A dose of reality for Iowa football

The dose of reality will be recruiting getting tougher. With ND, OSU and Michigan all surging, the Ohio and New Jersey/Washington D.C areas are going to continue to get picked over pretty good. Wisconsin is going to be a bigger recruiting headache because they are the furthest west you can go in the B1G and still play several games within decent driving distance of Jersey/D.C. The south is SEC country and and if FSU goes to the Big12, Florida kids will be looking more toward Texas and Oklahoma if they go beyond the SEC. On top of getting squeezed on recruiting, the only kids that will want to play for this offense are the kids that weren't good enough to play for the bigger schools or need a cure for insomnia. Chicago better be very good to us from here on out because Maryland and Rutgers will give the Pennsylvania kids a place to stay out east until Penn State gets back in gear.
says the fan that expects top 10 teams every year,, no matter what level of Talent or the injuries that occur

Where did you get any of that, from any of my posts on this site? I've consistently been a guy who expects at least 8 wins each year, with the occasional 6/7-win year and a few 10/11-win years sprinkled in there. I've never expected Iowa to be an Oklahoma or Texas, and never will. That's just not going to happen, no matter how much I (or anyone else) would love to see that happen.

I made zero suggestions as to the state of the program in that post. But this year's team sucked. It doesn't matter if they sucked because of youth, injuries, lack of talent or poor coaching. The "why" is irrelevant to the point I was making. All you're doing is trying to polish a giant turd.

You can defend Ferentz and the program all you want, if your opinion is that the program is still in good hands and will bounce back. I may not agree completely with that, but that's perfectly fine. Just don't try and tell me that this season was anything less than a shitshow.
then by beating those teams rather than losing would have put Iowa at 8-4 before the bowl game, and you would not SAY ANYTHING?
now I will talk about next year
Michigan loses DRob, he was Michigans biggest offensive threat and they finished 8-4 before the bowl and played in a BCS game less than a year ago.
Nebraska loses TMart and Burkehead not to mention they lose some pretty good OL and Defensive players
and seeing how teams fared with new starting QB's no reason to expect them to do much better with a new QB
MSU needed a win over Minnesota today to become bowl elegible.
as for Wisconsin when have they ever scared Iowa, if not for PSU and OSU they would be heading to a minor bowl plus they lost to PSU and are now 7-5 and 4-4 in conference play
pretty pathetic showing by everybody in the BT

Michigan 8-4
Wisconsin 7-5 4-4 in BT play
MSU 6-6 overall and 3-5 in BT play
as for recruiting that should pickup in Missouri, TX, Illinois and Ohio
nobody is saying we will get any of the top 25 from these states but I will take any top 50 kid out of Ohio and top 100 in TX, with a occasional kid out of Florida in the top 100\
next year Iowa appears to have its best crop of kids in a long time
ESPN Watch list kids for Iowa
WR Scheel
OL Peirschbacher
with WR Lazard already a 4* on Scout
the other Iowa kid being talked about is OL Render
then there are these with offers in TX on the watch list
DE Thomas
S Simmons
CB Paris
S Adams
the midwest is loaded with watchlist kids in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Minnesota that has interest or offers in/from Iowa
then by beating those teams rather than losing would have put Iowa at 8-4 before the bowl game, and you would not SAY ANYTHING?
now I will talk about next year
Michigan loses DRob, he was Michigans biggest offensive threat and they finished 8-4 before the bowl and played in a BCS game less than a year ago.
Nebraska loses TMart and Burkehead not to mention they lose some pretty good OL and Defensive players
and seeing how teams fared with new starting QB's no reason to expect them to do much better with a new QB
MSU needed a win over Minnesota today to become bowl elegible.
as for Wisconsin when have they ever scared Iowa, if not for PSU and OSU they would be heading to a minor bowl plus they lost to PSU and are now 7-5 and 4-4 in conference play
pretty pathetic showing by everybody in the BT

