A dose of reality for Iowa football

Seems that Iowa's attrition cited by Jon Miller from previous classes was tantamount to scholly reductions. And look at what happened a few years later - with the help of GD
its funny how people act like Iowa was blown out in every game
5 of the 8 losses were by 6 points or less and 4 by 3 or less.
ISU a dropped pass by Weisman in the endzone for a TD that would have given Iowa the margin of victory
CMU a failer recovery by the ST's and a career long FG by their kicker was the difference between winning and losing
Indiana the game was decided by a FG
Purdue won the bgame on a career long FG to end the game as time ran out
Nebraska got a career long wind aided FG to force Iowa to need a TD and extra point to win.
this team was not blownout like you make the out to be
a play here or there and its a different season
with all the youngsters and coaching changes I am not surprised by the way the season ended..
and yes there were changes to the Coaching staff
big difference between a position coach and being a DC as well as being a GA and a position coach, just like there is a difference between positions jobs
Citing being "in the game" with Purdue, Central Michigan and Indiana is not exactly a ringing endorsement.

I do kind of love though that Herby takes the attitude that he knows more about sports than anybody else (because he does.)
Citing being "in the game" with Purdue, Central Michigan and Indiana is not exactly a ringing endorsement.

I do kind of love though that Herby takes the attitude that he knows more about sports than anybody else (because he does.)

You know how when you learn a lot about one thing, it pushes stuff you used to know out of ur branes?

Well, with Herb, he knows so much about sports (namely Heights, weights, and HS combine 40 times), that it pushed the Engligh laygwidge out of his branes.
its funny how people act like Iowa was blown out in every game
5 of the 8 losses were by 6 points or less and 4 by 3 or less.
ISU a dropped pass by Weisman in the endzone for a TD that would have given Iowa the margin of victory
CMU a failer recovery by the ST's and a career long FG by their kicker was the difference between winning and losing
Indiana the game was decided by a FG
Purdue won the bgame on a career long FG to end the game as time ran out
Nebraska got a career long wind aided FG to force Iowa to need a TD and extra point to win.
this team was not blownout like you make the out to be
a play here or there and its a different season
with all the youngsters and coaching changes I am not surprised by the way the season ended..
and yes there were changes to the Coaching staff
big difference between a position coach and being a DC as well as being a GA and a position coach, just like there is a difference between positions jobs

never forget that old expression about ....It's how you played the game. They played poorly in 10 of 12 games. I'll give you MSU and Minny.
Citing being "in the game" with Purdue, Central Michigan and Indiana is not exactly a ringing endorsement.

I do kind of love though that Herby takes the attitude that he knows more about sports than anybody else (because he does.)
I may not know it all as you claim. I an just being realistic
by beating those 4 teams put Iowa at 8-4 and in a bowl
winning or losing is such a small margin for error
Right, but even then we would have beaten Purdue, Central Michigan, and Indiana by, like, 3 points, which means we still suck.
its funny how people act like Iowa was blown out in every game
5 of the 8 losses were by 6 points or less and 4 by 3 or less.
ISU a dropped pass by Weisman in the endzone for a TD that would have given Iowa the margin of victory
CMU a failer recovery by the ST's and a career long FG by their kicker was the difference between winning and losing
Indiana the game was decided by a FG
Purdue won the bgame on a career long FG to end the game as time ran out
Nebraska got a career long wind aided FG to force Iowa to need a TD and extra point to win.
this team was not blownout like you make the out to be
a play here or there and its a different season
with all the youngsters and coaching changes I am not surprised by the way the season ended..
and yes there were changes to the Coaching staff
big difference between a position coach and being a DC as well as being a GA and a position coach, just like there is a difference between positions jobs

Hey Red,

I do typically like/agree with your posts.
Have to agree to disagree with this one...i.e. the tone we "were close"

My take is we never should have been in the position to win those close losses by one play. We should have been far far up on each and every team where one play made a difference (Purdue, Indy, CMU, ISU). We were "slugging it out" with programs which went 6-6, 4-8, 6-6 and 6-6, respectively.

