Anyone Here Under The Age Of 65 Going To Assville, TN And Paying Actual Money To Watch This Fiasco?


surprised that going all the way up to Ronoak Va is only a few minutes more. The part in Red is very scenic for sure
My family and I stayed in downtown Nashville on our way home from vacation in Alabama this summer. We didn't get there until 10PM or so and decided to check out the bar scene. It was a real eye opener.

We rounded the corner of our hotel and got our first look at the strip, which was wall to wall people all partying hard. I got patted down at the first bar my wife and I went in to, which ended up being some sort of loud techno music scene with flashing lights and overblown bass. I like loud music, but not that kind of loud music, so we weren't in there for long.

Ended up at Kid Rock's bar and heard a really good band doing covers of various artists ranging from .38 Special to Journey. Overall, the downtown scene at that time stuck me as a cesspool of crime and drugs. We walked past several people who were passed out on the sidewalk, usually with cops within 20 yards or so from them not batting an eye. I think the same area would have been more inviting at 2-5 in the afternoon, but many undesirables come out after dark. I left there not caring if I ever saw it again. I imagine NYE would be twice as bad.

In short, I will watch the game on TV.
Overall, the downtown scene at that time stuck me as a cesspool of crime and drugs. We walked past several people who were passed out on the sidewalk, usually with cops within 20 yards or so from them not batting an eye. I think the same area would have been more inviting at 2-5 in the afternoon, but many undesirables come out after dark. I left there not caring if I ever saw it again. I imagine NYE would be twice as bad.

In short, I will watch the game on TV.
It’s the exact same during the day. Saw a homeless dude whip out his hang down and just start pissing in the street, and there were kids around. Middle of the day on a weekday. I’m assuming kids of parents who maybe mistakenly thought Nashville was a good family vaca spot.

Nashville has turned into a low rent wannabe version of Vegas without any of the redeeming qualities of Vegas.
Nah, I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy this month. At least I have an excuse to sleep through that.
I've been dragging my feet on scheduling my first one for the last 6 months. Any pro tips? I'm trying to maximize my downtime from 3 little kids and work. I'm thinking maybe a Friday in January? Get some basketball that night, and then sandbag my way through a Saturday and possibly Sunday of NFL playoff games because I'm still not feeling myself?

Tempted to hold off until March Madness, but I've probably waited too long already.
It’s the exact same during the day. Saw a homeless dude whip out his hang down and just start pissing in the street, and there were kids around. Middle of the day on a weekday. I’m assuming kids of parents who maybe mistakenly thought Nashville was a good family vaca spot.

Nashville has turned into a low rent wannabe version of Vegas without any of the redeeming qualities of Vegas.

Nashville is not a family-friendly destination. The place is a magnet for bachelorette parties and birthday parties. "Hey let's be like every other jackass and get a pedal bar." "OMG KATIE, I'M SOOOOOOO DRUNK!"

If you want a family friendly vacation in Tennessee you gotta go to Gatlinburg.

I lived about 300 yards from the entrance of Navy Pier for 6 years and on the edge of the Viagra Triangle for about a year and if I never visit some town's "party area" ever again I will be just fine with it. The last two years I lived by Navy Pier we had to get out of the neighborhood on NYE because we were so sick of the shit. It's just amateur hour.
It’s the exact same during the day. Saw a homeless dude whip out his hang down and just start pissing in the street, and there were kids around. Middle of the day on a weekday. I’m assuming kids of parents who maybe mistakenly thought Nashville was a good family vaca spot.

Nashville has turned into a low rent wannabe version of Vegas without any of the redeeming qualities of Vegas.
You find that in about any city in the US and Europe. Honestly I was assaulted in the M and M store in Vegas recently. I met Eddie George in downtown Nashville. Pretty engaging guy. Never said who he was but it was him. Had someone trying to rob me in downtown Kyiv but never saw a weapon. He kept walking into me trying not to draw attention. Lost him in the underground under intersection stores built as bomb shelters.