Michigan 8-4
Wisconsin 7-5 4-4 in BT play
MSU 6-6 overall and 3-5 in BT play
as for recruiting that should pickup in Missouri, TX, Illinois and Ohio
nobody is saying we will get any of the top 25 from these states but I will take any top 50 kid out of Ohio and top 100 in TX, with a occasional kid out of Florida in the top 100\
next year Iowa appears to have its best crop of kids in a long time
ESPN Watch list kids for Iowa
WR Scheel
OL Peirschbacher
with WR Lazard already a 4* on Scout
the other Iowa kid being talked about is OL Render
then there are these with offers in TX on the watch list
DE Thomas
S Simmons
CB Paris
S Adams
the midwest is loaded with watchlist kids in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Minnesota that has interest or offers in/from Iowa

No, I wouldn't just say nothing this year, had they won 8 games. If they'd just barely won those games, with the same offensive ineptitude, there would still be a problem. Had they won them in a way that decent or better teams should, THEN I wouldn't have said anything.

Most people could take a measure of comfort in barely losing to really good teams. Barely losing to bad teams, not so much.
I'm not going to take the time to dig up stats, but just because a college football team has a way below par year, it does not meant the program is in shambles or that the future is bleak. For one example, Notre Dame has been irrelevant at best for a handful of years and yet they are about to play for it all. A handful of poor years does not a program make. There have been more than a handful of in game decisions, however, that make one scratch their head. Hopefully some better recruiting classes, some new coaches and coordinators and maybe a new attitude provide the Hawks with similar returns in years to come.

This year sucked, no doubt, but I'll still have hope for greatness in the near term!!!! ON IOWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A rather jarring thought about Iowa football next year ... and conceivably for many years to come:

Will HawkeyeNation support a team that regularly finishes no better than fourth or fifth in the conference and potentially several slots below that? Ponder this for a moment:

- Urban Meyer clearly has brought his championship fairy dust to Columbus. Ohio State just defeated No. 19 Michigan 26-21 to go 12-0 for the season. If not for NCAA sanctions, the Buckeyes could be playing in the BCS title game. The best thing that could have happened to tOSU was getting caught in some player funny business and Tressel to getting fired, opening the door for Meyer to return to college coaching in one of the premier programs in the country. Ohio State will be very hard to beat in the Big Ten, likely for however long Meyer remains coach.I agree with this. OSU will be a monster as long as Urban is there. How long is he there though? I would be shocked if he stays more than 5 years.

- Nebraska. Say what you will about Bo Pellini (and much can be said), he is a good, aggressive coach and proven winner. Nebraska is still Nebraska, and will be a step ahead of Iowa to compete for the best athletes of the central and upper Midwest, if not extending even to California and to the East. Forget 13-7. In better weather conditions, Martinez goes pass crazy and the Huskers win by two to three touchdowns. Again, this will always be a tough game for Iowa. Meh, Nebraska was as close to being 6-6 this year as we were to being 9-3. I'm not sold Pelini

- Michigan. Brady Hoke appears to be the real deal and is getting the Wolverines back to the glory days. Listen to the guy in interviews and on television specials and what high school phenom wouldn't want to play for Hoke? Plus, he has the advantage of working with a hands-on AD who wants everything done first-rate. Under Hoke, expect the Wolverines to always be nosing around the top spot in the division, likely challenging Nebraska to play in the conference championship game. Hoke has recruited very well and along with Mattison has really turned their defense around. They could be very good for a long time.

- Penn State. The poor, embarrassed, depleted, near-dead Nittany Lions just happen to be 7-4 overall and 5-2 in the conference, and are giving Wisconsin a heckuva game even as I type this. One of those wins was an embarrassing 38-14 whipping of a listless Iowa team @ KINNICK. Bill O'Brien so far is proving to be one heckuva coach working miracles in a difficult situation. He clearly has used the "us-against-the-world" approach to great advantage. Do not be surprised if O'Brien gets Penn State back to the levels of JoePa's best years. I will be shocked if Obrien is in Happy Valley next year. NFL teams will come calling and why wouldn't he go back to the NFL? He will not be PSU's coach long at all. And how about we actually let the sanctions run their course before we start comparing the current PSU program to that of the PSU program in the 70's and 80's?

