Yeah, it's similar to how they describe the field being a specific area. They totally meant general vicinity when they wrote area.
SECTION 2. The Field Dimensions and Markings
ARTICLE 1. The field shall be a rectangular area with dimensions, lines, zones, goals and pylons as indicated in Appendix D.
a. All field-dimension lines shown must be white and 4 inches in width (Exceptions: Sidelines and end lines may exceed 4 inches in width, goal lines
may be 4 or 8 inches in width, and Rule 1-2-1-g).
b. Twenty-four-inch short yard-line extensions, four inches inside the sidelines and at the hash marks, are mandatory; and all yard lines shall be four inches from the sidelines (Rule 2-12-6).
c. A solid white area between the sideline and the coaching line is mandatory.
d. White field markings or contrasting decorative markings (e.g., team names) are permissible in the end zones but shall not be closer than four feet to any line.
e. Contrasting coloring in the end zones may abut any line.
f. Only these contrasting decorative markings are allowed: conference logo, NCAA logo, college or university name and logo, and team name and logo.
These are permissible within the sidelines and between the goal lines, under these conditions (See Appendix D):
1. The entirety of all yard lines, goal lines, and sidelines must be clearly visible. No portion of any such line may be obscured by decorative markings.
2. No such markings may touch or enclose the hash marks or numbers.
3. A single decorative marking, centered on the 50-yard line, and a maximum of four smaller flanking decorative markings are allowed.
g. Goal lines may be of one contrasting color from the white lines.