Another Gameday tradition dies - Myrtle Parking lot closed to general public.

We're all happy for ya'. So much courage making such a stand -- you're a modern-day Rosa Parks.

You realize that most games sell out, right? I don't think the program is hurting for fans.

I quit buying tickets after the '03 season because 3 packs were my only real option. I have two kids who are multi sport athletes in a small town, which means I spend a lot of Saturday's in the fall at soccer games, softball tournaments, and flag football. There is no feasible way I can dedicate 7 or 8 Saturday's every fall to Hawkeye football. The 3 pack was the perfect medium.
My youngest should be off to college in 10 years. At that point I'll be in a position to become a season ticket holder. But I won't be taking advantage of that. I'll never purchase a football ticket from the UofI again.

In '04 they did the renovation of the south endzone. They also widened seats without adding bleachers....meaning they shrunk the seating capacity of the stadium. Then they added minimum donation levels for season tickets and tanked the 3 packs. I was out. The message was clear that they didn't need me (or the 3 other fans that attended with me) at the games.
I do realize that the games sell out. I realize that season ticket sales are humming along at record levels. I also realize that we've been stringing together a lot of winning seasons, BCS bowl appearances, and competing for conference titles for the last 9 years. I hope that continues forever, speaking as a Hawk fan. BUT, look 10 years down the road. Who is the coach? Is the program at an elite level? If things ever go south again and we're fielding teams that don't have a chance to win before they even step on the field all those expensive seats are gonna be sitting emtpy. Carver Hawkeye arena says so. This is one guy who will not be back, even if I'm in a position to do so. I sat through all those losing seasons 10 years ago and enjoyed every trip I made to IC. We had a nice time, drank beer, saw rowdy kids and parties, and then left town disappointed in the team....looking forward to the next time we could come back. We could park in several places. The attitudes of the U, locals, and cops were all mellow. It's no longer like that. But that's OK, they don't need me there. Besides, I'm already doing my part as a fan; I have cable TV and am kicking in my money via BTN.
I quit buying tickets after the '03 season because 3 packs were my only real option. I have two kids who are multi sport athletes in a small town, which means I spend a lot of Saturday's in the fall at soccer games, softball tournaments, and flag football. There is no feasible way I can dedicate 7 or 8 Saturday's every fall to Hawkeye football. The 3 pack was the perfect medium.
My youngest should be off to college in 10 years. At that point I'll be in a position to become a season ticket holder. But I won't be taking advantage of that. I'll never purchase a football ticket from the UofI again.

In '04 they did the renovation of the south endzone. They also widened seats without adding bleachers....meaning they shrunk the seating capacity of the stadium. Then they added minimum donation levels for season tickets and tanked the 3 packs. I was out. The message was clear that they didn't need me (or the 3 other fans that attended with me) at the games.

Maybe you're taking this too personally.
Maybe you're taking this too personally.

I don't think so. Obviously the university wasn't singling out just those four people. But the university made it clear that they didn't/don't need the fans like that, now that the program is having success.

I don't feel that same indignation, as I was never a season ticket holder until 2008 (my freshman year on campus). I'll probably chip in the donation to get season tickets as soon as I possibly can out of school, but if I had held tickets for years without having to do so (student tickets don't count), I'd probably consider not throwing down the money.
Maybe you're taking this too personally.

Yes, very personally. I'm still a Hawk fan and don't miss a game on TV. If I can score free tickets once a year I like to go. I am protesting the decision making of the athletic department with my best weapon, which is, the refusal to spend my money with them. I remember too many instances where Bowlsby was begging people to come to games...blowing smoke about his innovative 3 pack idea...putting together ticket and concession deals...admonishing people for not coming to games and financially supporting Iowa Football. We stepped up and watched a lot of bad football and had a good time doing it. My protest doesn't matter right now. Hopefully it never will. As more lots close, more rules are imposed, and more bleach is poured on gameday's in Iowa City I really don't have a desire to go so often.
Calm down, bukket. You've stated your position, and it goes well beyond the subject of the OP.
Enjoy the rest of your Father's Day, in your small town, with your super-star athlete offspring.
Go Hawks.
You're spot on bukket. The atmosphere has been on a steady decline since around '04. After Drew Tate's miracle bomb. The UofI has been ruining the tailgating atmosphere.

