U.S. had 2,000 cases Friday, today 4,600. Probably 10,000 by this weekend...
Heard this one guy in my neighborhood has a cold. Possibly could be more folks that get the cold. Pretty sure I've already had the cold, feel pretty good. Vitamin C helped get over it with some water and rest. Also heard about this Flu bug going around, there is an A and a B strain? Haven't got it yet, didn't get the vaccine either, but I did hear about some folks that had it... didn't sound like much fun. But they got over it, I think it had something to do with their immune system but I'm no scientist.
I heard sometimes cold and flu bugs go around and people get them. Depending on people's current state of health it can be serious from my understanding. Seems to happen almost every year...and every couple of years a virus that's already been circulating is named. It's quite the miracle we've lasted this long. Seriously, I also heard if you get a cut, and that cut gets infected that it can create problems too...stay safe out there folks.
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Once again you either do not know the facts or do not understand them or fail to think and use them.

Fact: People with no symptoms but have been exposed to the virus officially have covid 19 and can infect other people.

Fact: with little testing people do not know if they have it or not.

Fact: The virus can live on surfaces for some days 4 or so and infect people.

Putting all these things together it doesnt mean anything when you say 'as long as they stay away from hish risk people' or 'high risk people should stay away from others' because many and most times the non-symptomatic person who has the virus can pass it along by going into big crowds. Healthy people without the virus can get it from someone who looks and says they are healthy or they can get it by touching a surface to get the virus on their skin and then touch a membrane.

I understand all of that. My point was that high risk people need to quarantine themselves. If they do that, it really doesn't matter how much the low risk people mingle. If you have an elderly relative, stay the hell away from them. It's impossible to give them the virus if you do. If all high risk people quarantine themselves, they are all but 100% safe. If low risk people still go out and spend money, we won't get sent into a great depression, and they are all but 100% safe because young healthy people die at an extremely low rate. As an added bonus, the extremely contagious virus will spread through the healthy community much faster, which means less, more realistic, quarantine time for the high risk. Who loses out in the scenario I layed out?
Heard this one guy had a cold. Possibly could be more folks that get the cold. Pretty sure I've already had the cold, feel pretty good. Vitamin C helped get over it with some water and rest. Also heard about this Flu bug going around, there is an A and a B strain. Haven't got it yet, didn't get the vaccine either, but I did hear about some folks that had it... didn't sound like much fun. But they got over it, I think it had something to do with an immune system but I'm no scientist.
I really wish they would show daily flu numbers just to give is a comparison.
That would be great. But warm weather doesn't seem to slow this. U.S. had 2,000 cases Friday, today 4,600. Probably 10,000 by this weekend...

Probably already had at least 500,000 "cases". But most people just took a Flintstone vitamin and went to work not feeling a 100 percent.

There is a lot of weirdness about this. None of know really what is going on, but it's weird.

On a serious side remember 6 or 7;years ago the mention in the US press about the US sharing military bio weapon info with China?

Not really saying anything except...weird.

Also weird this thing hasnt ripped through Manilla or India or that is noted withe dense populations. However those pops are very young.
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