Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Can I suggest deleting posts instead of threads? At least the first couple times or so? At some point if a thread keeps going there then you should shut it down. But sometimes there might be a good thread going and it would suck for the entire thread to go away because one guy posts something wrong.

Also i get that it's your website, your rules, but the most extreme guys on each side here have been TK and 82. Both have been equally deserving of scolding but only one has. I assume it's because he's opinion doesn't align with yours. It would be nice if both sides of extreme posts faced the same consequences. Again, I get that you may not want it that way and it's fine if you don't.

Or you can PM me for a level headed discussion or if you can't find my exact extreme statements you can paraphrase them back to me. I am curious about my extreme statements. I certainly know that people view things differently.
Wow, I'm amazed the amount of truthful information you can give out. While still being completely partisan.

From all of this, the only criticism you have of our federal government, is that the CDC wasted 50 billion budget they had over the last decade?

Despite the CDC's successful response to Ebola and H1N1 during that time? Look at how many trillions of stimulus we've passed. I think 50 billion to tackle two infections deceases is a great ROI.

And you don't blame the president because he only does macro planning.

None of this looks like a macro problem to you? Should we start building fallout bunkers in our back yard again? Because the president only deals with the Macro. Nuclear fallout would be a local issue.

Ken is a diplomat

Good day, y'all. The thread will stay open through Sunday. When I get to it Monday morning, it will be locked. If that disappoints you, sorry. This is a Hawkeye Sports Discussion site with message boards. It's not for politics, religion, etc.

Yes, there are music and BBQ threads. That's not the same. And I had to kill the Friday Funnys thread because tk felt it was ok to make that political. It's posters like him that do whatever they want on here regardless of the rules that ruin it for everybody else. For example, I deleted the post he made on the doctor yelling at democrats above and then he just reposted it. He's been warned and continues to do whatever the hell he wants. His days here are numbered.

Anyway, as some of you have pushed back on me shutting down this thread, I decided to go back one week, to last Friday, and count everybody's post in this thread. That was when HawkMN posted:

This shatshow thread is still going?

That got me thinking whether or not this had run its course.

Here's my count from that post forward:

uihawk82 - 50
PCHawk - 34
Hawk1960 - 33
HawkGold - 33
tksirius - 31
thedukeofearl - 22
Ree4 - 19
Northside - 18
HawkPrdatr40 - 17
EstronHawkKing - 15
HuckFinn - 9
MelroseHawkins - 8
judzeehawk - 7
okeefe4prez - 6
GoHawks12345 - 6
haydensly - 3
Kicker22 - 4
Stanzi, ssckelley - 2
KCRC, Xerxes, HawkeyeWalker, tailgater371, racerhawk, hawkdrummer, hawkinduckland, #dihardhawk, Denverhawk1, CP87 - 1

This is my 27th post in this thread during the last week. Most of mine the last few days have been about why I'm locking up the thread. Seeing that there really aren't a lot of people on here posting in the thread, I'm comfortable with my decision.

I'm not overly concerned about traffic because revenue from programmatic ads has plummeted with this economy. My goal was to give HN users a chance to discuss the unprecedented goings on in the world. I would like to be able to continue doing that but this thread has become a social issues debate too often, which I guess can be expected with this topic. It's be nice to focus on data and stories from the virus and provide information for people, but as you can see throughout this thread, people can find websites with what they want to believe all over the internet. And some of that misinformation is dangerous to me and I don't want it on this site.

As I mentioned in one of my recent posts, you guys that want to continue this discussion, and for the most part, it's a pretty small group, you can find a place to do that. I'd feel some remorse if this was the only place to discuss it. It's not.

Again. You can easily start your own FREE message board to discuss these topics. And again, here's the LINK

BTW, if you're thinking, hey, he's going to lock this thread on Monday so I'm going to get everything off my chest before he does, don't do it. I won't put up with it.

It Has indeed run the course for a while now

I really don't think it is productive to sit around laying blame. It is petty and does nothing. I was responding specifically to a question of whether Cuomo or DeBlasio, two guys who I vehemently disagree with politically, should have closed the NYC subway sooner. Those guys aren't at fault. Sometimes, pal, shit happens and it really isn't any one single person's or entity's fault, and the politicization of this issue is the most asinine, ridiculous shit I have ever seen.