It started with closing the field house, then they shut down the myrtle hill, then olive ct lot closed, then they banned alcohol on the street, now they are ruining the atmosphere at the Myrtle lot.

I used to be proud to say the Iowa City tailgating was among the best in the country. There is no way you can make that claim any more with a straight face. IC tailgating is heading for total lameness and I feel sorry for any current students or anyone that has no memory of how good it once was.
In '04 they did the renovation of the south endzone. They also widened seats without adding bleachers....meaning they shrunk the seating capacity of the stadium.

Shouldn't you be happy that they expanded seat size? Why are you acting like this is a personal affront?

Then they added minimum donation levels for season tickets and tanked the 3 packs. I was out.

Donations are not required for end zone tickets.

The message was clear that they didn't need me (or the 3 other fans that attended with me) at the games.

What does this mean? Seriously. Who are the "people like you" that they don't "need"? What is the specific factor that shows they don't "need" you?

I agree with an earlier poster that you are taking this much too personally.

I find it difficult to understand that you hate the AD, the university, and the university community, but you somehow want to follow the football team. The football team is part of the university, so why don't you get out? Take your ball and go home? Then you and your buddies can ***** about all those bastards in Iowa City who hate "people like you".
1) I'm not overly excited
2) I've expounded upon new points in the context of the evolution of the thread
3) Thanks for the kind wishes. It's obvious you're wanting to turn my participation in an uncivil direction with your snide remarks. I don't care to partake.


1) The wider seats offer more comfort, but fewer ticket sales opportunities. It's an affront because it limits the availability of tickets for things like 3 packs.
2)You're correct, there aren't additional charges for end-zone season tickets.
3) I never said "people like me". I'm not trying to put myself into a special demographic. It's been very clear that the UofI values its season ticket holders above all others. They're getting the $ they need from their current fee structure. I would argue that it will be troublesome without the current level of on-field success.
4) I never said I hated anybody. I'm a football fan, and choose to cheer for the Hawkeyes. That doesn't mean I have to drink the AD's kool-aid and eat whatever they plop on my tray. The AD is a function of the college, but does maintain itself separately financially. There are some very clear lines there that can't be argued.
You're spot on bukket. The atmosphere has been on a steady decline since around '04. After Drew Tate's miracle bomb. The UofI has been ruining the tailgating atmosphere.

It started with closing the field house, then they shut down the myrtle hill, then olive ct lot closed, then they banned alcohol on the street, now they are ruining the atmosphere at the Myrtle lot.

I used to be proud to say the Iowa City tailgating was among the best in the country. There is no way you can make that claim any more with a straight face. IC tailgating is heading for total lameness and I feel sorry for any current students or anyone that has no memory of how good it once was.

First of all it was always illegal to have alcohol on the streets, it just wasn't enforced. However, I do agree it is real tough to have fun at a tailgate if you can't walk down the street with an open container. I mean come on.
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1) I'm not overly excited
2) I've expounded upon new points in the context of the evolution of the thread
3) Thanks for the kind wishes. It's obvious you're wanting to turn my participation in an uncivil direction with your snide remarks. I don't care to partake.

Yeah....Just like the athletic department, Johnson County, and everyone else, Vintage is out to get you.
Import I gotta say I agree 100%. I also think your right about the future, your kids will most likely never have that memory of going to a Hawk game @ Kinnick, there by making them a life long Hawk fan. As fandom goes, so goes the Hawks. Dont get me wrong I will always be a fan, been doing it for to long to change now.
If there is one thing I will say about Nebraska and their fans, if your born there you are a fan for life, they are a "working mans team". Seems to have worked out pretty good for them, but ah, we strive to be like OH St with so much money they just cant spend it fast enough, course then you end up with problems like they have as well. Then you get to be one of "those" programs.
Import I gotta say I agree 100%. I also think your right about the future, your kids will most likely never have that memory of going to a Hawk game @ Kinnick, there by making them a life long Hawk fan. As fandom goes, so goes the Hawks. Dont get me wrong I will always be a fan, been doing it for to long to change now.
If there is one thing I will say about Nebraska and their fans, if your born there you are a fan for life, they are a "working mans team". Seems to have worked out pretty good for them, but ah, we strive to be like OH St with so much money they just cant spend it fast enough, course then you end up with problems like they have as well. Then you get to be one of "those" programs.

