A few things. One, not all opinions are equal. Two, the OP didn't give an opinion, he asked a question. Third, he didn't explain or elucidate his question in any particular way, which made it such a bizarre and confusing question, it is difficult to take seriously.
And fourth, it's not "They're opinion, it's "Their opinion". You clearly didn't mis-type, but rather don't know when to use the proper form of those various homophones. That is what makes me better than all the others.
The OP asked a general question, but I fail to see where he asked to be insulted or have his intelligence mocked. Maybe you can point me in that direction since your post reeks of intellectual elitism. Secondly, the mistake in grammar on his part could have easily been the result of autotype on a phone as opposed to intent. Since you are now in the business of enforcing grammar on this board, maybe you should hold yourself to the same standard and use proper punctuation and complete sentences throughout your own posts.