Another Gameday tradition dies - Myrtle Parking lot closed to general public.

Every year when some new change is made by the University it is always made after everyone has bought their season tickets. This is kind of getting old.

If you want to return your season tickets to the university, they may take you up on that.

You people are ******* crybabies. And Luddites.
If you want to return your season tickets to the university, they may take you up on that.

You people are ******* crybabies. And Luddites.

Knew I'd get a response like this one. Never said I would give up my tickets. How the university waits till they get the season ticket money to make a change EVERYTIME one is made comes off as kinda sneaky. I really don't think I am the only one who thinks that way.
It will be interesting to see what happens when Iowa has a couple bad seasons...the tailgating and atmosphere is already taken a huge hit...I can see more and more people saving their money and staying home.
Knew I'd get a response like this one. Never said I would give up my tickets. How the university waits till they get the season ticket money to make a change EVERYTIME one is made comes off as kinda sneaky. I really don't think I am the only one who thinks that way.

The only way you can vote is with your feet. Don't buy season tickets, don't go to games, don't contribute money to the university. I'm sure Gary Barta quakes in his boots after receiving your nasty letter.

You are not the only one who thinks this way, lots of people think the world is a vast conspiracy.
The only way you can vote is with your feet. Don't buy season tickets, don't go to games, don't contribute money to the university. I'm sure Gary Barta quakes in his boots after receiving your nasty letter.

You are not the only one who thinks this way, lots of people think the world is a vast conspiracy.

Never wrote a letter the OP did. Just because I am dissatisfied with a portion of a Hawkeye game day experience doesn't mean I will stop doing something I enjoy. That does not mean I have to be overly happy about it. The attitude of if you don't like something Iowa does then tough $hit is always funny to listen to.
I think this is a little bit of an over-reaction here. With them closing down a lot for construction of the new practice facility they needed to move donor parking spaces around. I have heard that Dental Lot got bumped up to the next donor level and now it sounds like Myrtle did as well. I have no clue if things will go back to normal once the construction and new parking are completed but this had to be expected.
Who's going to donate a grand to park that far away? Doesnt seem worth it to me. Its near where we tailgate, but we dont pay a grand a season to park there.
I wish they would let people park on the hill again. That was fun as hell. Watching cars slide down the hill during that Michigan game was classic.
It will be interesting to see what happens when Iowa has a couple bad seasons...the tailgating and atmosphere is already taken a huge hit...I can see more and more people saving their money and staying home.

Considering that after last season's collapse and this season's low expectations season ticket sales are still as high this year as they were last year. I don't think they see a drop off unless we drop down to two or three bowl-less seasons, and I don't see that happening any time soon. As for these so called big changes the last few years, I saw nothing really change unless you like to stay 5-6 hours after the game or you like walking down Melrose with an open beer.
Who's going to donate a grand to park that far away? Doesnt seem worth it to me. Its near where we tailgate, but we dont pay a grand a season to park there.

No one's paying a grand donation just to get those parking spots, they are donating a grand to get their season tickets and they want parking, too. The University has to decide whether to cater to the lumpenprole who doesn't donate with corner endzone tickets or the guy who has two tickets on the 40 that cost him a $1200 donation. The lumpenprole loses.
No one's paying a grand donation just to get those parking spots, they are donating a grand to get their season tickets and they want parking, too. The University has to decide whether to cater to the lumpenprole who doesn't donate with corner endzone tickets or the guy who has two tickets on the 40 that cost him a $1200 donation. The lumpenprole loses.

Don't lump all of the endzone ticketholders together as a bunch of non-donating proles. We take two cars and I'm not about to double my donation amount just for an extra parking pass.
I think this is a little bit of an over-reaction here. With them closing down a lot for construction of the new practice facility they needed to move donor parking spaces around. I have heard that Dental Lot got bumped up to the next donor level and now it sounds like Myrtle did as well. I have no clue if things will go back to normal once the construction and new parking are completed but this had to be expected.

There may be some of that and I am including myself in that in a big way. Time will tell if Myrtle gets to be back to General Public but I doubt it will. Riverside hill makes me think it will never go back to the way it was. They also gave the allusion that it may be back by them saying they needed the grass and trees grow from the small tornado that hit the area. Call me a conspiracy theorist (someone already has) but when you lose parking on university property it never comes back.
Considering that after last season's collapse and this season's low expectations season ticket sales are still as high this year as they were last year. I don't think they see a drop off unless we drop down to two or three bowl-less seasons, and I don't see that happening any time soon. As for these so called big changes the last few years, I saw nothing really change unless you like to stay 5-6 hours after the game or you like walking down Melrose with an open beer.

I don't see ST's dropping in the near future as you state. But when talking about changes I don't think any are big. It's more 10 years of little by little deteriorating the overall tailgate atmosphere by adding rules and taking away parking spots. Your example just gives us last years addition.
I've heard hushed whispers the HappyChef is considering giving yours truly, a proven and loyal Hawk fan, 2 season tickets that were abandoned by some traitor. Sucks to be that guy.
As a season ticket holder for 10 seasons, the tailgating landscape has definitely changed. It is getting harder and harder to find a decent spot without paying an arm and a leg. I have tailgated in the same spot for four years and just waiting for the hammer to come down and for the small lot to close. I understand money talks. That is the name of the game. It just makes it harder for the people who don't open up the coffer to donate to the university.
Never wrote a letter the OP did. Just because I am dissatisfied with a portion of a Hawkeye game day experience doesn't mean I will stop doing something I enjoy. That does not mean I have to be overly happy about it. The attitude of if you don't like something Iowa does then tough $hit is always funny to listen to.

You implied that they announce these things after season ticket sales in an attempt to trick you into renewing. If you are going to mention such things, I'm going to point out that you can stop probably get a refund for your season tickets.

Iowa is doing this due to the impact of a new practice facility. I bet you, like many fans, are in favor of a new practice facility. But now you are going to ***** that there are consequences to the facility.
what gets me about this is: most (not all) of the players out there come from "prole" (or whatever you want to call it) families. These kids come from communities where, the whole community gets behind them and supports them all thru their HS careers. Then when they go off to play at the next level, 80% of those people cant afford to go to the games. Something does not seem right about that.
The school should be taking any extra tickets (if there ever are any), and giving them to radio stations and such, there by putting them into Hawk fans hands. Ofcourse you would have to show proof that you live in state to win such tickets. Just one more step in shoring up, that Kinnick never gets taken over and that Hawk fans, stay the course.
And before it gets said, yes I know most recruits are from out of state!!
It was just an idea.
Then when they go off to play at the next level, 80% of those people cant afford to go to the games. Something does not seem right about that.

Interesting. The school should cut ticket prices to $5 per seat per game. Then they should institute a means tested donation system so that the rich guys making over $50k a year have to donate at least 5% of their income in order to buy tickets. Then, those donations should be given to other Hawk fans of lesser means to help them buy gas and tailgating accessories to come to the games. That seems like a good way to solve this problem and let everyone have an equal shot at going to the games.
I wasnt saying that. Dont be an azz. I know you couldnt do it with the IA St game, but I would rather see the program donate tickets (end zone type seats) to Hawk fans than have 10,000 fans from the other schools there. If you dont think next year Nebby fans will try and make that short trip, you are mistaken. I do realize when Nebby comes to town tickets will be of short supply. But you get the point.

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