Akeel Lynch in Iowa City?

Re: Lynch

My bad -- I should've typed "scholarship caliber". Dawson and Malloy both received Iowa offers at one time and are not typical walkons. Imo, given the choice between adding a OL/DL/LB and a non-5* RB, take the former.

The other argument on taking Lynch simply to substitute for a 2013 RB is interesting but still leaves too many guys bunched up together at one spot. Except for Meier, none of the other guys seem like they project well to other spots.

Is it just me or is Iowa really loaded with big-talented OL players. And they have maybe 3 RBs that have any experience, 3 might be a stretch.

Why do you keep wishing for more OL? That is the team's strength
Re: Lynch

So at one point you are saying Iowa shouldn't go after Lynch and then at another point you are saying it is an elaborate smokescreen. You seem to be heavily invested in this.

My question is, if Lynch is the only one really available to come to Iowa, do you not take him?
Re: Lynch

Is it just me or is Iowa really loaded with big-talented OL players. And they have maybe 3 RBs that have any experience, 3 might be a stretch.

Why do you keep wishing for more OL? That is the team's strength

OL/DL are Iowa's strengths only if we have a deep rotation. at all the line spots. Do we have 20 monsters? I firmly believe that Iowa should be unwavering in focusing on having DEEP and talented lines-- that's where we need to stockpile depth, not at RB where we need talented depth (and we have it) more than stockpiles.

As far as experienced RBs-- we don't have ANY, nor will Lynch provide it. And I don't believe we need experience-- we've won big with Sam-Brown-Lee, and Freshmen like Robinson, and Wegher.
Re: Lynch

I would say "unproven" before thin. They actually have a decent number of RB's. Well, had, I guess before DeAndre happened.

Deandre hurts, I count only 3 backs that have seen time before: bullock, canzeri, Rogers. But you are right in the sense that they are really kind of loaded with unproven guys. Hill, garmon, Dawson, malloy, lynch? Those are all guys with impressive size and athleticism
Re: Lynch

So at one point you are saying Iowa shouldn't go after Lynch and then at another point you are saying it is an elaborate smokescreen. You seem to be heavily invested in this.

My question is, if Lynch is the only one really available to come to Iowa, do you not take him?

I guess I wasn't too articulate. My points are--

[1] If we want to add to 2013-- we don't need a RB at all. Stockpiling a talented OL/DL/LB (if available) would be prefferable. Hence, I think Lynch could be a smokescreen.
[2] If Lynch is the only one available to come to Iowa, I don't take him. That's just me.
Re: Lynch

so given iowa's past in the RB department, you wouldn't take a shot at a quality recruit that you were very high on until he chose PSU? i think i take another young rb to help out. besides, if johnson ends up leaving(again, given our history), then lynch doesn't effect our scholarship total
Re: Lynch

OL/DL are Iowa's strengths only if we have a deep rotation. at all the line spots. Do we have 20 monsters? I firmly believe that Iowa should be unwavering in focusing on having DEEP and talented lines-- that's where we need to stockpile depth, not at RB where we need talented depth (and we have it) more than stockpiles.

As far as experienced RBs-- we don't have ANY, nor will Lynch provide it. And I don't believe we need experience-- we've won big with Sam-Brown-Lee, and Freshmen like Robinson, and Wegher.

Right, but our O line is going to be better than you think.

Ferentz 6 2 285, drew Clark 6 4 290, Simmons 6 3 300, boffeli 6 5 290, tobin 6 6 290, Blythe 6 3 275, Walsh 6 4 270,McMillan 6 4 305, scherff 6 5 310, van sloten 6 7 295, ward 6 5 280, keppy 6 5 290, MacMillan 6 6 290, donnal 6 7 300, sealby 6 5 250. I think there is a lit of size and talent on the OL.
Re: Lynch

lynch is not a rb.

Re: Lynch

So how long before someone leaks the new Akeel Lynch update from the HR lounge?

The sooner the better. I think he is the perfect size/speed combo for today's RB. Looks Mark Ingram-esque (the size of Bama RB who considered Iowa) or a bit like Freddy Russell. I'm not sure that IA cooled on him like another post suggests-appeared to have an Oklahoma offer.
The Freeh Report did their work for them. More than 430 interviews and over 3.5 million pieces of electronic data and documents. As the head of the NCAA said, they could never have done this thorough of investigation themselves.
Freeh Report folks did not interview Spanier, Curley, Schulz, McQueary or Paterno. Thorough, indeed.

They didnt have to Bob. They were already interviewed in front of a grand jury. All the Freeh folks had to do was follow the paper trail.
Hijacked thread to yet another NCAA vs Penn St.

Dear OP, it is not time to officially change the thread name "The Thread formerly about Lynch in IC, but has been taken over by yet another pointless did NCAA do the right thing regarding Penn St. thread"
With full acknowledgement that this thread has gone completely off track, I'd like to comment on this sentence.

In the interest of disclosure, when Mr. Freeh was the Director of the FBI, I had occasion to meet him twice during the 1995-1996 time frame while I was still on active duty in the Marines. If only there were more people with Mr. Freeh's competence, expertise and integrity willing to lend their talents to our nation's service...

A modicum of research will reveal to those able to muster the effort, that "Waco" was just one of many "situations" Mr. Freeh inherited and had to deal with during his tenure as the Director of the FBI.

If the fact that a former Assistant United States Attorney from the Southern District of New York, who was later appointed under Article III (of the United States Constitution) to the Federal Bench as a District Court Judge by a Republican president, and then, later asked to give up that life time appointment to become the Director of the FBI by a Democratic president does not clue a person in to the fact that these exceptional circumstances only arise around individuals whose competence and integrity is such that they can sail through political appointment process from either party, then no explanation from me can help.

If one disagrees with Mr. Freeh's work product, please attack it on the merits. Attempting to besmirch the reputation of an individual of this caliber, based on his public service during the decades of the 80's and 90's is just plain whacko (pun intended).

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

You seem to be really good at doing letters of recommendation, could you write one for me?

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