You can type all the hot garbage justifications you want but you're still a team-hopping bandwagon fan with no stones and no pride in himself. You guys are the worst of the worst sports fans. People like you are the reason that Super Bowl and World Series jerseys flood the mall afterwards, because there are millions of gullible suckers trying to latch on to a free ride of real fans' happiness. I mean, don't you ever feel a little bit embarrassed about yourself when you buy your gear, talk about your coach like you're on a first name basis (good ole "Nick"), and say "we" when referring to a team you've only followed for three years? Kids do that in elementary school, not 50 year old guys.
You're the sports version of a Dane Cook or Nickelback fan, "bud." I'd say stop embarrassing yourself but then you'd have to take your earring out, sell your convertible, and stop tucking your t'shirts in. I know it's easier to get at your cell phone holster that way, and the convertible gets you all those widows, but guys your age shouldn't be wearing cubic zirconia studs from Hot Topic anymore. Don't be that sports fan.