This may be the dumbest quote ever. Do you know how hard it is to go to a Nebraska football game? You think you can just walk up and get a ticket? Tickets aren't cheap either. Tickets are just as and in many cases more expensive at Nebraska and good luck trying to get a season ticket. If teams built fan bases on going to games, then Iowa would never of had a fan base, and I certainly wouldn't of been a fan (didn't go to a game until I was 18).
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This may be the dumbest quote ever. Do you know how hard it is to go to a Nebraska football game? You think you can just walk up and get a ticket? Tickets aren't cheap either. Tickets are just as and in many cases more expensive at Nebraska and good luck trying to get a season ticket.

This may be the dumbest quote ever. Do you know how hard it is to go to a Nebraska football game? You think you can just walk up and get a ticket? Tickets aren't cheap either. Tickets are just as and in many cases more expensive at Nebraska and good luck trying to get a season ticket. If teams built fan bases on going to games, then Iowa would never of had a fan base, and I certainly wouldn't of been a fan (didn't go to a game until I was 18).
Really, I know for a fact I can see a Nebraska game for much less than an Iowa game. The fact that the better half has family down there, does not even play an issue. I tried that route to see about tickets to the Iowa game there this fall and did not have a hook up. But what do I know, I have said "the dumbest quote ever".
To be honest, I feel the same way Import does, I would rather drive to MN or now NE to see the Hawks play than I would to IC . Yeah I'll still be sporting black and gold, but who cares right, Kinnicks still selling out. Remember IC doesnt need my kind or my money. We all know MN can use the money right? We also know you can always get tickets.

Oh and I should add, for you less than capable people. The real fans are the ones who travel and take over stadiums. Everybody knows this. How do you think NE got to be known as a team that travels? Lets see, their season ticket holders were in such great demand (when they were good). That the average Joe did, just that. Traveled to KS and Missery, why because nobody in KS gives a cr@p about football and therefore had as many tickets as the other side wanted, infact, they were almost giving them away . BUT make no mistake, what came around went around. They just shored up the sell out record when the moved to the B10, thats all. Or as their program would say, "we did whats best for the program by moving to the B10".
Sometimes talking to you guys is like talking to my brothers kids.
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Really, I know for a fact I can see a Nebraska game for much less than an Iowa game. The fact that the better half has family down there, does not even play an issue. I tried that route to see about tickets to the Iowa game there this fall and did not have a hook up.

Somehow your magical connection proves Nebraska tickets are cheaper than Iowa tickets? I doubt this holds true for the public at large.

And your attempts to justify road trips while refusing to give money to the university is bizarre. If you hate the university, then don't follow their sports teams. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.

The worst fans are those that believe the team and the university owe them something.
If there is one thing I will say about Nebraska and their fans, if your born there you are a fan for life, they are a "working mans team".

Umm, Iowa is a workin' man's team, too. I have yet to meet anyone at a Hawks game who isn't or wasn't a workin' man. Not a lot of trust fund babies in the crowd. Of course, some jobs pay better than others, so the low prole workin' man may have been priced out, but everybody I know who's a Hawks fan is a workin' man.

If you want to be a fan of a B10 program with more reasonably priced tickets, I suggest you become a Northwestern fan. You can drive to Evanston in a few hours and cheer on the Cats. $200 a seat for good tickets, under $150 for endzones - FOR THE WHOLE SEASON. And you can find decent parking nearby and drink brews whilst walking down the street (other than some higher end residential streets where the cops are trying to control littering problems).

I bet Minnesota would also have affordable tickets. I know Illinois and Indiana have cheap tickets, too. Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan, OSU, PSU - those teams are prolly out of your price range, though, bince they have real fans who will pay top dollar to build up strong programs. I made my donations even when Iowa had a few bad years because I want to support the program and keep Ferentz well compensated, enhance the facilities and support the University. Just admit it, you want Iowa football to consistently be in the top half of the B10, but you don't think you should have to help shoulder the financial burden necessary to make it possible. Your attitude is pretty prevalent in America today, so you're not alone, but for the love of God, please leave those of us who will shoulder the burden alone and stop whining.
Umm, Iowa is a workin' man's team, too. I have yet to meet anyone at a Hawks game who isn't or wasn't a workin' man. Not a lot of trust fund babies in the crowd. Of course, some jobs pay better than others, so the low prole workin' man may have been priced out, but everybody I know who's a Hawks fan is a workin' man.