At the end of the day the subway in NYC argument is not materially different than international travel. Trump imposed substantial restrictions at the end of January. He was met with a chorus of complaints about xenophobia and virtue signalling as political opponents encouraged people to go to Chinatown or the movies or whatever. Now, people bitch that he didn't do enough. It's just ridiculous. It is a fluid situation with imperfect information available and actions like completely closing the border on January 1 to everyone or shutting down the subway, which in hindsight likely would have mitigated this thing, have widespread implications and can't just be made in a vacuum.

Ultimately, the issues that this pandemic have created are evident in a lot of Western society. Industrialized countries in East Asia have developed around extremely crowded conditions and are better equipped at dealing with shit like this than the West. The first and foremost is the realization among their public that people need to wear masks in high germ season when they are in crowded quarters. I made this point in mid March on this very thread. The government can't protect you from every bad thing that may happen. We need to scream from the rooftops that tightly packed in businesses need mask rules.

Do you remember that little flood that we had in Iowa in 1993? I remember going to see President Clinton at the Water Works. Some knucklefuck, probably you, yelled "WHY DIDN'T YOU BUILD THE LEVY HIGHER?" I will continue to advocate for mask usage and reassure insecure folks that their manhood won't be impacted if they wear a mask into Home Depot to buy a new chainsaw. Filling the proverbial sandbags, while you sit there bitching about the President. The fact is, there is a shit sandwich in front of us and everyone has to take a bite. At this point, just like pretty much every point leading up to this, there are only a series of choices that will have negative impacts. The introduction of The Germ in the US and its spread are both the result of our incredibly free society. Freedom ain't free.


Ultimately, the issues that this pandemic have created are evident in a lot of Western society. Industrialized countries in East Asia have developed around extremely crowded conditions and are better equipped at dealing with shit like this than the West. The first and foremost is the realization among their public that people need to wear masks in high germ season when they are in crowded quarters. I made this point in mid March on this very thread. The government can't protect you from every bad thing that may happen. We need to scream from the rooftops that tightly packed in businesses need mask rules.

So I suppose you wouldnt have wanted the Pentagon Papers published to lay blame on lying about dead soldiers!!!! The publishing of the Pentagon Papers was so useful in helping to bring out dissent that eventually ended that war.

Finding facts and truth and reporting and stating the truth is super important. Personally I first thought and heard Mayor De Blasio being very upfront about how this virus could be a problem, telling NYC residents to prepare, no more handshakes etc, they tried asking businesses to stagger shifts etc iirc , taking some actions all the way up to about March 10-11. Then when NYC started getting a few more cases the mayor seemed to balk at closing I remember from reports and some of his most trusted aides were pissed at him and they almost were the ones forcing some closures.

So I think the mayor and Cuomo might have been just a bit slow on tightening things down. It was a tough decision because the NYC case number sort of skyrocketed all of a sudden. I think Cuomo even pushed back on the mayor finally doing some closures thinking it was premature. The after action reports on Cuomo and the mayor will shed more light that might not look so nice.

For me, it is not so much a matter of who is at fault as it is a matter of all of us being accountable for the incredibly poor response to the pandemic and moving forward to an organized, medically sound, consistent approach to some level of resolution. I have no respect for those who make excuses and refuse to take responsibility for their actions at whatever level. Politicians, medical professionals, and the person on the street should never, ever be let off the hook.
"(NBC)-- Roy Horn, half of the famed Las Vegas magic and entertainment duo Siegfried & Roy, has died of complications related to COVID-19, partner Siegfried Fischbacher said in a statement Friday. Horn tested positive for the virus last month. He was being treated at a Las Vegas hospital. The duo met more than 60 years ago when they worked on a cruise ship, Horn as a steward and Siegfried as a magician. Horn ended up helping with Siegfried's act. Horn was 75."
For me, it is not so much a matter of who is at fault as it is a matter of all of us being accountable for the incredibly poor response to the pandemic and moving forward to an organized, medically sound, consistent approach to some level of resolution. I have no respect for those who make excuses and refuse to take responsibility for their actions at whatever level. Politicians, medical professionals, and the person on the street should never, ever be let off the hook.