After those four teams, Iowa still would need to get past Wisconsin and Northwestern to even try to climb out of the middle of the conference and to contend for a division championship, much less making it to the title game in Indianapolis.

Even if Greg Davis remains as Offensive Coordinator, the head coach is Kirk Ferentz, whose conservative approach to the game, unwillingness to take a risk, strong reluctance to bench under-performing upperclassmen and, frankly, frequently questionable game management, make it increasingly unlikely he will be able to field a team that does much better than 6-6 or 7-5.

Just an observation...
so Hoke, Dantonio and BB should all be fired after the pathetic year they ALL HAD

If anyone thinks we r in good hands with a 113th ranked offense, I say keep dreaming all the way to the bottom of the big ten(which sucks!)
so Hoke, Dantonio and BB should all be fired after the pathetic year they ALL HAD

Those guys have all actually done something of note since 2009 (not to mention that Hoke is in Year 2, won the Sugar Bowl in Year 1, and Ferentz is in Year 14. Apples and oranges there.).

But you keep suggesting that I want Ferentz fired, which I've never once advocated for. Jesus, you've got to be the most dense poster I've ever seen.
as I posted in another thread thesew are not teams that will scare Iowa, Michigan just went 8-4 after going to a BCS GAME less than a year ago, and the lose their best playmaker in DRob
Nebraska lose both TMart and Burkehead and a # of other kids. afterr seeing how other teams struggled with a new QB no reason to expect Neb to do anybetter
Wisconsin just went 7-5 and 4-4 in conference play, why should Iowa be intimidated by them or the fans
MSU needed a win over Minnesota to become bowl eligible at 6-6 and 3-5 in conference play and Iowa beat them this year, people need to look at the BIG PICTURE, and not just the frame
Those guys have all actually done something of note since 2009 (not to mention that Hoke is in Year 2, won the Sugar Bowl in Year 1, and Ferentz is in Year 14. Apples and oranges there.).

But you keep suggesting that I want Ferentz fired, which I've never once advocated for. Jesus, you've got to be the most dense poster I've ever seen.
so what they all had pathetic years after major bowls and Michigan has always recruited better than Iowa over the years no matter who was coaching,
there should be absolutely no excuse for going to the SB then dropping to 8-4 the following year
Sorry but cherry picking your years to try to make a point is not going to cut it
as I posted in another thread thesew are not teams that will scare Iowa, Michigan just went 8-4 after going to a BCS GAME less than a year ago, and the lose their best playmaker in DRob
Nebraska lose both TMart and Burkehead and a # of other kids. afterr seeing how other teams struggled with a new QB no reason to expect Neb to do anybetter
Wisconsin just went 7-5 and 4-4 in conference play, why should Iowa be intimidated by them or the fans
MSU needed a win over Minnesota to become bowl eligible at 6-6 and 3-5 in conference play and Iowa beat them this year, people need to look at the BIG PICTURE, and not just the frame

Taylor Martinez is only a junior you twit.
as I posted in another thread thesew are not teams that will scare Iowa, Michigan just went 8-4 after going to a BCS GAME less than a year ago, and the lose their best playmaker in DRob
Nebraska lose both TMart and Burkehead and a # of other kids. afterr seeing how other teams struggled with a new QB no reason to expect Neb to do anybetter
Wisconsin just went 7-5 and 4-4 in conference play, why should Iowa be intimidated by them or the fans
MSU needed a win over Minnesota to become bowl eligible at 6-6 and 3-5 in conference play and Iowa beat them this year, people need to look at the BIG PICTURE, and not just the frame

The big picture for Iowa ain't been all that pretty since 2004, either. I'm still not ready to fire Ferentz. That won't be for at least another couple years for me. But the state of the program is something to be concerned about, and that's not based solely on this season. The fact that other teams have had down years this year is no excuse for Iowa to have an even worse year.

BTW, T-Magic is a junior.

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