If you want to be a fan of a B10 program with more reasonably priced tickets, I suggest you become a Northwestern fan. You can drive to Evanston in a few hours and cheer on the Cats. $200 a seat for good tickets, under $150 for endzones - FOR THE WHOLE SEASON. And you can find decent parking nearby and drink brews whilst walking down the street (other than some higher end residential streets where the cops are trying to control littering problems).

I bet Minnesota would also have affordable tickets. I know Illinois and Indiana have cheap tickets, too. Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan, OSU, PSU - those teams are prolly out of your price range, though, bince they have real fans who will pay top dollar to build up strong programs. I made my donations even when Iowa had a few bad years because I want to support the program and keep Ferentz well compensated, enhance the facilities and support the University. Just admit it, you want Iowa football to consistently be in the top half of the B10, but you don't think you should have to help shoulder the financial burden necessary to make it possible. Your attitude is pretty prevalent in America today, so you're not alone, but for the love of God, please leave those of us who will shoulder the burden alone and stop whining.
Ya know I thought about that, got family that lives over the boarder into ILL. So yea been thinking about going down to see the Hawks play down there. I only got the idea from another thread recently where I read, where you had said what you had paid for tickets down there and well assumed tickets to the Iowa games should be reasonable. Might be a little higher sence the two want to be rivals, but overall more affordable. I never checked into it, but from what your saying it very well could be.
Oh and I am a Hawk fan. And I dont mind to travel.
Really, I know for a fact I can see a Nebraska game for much less than an Iowa game. The fact that the better half has family down there, does not even play an issue. I tried that route to see about tickets to the Iowa game there this fall and did not have a hook up. But what do I know, I have said "the dumbest quote ever".
To be honest, I feel the same way Import does, I would rather drive to MN or now NE to see the Hawks play than I would to IC . Yeah I'll still be sporting black and gold, but who cares right, Kinnicks still selling out. Remember IC doesnt need my kind or my money. We all know MN can use the money right? We also know you can always get tickets.

I am sure you can get a cheap ticket to see Nebraska play Chatanooga, just as you can get a cheapo to see Iowa play FCS teams. There also might be some good secondary market opportunities in conference games for the simple fact that Memorial stadium has 16,000 more seats than Kinnick. But if you're holding up Nebraska as some sort of program that cares about the little guy you couldn't be more wrong. Here are the minimum donation levels to get season tickets (which are themselves $350):

Seating Charts - - Nebraska Athletics Official Web Site

Even if you donate, say, $750 for end zone seats, you still might not get them, because there's a huge waiting list (of course, you can move up on the waiting list by donating more money, because Nebraska cares so much about the little guy, I guess?). Compare that to Iowa's donation chart-- there is no comparison. Plus Iowa still gives you priority points if you're an alum, if you've had tickets for a lot of years, etc... and the fact that a good 30-40% of seats (not just in the end zone) don't require any donation at all:

University of Iowa Official Athletic Site Tickets

You can get tickets on the 50-yard line at Kinnick for $150 less than end zone seats at Memorial cost. You couldn't have picked a worse example.
Like I said, I have taked to many that live down there. They all said, this year might be tough due to the move to the B10, but before that, you could go to almost any game for very little. I dont want season tickets. Not to Kinnick or anywhere else. Now what are my best options? To take a ticket @ MN or @ NU or, the other NU or whatever. I would rent a room in IC anyway, so it basiclly comes down to ticket cost. Now yes I would have more in gas, but I like to travel anyway and if a few people get together and go, the gas is really not an issue. So it is just the best option. I get to watch the Hawks for less. Kinda of a bad deal for Iowa and IC, as I wont be spending any money there, but hey that's their problem. You want to run it like a bussiness, fine, but dont ever complain about people not willing to pay that much or not spending money in state or god forbid we have a few bad years, not putting butts in the seats.
Also this is not only about ticket prices, it's about parking, tailgating, ect. The whole day.

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