2016 Recruiting Over/Under - 9 Two Stars; 1 Four Star

Anyone know when the last time imported posted something substantive? He has thousands of posts, but they seldom are relevant or even related to sports at all. Perhaps he would be better off going to soap opera message boards and adding nothing there? I guess there's a reason the tool has 10,000 posts and just a few thumbs ups (all from mental midgets dean and bildo)

As opposed to your brilliant posts?

To be fair, I don't really read your posts anymore, cause they really all read the same...know nothing trollishness.

Ya dig?
How is it a myth of our below average recruiting classes are directly reflecting our performance on the field these past 5 years?

Quick question. On average, where so you think our recruiting classes should be ranked, not including outliers years? Give, say, a 10 spot range.
Yes, I have several.

1) Who is your original dirty thirty tag?
2) How many other current alts are you running on this site
3) Why does a Clown fan like you constantly post on HN?
4) Are you actually saying that Iowa should pull in as high a quality players as 'Bama, OSU, Florida St., LSU and Auburn?
5) Do you really think it takes star rankings to figure out that 'Bama, OSU, Florida St., LSU and Auburn are gonna pull in better players than Purdue, ISU, jNW, Washington St., Wake Forest, and Marshall?
6) Do you intentionally try to be stupid, or is it just what happens naturally for you?

Those are questions just off the top of my head. I reserve the right to ask additional questions later.

Orson says 'here, here....'

I think it would be a fun experiment one time to have OSU, Alabama, FLA offer a player who does not even start on his high school team to see how many stars he would then receive. I know the services try to evaluate players but some of this is who offers and where the school offering falls in the pecking order.

I remember a couple of years ago, there was a kid that had no real offers but told a bunch of people he had offers from some big name schools. He then started to get real offers from other P5 - 2nd tier programs. It was entertaining and actually tells you a lot about recruiting. A lot of it is doing what "the Joneses" do. I guarantee you if OSU, Ala and Florida offered some nobody, that kid would get a slew of offers in short order.
What about that kid who claimed to have a bunch of offers and held a press conference at his high school and the coaches at the team he committed to couldn't even speak publicly about it because its against the rules to mention a recruit by name even if they never recruited him.
And we just got another 3 star running back with many MAC level offers that I'm sure lots of people will complain about. Like I've said before, if they are signing in June then they are most likely the guys the staff wants.
This likely has been shared but if not ...

Lemming, in his 36th year on the recruiting trail, admitted that even though he uses stars to rate high school prospects, they're so prevalent now that they've become misleading and misused.

Of Iowa's 17 commitments, Rivals.com rates 11 with three stars and six with two. No fours, no fives.

"The fans should realize the stars are the most bogus thing ever. I'm one of the guys that helped start that stuff," Lemming said. "But it's mainly based on how many offers the players have. And some schools, once they see a few big names offer, the rest of them just offer. It doesn't mean they know the players that well. It comes down to evaluation and developing, and Iowa does a great job at both."

That's something Iowa and Wallace are counting on. For example, Lemming said early Iowa quarterback commitment Nathan Stanley of Menomonie, Wis., should be rated with four stars but the lack of major offers hold him to three. He puts Brownsburg, Ind.,running back/athlete Toks Akinribade in the four-star category, too.
This likely has been shared but if not ...

Lemming, in his 36th year on the recruiting trail, admitted that even though he uses stars to rate high school prospects, they're so prevalent now that they've become misleading and misused.

Of Iowa's 17 commitments, Rivals.com rates 11 with three stars and six with two. No fours, no fives.

"The fans should realize the stars are the most bogus thing ever. I'm one of the guys that helped start that stuff," Lemming said. "But it's mainly based on how many offers the players have. And some schools, once they see a few big names offer, the rest of them just offer. It doesn't mean they know the players that well. It comes down to evaluation and developing, and Iowa does a great job at both."

