Akeel Lynch in Iowa City?

In a TV interview where he spoke on his commitment to PSU he was asked by a TV reporter what he thinks it will be like to play in front of 100,000 fans vs. his HS of a few thousand.....his response was that he has been to a Hawkeye game in IC and was amazed at Kinnick fan enthusiasm so got a taste of it.

Let's hope we can swing him. Interesting to hear him comment as well in the above that one of his strengths is catching the ball.....along with running inside or outside. Would seem to fit well with some of what we're hearing on the Greg Davis system. Seems like a young man of good character based on some of his other statements in that interview. This interview took place prior to things turning bad for PSU.

Kinda have to wonder where the Silas Redd card plays in his thinking at this stage or maybe even recent D. Johnson news in IC.
I think Lynch hinges on Redd.
Redd leaves, Lynch stays.

I get that he would have more touches...but it still could be that he doesn't want to play somewhere where kids were raped in the showers. Or wants to play on a team that could actually win the conference. Or play in a bowl. Lots to think about besides just an oppty to get some reps.
I'm sorry, but if USC is even ALLOWED to take PSU recruits/transfers, it merely shows how much of a joke the NCAA is.

Craziness.......player allowed to transfer from one sanctioned program to another sanctioned program.

Almost as crazy as the scandalous program at OSU, allowed to get an SEC coach..........:cool:
The NCAA has shown they are a complete joke in the way the handle almost everything to do with football.

Zero consistency.

How can you take three years to punish USC and three days to come up with a verdict on PSU?
The NCAA has shown they are a complete joke in the way the handle almost everything to do with football.

Zero consistency.

How can you take three years to punish USC and three days to come up with a verdict on PSU?

The Freeh Report did their work for them. More than 430 interviews and over 3.5 million pieces of electronic data and documents. As the head of the NCAA said, they could never have done this thorough of investigation themselves.
Plus the season was right around the corner in the PSU case. You can't fairly compare anything to what happened at PSU. It was unfathomable and it was on the front page of every newspaper in the country. The NCAA didn't have time to do anything other than make a decision as soon as possible based on the Freeh Report findings.

People have mentioned Akeels decision could be about playing time and whether or not Silas Redd departs or stays. Then someone mentioned that he may not to play somewhere that little boys were raped in the showers. I would think it's also pretty likely that he would like to play somewhere he can enjoy a normal college football experience with opportunities to play in bowl games.

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