I do hear you but I wonder how much behavior you can be doing to be accountable or not. I mean comparatively you or I or most people who have 'regular/normal' lives usually are up fairly early, do some basics, and then can go out and work or mingle or visit with people or go to stores. In this time around March 1st we were starting to take notice and by mid-March or so we were socially distancing, maybe not at work or out and about. So for all of us if we did our social distancing and didn't get in big groups, we were and are doing our duty or what was/is asked of us. We wash our hands and surfaces a lot more and sanitize, dont touch or shake hands, and do the logical things we need to do.

Now I think our elected leaders and the people they hired and put into jobs have a whole lot more, way more to do that can control this epidemic at the Fed, state, and local levels. We all hired them by voting them in. They are supposed to be accountable to us and to doing the job correctly. And since there are tried and true processes and steps to take in an epidemic we can pretty easily tell if these leaders are getting them done and doing a good job. You know pretty well what grades I hand out to many of these leaders and you and others can give them what grades you think.

But I would say you and a lot of the regular folks are being very accountable but not so sure about some leaders.
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I think people need to know what is going on behind close doors in these meetings. There was no reporting on this meeting that I have seen. oh and I may have forgot to say this task force met once and never again yet up to this day

Trump keeps blasting reporters, governors etc about getting the economy back opened then maybe not and then you get a direct quote from a military hero who lost both her legs in war in the middle east that Trump just wasted 75% of the time of an Open the Economy meeting and his Admin had no answers about where are the tests.

And you dont think there is anything wrong with this picture???? You should be bitchin at Trump etc about the economy the shut downs, etc by screwing up any response to the warnings he got in January by wasting 6-8 weeks doing absolutely nothing positive or concrete in late Jan to March 15th or so.

People need to know the news and the facts. Not sure why Rob would shut down this thread because 95% of what I am posting is facts. I didnt make up Duckworth's quotes and it is news.

You just don’t know how to stop do you!
Can you copy and paste some of my posts or statements that you think are extreme????? Please do. Remember you are comparing me to TK and also 'extreme' means stuff like Pizzagate child kidnapping conspiracy theories/potential russian bots.

You really don’t get it, that’s the sad part. It’s sad that you don’t see it because I have always enjoyed your sports takes! That won’t change! We Definitely need to move on from this thread.
Or you can PM me for a level headed discussion or if you can't find my exact extreme statements you can paraphrase them back to me. I am curious about my extreme statements. I certainly know that people view things differently.

Your posts are just really political which doesn't bother me but is against the rules.
Your posts are just really political which doesn't bother me but is against the rules.

Yes some are but most of my posts are giving facts and really calling out ineptitude as I and many millions of citizens see it. We will get back together on the sports threads I hope someday.
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cell phone is always turned off

Ultimately, the issues that this pandemic have created are evident in a lot of Western society. Industrialized countries in East Asia have developed around extremely crowded conditions and are better equipped at dealing with shit like this than the West. The first and foremost is the realization among their public that people need to wear masks in high germ season when they are in crowded quarters. I made this point in mid March on this very thread. The government can't protect you from every bad thing that may happen. We need to scream from the rooftops that tightly packed in businesses need mask rules.


Also at play is those areas are less sensitive to voters and donors.
A bleach cocktail

I have been mixing Myers Rum with bleach, equal proportions

Tasty drink indeed and the cleansing properties are profound

I don't need to drink, I just go through the car wash on steroids and powerwash myself with pinup models from the 1950's.
Well, there goes the Bikini Contest:(

"There won't be a Miss America this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Miss America Organization said this year's competition is being delayed due to the nationwide impact of the Coronavirus.

It's a move to protect the health and welfare of the contestants, judges and fans.

In the meantime, the organization is working with the state qualifying organizations on eligibility for the next pageant.

The postponement means the current Miss America, Camille Schrier, will serve an extra year until she can pass the torch.

Founded in 1921, the next Miss America pageant will mark it's 100th anniversary."
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