And yes, sadly, we were blown out....at home by PSU and @ Michigan. And c'mon, let's be real....very few of us had any confidence we'd score that 2nd touchdown to win vs Nebby.

I say, we played two solid games all year...the first half vs Minnesota, full game @ MSU (which lost every home game this year), and the first half versus Nebby.

The program is in precarious shape.
Hey Red,

I do typically like/agree with your posts.
Have to agree to disagree with this one...i.e. the tone we "were close"

My take is we never should have been in the position to win those close losses by one play. We should have been far far up on each and every team where one play made a difference (Purdue, Indy, CMU, ISU). We were "slugging it out" with programs which went 6-6, 4-8, 6-6 and 6-6, respectively.

And yes, sadly, we were blown out....at home by PSU and @ Michigan. And c'mon, let's be real....very few of us had any confidence we'd score that 2nd touchdown to win vs Nebby.

I say, we played two solid games all year...the first half vs Minnesota, full game @ MSU (which lost every home game this year), and the first half versus Nebby.

The program is in precarious shape.
depends how you look at it.. I look at it from the perspctice vwe knew nothing about who or how they would play,
OL had 3 1st year starters. next year there will be 6 who have starting experience and 4 of the OL spots are locked down with 3 solid backups
the RB position was a mess with nobody knowing who would be vplaying let alone starting, even during the season none of them could stay healthy and yet they combined for 1451 yards between 3 players. with Weisman getting 815 yards and 8 TD's in 6 games
as for receiving the 3 RB's combined to get 214 receiving yards
not to mention Bullock when healthy had 680 total yards of rushing and receiving..
4 of the 5 TE's that caught passes return with CJ leading the way with 435 yards on 45 catches
the WR we lose the 2nd leading receiver in KD and his 47 catches for 571 yards
no matter who the QB ends up being that is quite a group to play behind and to have at his disposal\
so it really depends on how you look at it.
plus I also follow recruiting closer than most and see the improved recruiting taking place and how fast they are getting to play.. just like next fall Ekakitie, Johnson and Fleming join the mix, with 2011 class as being 30th will be starting their 3rd year into this program
We suck as a team. The fans will always continue to pay and go to games. We will continue to fall further to mediocre if we cannot recruit wr's, cannot improve in-game coaching, cannot adapt offense to our athletes available, cannot recruit speed from the south.

Yes some games were close, but to be honest, all that has done was highlight how "average" of a team we've actually been for many years. It has been a long while since we put away the competition and were considered a "tough" game on the schedules of the conference.

As for the conference, I think after OSU, there is a large dropoff to the rest of the conference. The conference as a whole is very weak and questionable to who's going to emerge in 2-4 years. Iowa certainly has as good of a shot as any of the other teams to breakout and take a step forward, but some things (as mentioned above) need to be addressed, and soon.
Basketball's not an event. You have 4 times as many home basketball games, and they are not a whole day event, they are a 2.5 hour event.
Plus, it's a b!tch standing outside for hours getting drunj ahead of basketball. Not impossible, just not as enjoyable. And moar likely to attract a visit by IC po-po.
its funny how people act like Iowa was blown out in every game
5 of the 8 losses were by 6 points or less and 4 by 3 or less.
ISU a dropped pass by Weisman in the endzone for a TD that would have given Iowa the margin of victory
CMU a failer recovery by the ST's and a career long FG by their kicker was the difference between winning and losing
Indiana the game was decided by a FG
Purdue won the bgame on a career long FG to end the game as time ran out
Nebraska got a career long wind aided FG to force Iowa to need a TD and extra point to win.
this team was not blownout like you make the out to be
a play here or there and its a different season
with all the youngsters and coaching changes I am not surprised by the way the season ended..
and yes there were changes to the Coaching staff
big difference between a position coach and being a DC as well as being a GA and a position coach, just like there is a difference between positions jobs

Who cares if they weren't blown out? If they were ANYWHERE near decent, they wouldn't have let teams like Central Michigan, Indiana, and Purdue be in position to make those plays.

