A lot of 4* talented PGs being signed

But again, those are things that don't apply here. They know who he is and like him.

Knowing ESPN they probably don't know him and just threw 4 stars on him. All the legit 4 star guys have ESPN scouting reports and Bohannon has nothing. Has there ever been an actual 4 star recruit that had no major conference offers going into his senior year?
If a player is listed as a 4 star on only one site, there is nothing wrong with calling them a 4 star. It certainly isn't something to get bent out of shape about. That's why sometimes people say "he's a concensus 4 star". It's better than just being a 4 star.
Bohannon was listed as a four star, and I will certainly accept that. In a few years he has the ability to ingrain it in my mind that he was listed as a four star or maybe I'll just forget about it. I think Garza and Nunge will be impressive players for Iowa in a few years, and I'm hopefull that Bohannon will be as well. The bad part of the Iowa recruiting isn't who they got, but that it is over with for another year. I'm looking forward to seeing Garza and Nunge play for Iowa, but they probably will need a year of weight work after they get to Iowa. Cook, Wagner, Pemsl, and Kriener will be impressive, and Uhl will be gone by then.
That's a pretty big difference. Not that it really matters much but I wonder how far down the list of 4 stars he is.
Them never updating their site makes it even more impressive that they took the initiative to move him up. If he was a consensus 4 star as a freshman but hasn't grown since and every other service dropped him to a 3 star, I could see why someone would say ESPN sucks so don't pay attention to them rating him a 4 star.
But they did update their ranking on him for a reason. I highly doubt their scouts have a bias towards Iowa kids. I've never heard anyone say they suck because their evaluators aren't very good at evaluating. So I see no reason to think less of ESPN's than Rivals or 247 in this situation.

247 has a composite rating; that alone eliminates bias and is why it's the best overall recruiting site in my mind.
I look at offers but I consider the situation at hand. For instance: Kansas might offer a high 3*/low 4* PF but they may have 4 or 5 offers out to PFs that are rated higher. That tells me it's a position of need and they don't want to be left without a body at the PF spot. A fall back recruit, in other words. They might feel that player can develop or they have no problem recruiting over him in the next class.
Some will look at that player and say "Kansas offered, he must be a stud!"
I don't see it that way.
Fran has a good eye for talent. He constantly offers players early that later blow up like Luke Garza, Tyler Ullis, and Tyler Cook. Sometimes we win those battles and sometimes we do not. We've had a lot of good 3* in the past few years: Aaron White, Dev Marble, Gabe Oleseni, Peter Jok. Whether they have 4* or 3* next to their name isn't too important to me.
I call Bohannon a 4 star. Like Dean said, if a service gives someone 4 stars, it isn't an accident. They obviously are impressive.

People say ESPN sucks, and that may be true. But why do they suck? Are their talent evaluators worse that all the others? Do they always over rank small white kids from nowheresville iowa? Whatever the reasons they suck, it has nothing to do with doing a bad job evaluating Jordan Bohannon.

I would only say so if a recruiting service called him a 4* player.

Was Nate Stanley a 4* kid? He was on Scout, but not on Rivals
Is Wirf's a 4* kid? He is on Scout, but not on Rivals. He got an invite to the Army AA game, that only about 100 player get invited to.

I'm not sure why you are so obtuse about these rankings anyway...

Fran has a good eye for talent. He constantly offers players early that later blow up like Luke Garza, Tyler Ullis, and Tyler Cook. Sometimes we win those battles and sometimes we do not. We've had a lot of good 3* in the past few years: Aaron White, Dev Marble, Gabe Oleseni, Peter Jok. Whether they have 4* or 3* next to their name isn't too important to me.
He needs to sign a PG! There are a lot of people that don't feel Bohannon, Williams or Connor McCaffrey are BIG quality point guards. It's the most important position on the floor.
He needs to sign a PG! There are a lot of people that don't feel Bohannon, Williams or Connor McCaffrey are BIG quality point guards. It's the most important position on the floor.
I wouldn't say there are a lot of people that think the way you do, but I'm sure there are some. Williams and Bohannon will do fine at the point guard position. Hopefully, Williams will shine this coming year.
I wouldn't say there are a lot of people that think the way you do, but I'm sure there are some. Williams and Bohannon will do fine at the point guard position. Hopefully, Williams will shine this coming year.

We will be one of the worst in the conference at the PG position. Not sure what you consider "fine" but it is the most important position on the floor
They do. Right now they have 173 players in the class of 2017 ranked as 4 star or better

Sort of like how Jon Gruden thinks every player who plays on Monday Night Football is a great player. It just gives you a diluted meaning as to who's really a great player or worthy of being a 4-star.
We will be one of the worst in the conference at the PG position. Not sure what you consider "fine" but it is the most important position on the floor

Top tier:
Tremble (MD)
Koenig (UW)
Mason (UM)

Second Tier:
Lyle (OSU)
Garner (PSU)
McIntosh (NW)

Next Tier:
Sanders (Rut)
4* Freshman (ILL)
4* Freshman (MSU)
4* Freshman (Pur)
Watson (Neb)

It looks to be a strong year for PG play in the conference. I certainly am not as gloomy on CW as you are. I think that he has the potential to be just as good as any of those players in the second two tiers. Has he proved it yet? Definitely not, but I don't think there are any reasons to believe he can't be as good as those players.

Last year, I would have ranked MG in the middle tier in the conference and we were top 5 in the country at one point.
Top tier:
Tremble (MD)
Koenig (UW)
Mason (UM)

Second Tier:
Lyle (OSU)
Garner (PSU)
McIntosh (NW)

Next Tier:
Sanders (Rut)
4* Freshman (ILL)
4* Freshman (MSU)
4* Freshman (Pur)
Watson (Neb)

It looks to be a strong year for PG play in the conference. I certainly am not as gloomy on CW as you are. I think that he has the potential to be just as good as any of those players in the second two tiers. Has he proved it yet? Definitely not, but I don't think there are any reasons to believe he can't be as good as those players.

Last year, I would have ranked MG in the middle tier in the conference and we were top 5 in the country at one point.

I think if he could be as good as the second tier group he would have played more last year. He was a lightly recruited off guard forced to play out of position so that's why I'm skeptical. We'll find out soon enough and I hope he proves me wrong
Top tier:
Tremble (MD)
Koenig (UW)
Mason (UM)

Second Tier:
Lyle (OSU)
Garner (PSU)
McIntosh (NW)

Next Tier:
Sanders (Rut)
4* Freshman (ILL)
4* Freshman (MSU)
4* Freshman (Pur)
Watson (Neb)

It looks to be a strong year for PG play in the conference. I certainly am not as gloomy on CW as you are. I think that he has the potential to be just as good as any of those players in the second two tiers. Has he proved it yet? Definitely not, but I don't think there are any reasons to believe he can't be as good as those players.

Last year, I would have ranked MG in the middle tier in the conference and we were top 5 in the country at one point.

I think the odds of him being as good as MG was last year are extremely low too