The only place I've been unnerved is in Manilla. I've been with my kids and grandkids in downtown Nashville and had a great time.
I've been dragging my feet on scheduling my first one for the last 6 months. Any pro tips? I'm trying to maximize my downtime from 3 little kids and work. I'm thinking maybe a Friday in January? Get some basketball that night, and then sandbag my way through a Saturday and possibly Sunday of NFL playoff games because I'm still not feeling myself?

Tempted to hold off until March Madness, but I've probably waited too long already.

I don't want to ask too personal info, but do you have clinical indication for one or have a family history of any colon issues or cancer?

If not, you may want to ask about doing a Cologuard test instead of a colonoscopy. You'd mail in a chunk of crap in a bag and they would test it. If the test comes back indicating anything suspicious, you then would be advised to schedule a colonoscopy with your GI. You may want to ask your physician if this is an option for you. Again, no FH or clinical symptoms going on for you.

My wife did it a couple years ago. I am do for eval as well and I am going to ask about it because I have no first or second generation relatives who have had any colon cancer or polyps.

Just a thought.

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To go with $650 flights and $650 hotel rooms.


I should probably go.
It's only a little over 4 hours for me. Maybe a half hour further from me than Iowa City.
And while hotel rooms are expensive, I wouldn't have to stay downtown or nuthin'.

I should rethink this. I've never been to a bowl game.
I have an agreement with my wife that if they're ever in "the big one" (not the Rose Bowl) that I'm going no matter what.

She easily agreed to that deal. Almost too easily. I wonder if she knows something I don't.
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surprised that going all the way up to Ronoak Va is only a few minutes more. The part in Red is very scenic for sure

It says it is only 14 miles longer. I'd be shocked if it is really 8 minutes faster to go through Asheville. That spot where 40 and 26 meet is the worst traffic I've seen in the South, plus the speed limit is only 55 for a long stretch when you get west of Asheville by the NC/TN border. And you also add rock slides to the mix. I wish they'd do a bowl game at Bristol.
I've been dragging my feet on scheduling my first one for the last 6 months. Any pro tips? I'm trying to maximize my downtime from 3 little kids and work. I'm thinking maybe a Friday in January? Get some basketball that night, and then sandbag my way through a Saturday and possibly Sunday of NFL playoff games because I'm still not feeling myself?

Tempted to hold off until March Madness, but I've probably waited too long already.
Being my third time for this I'm prepared for what to expect. Have a dedicated bathroom to run to for the multitude of trips you'll be making. After this purging process, the toughest part is the waiting to get called into the procedure area. Plenty of clear liquids to drink. Power Ade is my favorite. Clear soda like 7Up too. Ask for the pill form of prep if your insurance will cover it. You're going to feel weak for awhile but plenty of sleep and bland food will help immensely.
Rob, I found this one for you for $76 if you pay cash. I'll need a very small finder's fee, of course. It's on US41 just southeast of downtown. Short walk to the TN Board of Parole office.

LMN if you want me to book it.

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Am a Senior! I drink much R.R. Rolling Rock. Cheap at Beach in Calif.Do I get discount if I come.Us old "drinkers" have hollow legs huh? But great start on Portal. Cade and hopefully pals soon sign on dotted line. A business no? Sounds like Mr. Proctor on board. No I shall never never say Reece as Paid consultant! But great start. Cade wants Gattis also. He sounds well grounded. Go Hawks!! Players tough. Best to Spencer. Roberts ect. Thanks
Am a Senior! I drink much R.R. Rolling Rock. Cheap at Beach in Calif.Do I get discount if I come.Us old "drinkers" have hollow legs huh? But great start on Portal. Cade and hopefully pals soon sign on dotted line. A business no? Sounds like Mr. Proctor on board. No I shall never never say Reece as Paid consultant! But great start. Cade wants Gattis also. He sounds well grounded. Go Hawks!! Players tough. Best to Spencer. Roberts ect. Thanks


Sounds like you're knee deep into the Rolling Rocks.
I have friends in Nashville and they love all the places for music. I get the impression that those places are not downtown, but rather all over town. Maybe ya just have to know the territory.
A lof of musicians do home shows too. But it costs a few dollars to hire top talent to come to your home for a show. then again these people have some serious $$

I'm trying to figure out how this thread became about colon issues.