"Oh, we didn't get blown out by some ****** team filled with the sisters of the poor. We got beat in a slightly less-embarrassing fashion."

Said Herby.
Who cares if they weren't blown out? If they were ANYWHERE near decent, they wouldn't have let teams like Central Michigan, Indiana, and Purdue be in position to make those plays.

"Oh, we didn't get blown out by some ****** team filled with the sisters of the poor. We got beat in a slightly less-embarrassing fashion."

Said Herby.

says the fan that expects top 10 teams every year,, no matter what level of Talent or the injuries that occur
If you put a frog into boiling water, it immediately jumps out. If you put that same frog into warm water, then slowly raise the temp, the frog will eventually be overcome and is dead, and had no idea what hit him.

That's horrible. Why are you so cruel to animals, Natche??
A rather jarring thought about Iowa football next year ... and conceivably for many years to come:

Will HawkeyeNation support a team that regularly finishes no better than fourth or fifth in the conference and potentially several slots below that? Ponder this for a moment:

- Urban Meyer clearly has brought his championship fairy dust to Columbus. Ohio State just defeated No. 19 Michigan 26-21 to go 12-0 for the season. If not for NCAA sanctions, the Buckeyes could be playing in the BCS title game. The best thing that could have happened to tOSU was getting caught in some player funny business and Tressel to getting fired, opening the door for Meyer to return to college coaching in one of the premier programs in the country. Ohio State will be very hard to beat in the Big Ten, likely for however long Meyer remains coach.

- Nebraska. Say what you will about Bo Pellini (and much can be said), he is a good, aggressive coach and proven winner. Nebraska is still Nebraska, and will be a step ahead of Iowa to compete for the best athletes of the central and upper Midwest, if not extending even to California and to the East. Forget 13-7. In better weather conditions, Martinez goes pass crazy and the Huskers win by two to three touchdowns. Again, this will always be a tough game for Iowa.

- Michigan. Brady Hoke appears to be the real deal and is getting the Wolverines back to the glory days. Listen to the guy in interviews and on television specials and what high school phenom wouldn't want to play for Hoke? Plus, he has the advantage of working with a hands-on AD who wants everything done first-rate. Under Hoke, expect the Wolverines to always be nosing around the top spot in the division, likely challenging Nebraska to play in the conference championship game.

- Penn State. The poor, embarrassed, depleted, near-dead Nittany Lions just happen to be 7-4 overall and 5-2 in the conference, and are giving Wisconsin a heckuva game even as I type this. One of those wins was an embarrassing 38-14 whipping of a listless Iowa team @ KINNICK. Bill O'Brien so far is proving to be one heckuva coach working miracles in a difficult situation. He clearly has used the "us-against-the-world" approach to great advantage. Do not be surprised if O'Brien gets Penn State back to the levels of JoePa's best years.

After those four teams, Iowa still would need to get past Wisconsin and Northwestern to even try to climb out of the middle of the conference and to contend for a division championship, much less making it to the title game in Indianapolis.

Even if Greg Davis remains as Offensive Coordinator, the head coach is Kirk Ferentz, whose conservative approach to the game, unwillingness to take a risk, strong reluctance to bench under-performing upperclassmen and, frankly, frequently questionable game management, make it increasingly unlikely he will be able to field a team that does much better than 6-6 or 7-5.

Just an observation...

good points...but wait........you can see Iowa winning 6 or 7 games next year? I just don't see it..
You never had to do this in 7th grade biology class? Sheesh, what'd they teach you back in school back in ur tony Chitown 'burb?

Frogs were pre-killed for every bio class I evar took.
Still broke my heart to think of it.

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