That's something Iowa and Wallace are counting on. For example, Lemming said early Iowa quarterback commitment Nathan Stanley of Menomonie, Wis., should be rated with four stars but the lack of major offers hold him to three. He puts Brownsburg, Ind.,running back/athlete Toks Akinribade in the four-star category, too.

Once again, I'm not sure how stars and ratings are "bogus" when our #55 ranked recruiting classes every year are translating almost perfectly on the field.
Once again, I'm not sure how stars and ratings are "bogus" when our #55 ranked recruiting classes every year are translating almost perfectly on the field.
Just go cheer for another team, or if you are really a fan of another team, go to that message board and annoy them. Everyone is sick of you here.
None of the three commitments today had any Power 5 offers according to Rivals. We better hope that this staff is truly finding these "diamonds in the rough" that nobody else has seen yet, and aren't filling the roster with MAC level talent. If we recruit like a MAC, chances are we will play like a MAC. 20 commits by July 1 seems like an awful lot, I truly hope the coaches aren't just taking the low hanging fruit.
Once again, I'm not sure how stars and ratings are "bogus" when our #55 ranked recruiting classes every year are translating almost perfectly on the field.

Man, you do like gurgling on that hog of recruiting rankings. I mean that is like pretending 10 years later that the pre season college football poll actually mattered more than the final poll. Please tell me which recruiting class performed better, the '04, '05 or '06 class. I'll give you a hint, it was the class the "preseason poll" told us was gonna be great.

The product on the field is down for sure at Iowa, but it has nothing to do with recruiting rankings (we have won more with worse classes). The product on the field is down because KF systems have not adapted and changed with the time, and he is completely floundering trying to come up with better systems and is simply out coached on game days now.
This likely has been shared but if not ...

Lemming, in his 36th year on the recruiting trail, admitted that even though he uses stars to rate high school prospects, they're so prevalent now that they've become misleading and misused.

Of Iowa's 17 commitments, Rivals.com rates 11 with three stars and six with two. No fours, no fives.
"The fans should realize the stars are the most bogus thing ever. I'm one of the guys that helped start that stuff," Lemming said. "But it's mainly based on how many offers the players have. And some schools, once they see a few big names offer, the rest of them just offer. It doesn't mean they know the players that well. It comes down to evaluation and developing, and Iowa does a great job at both."

That's something Iowa and Wallace are counting on. For example, Lemming said early Iowa quarterback commitment Nathan Stanley of Menomonie, Wis., should be rated with four stars but the lack of major offers hold him to three. He puts Brownsburg, Ind.,running back/athlete Toks Akinribade in the four-star category, too.

All of which I paraphrased on the previous page. But that's OK. Carry on.
I am at a point where I just don't trust this staff on coming up with an original game plan, or making good decisions during game day coaching. I think this coaching staff flat out loses more games, or make more games competitive than ever should happen. I give them an F- on this front.

I am not at a point where I think this staff can't recognize talent. They have just proven too many times that they can recognizing NFL type talent where others just flat out miss it. There is a reason this program has put so many 2* and 3* kids into the NFL, and it ain't because the players all of a sudden gain NFL talent after they come to Iowa (it was always there). They are finding a kid that has that potential and they see it, and they sign it, where other programs just don't see it. They they do a good job of teaching the fundamentals, and then the inherent NFL talent (that was always there) comes out, and they get a shot at playing in the NFL.

Lets just look at the 2* DB that Phil Parker has coached and gotten into the NFL for instance:
Godfrey, Fletcher, Spievey, Hyde, Paschal

Here are some others that didn't make the NFL, but were great DB's at Iowa and were 2* kids:
Jovan Johnson, Greenwood, Miller, Lowdermilk

Now we have King who was also a 2* kid. When it happens this often, it ain't a fluke.
This staff is often unable to close on top recruits when they have to go up against other big name schools with better coaching staffs. But when they do land 4 star talent, the results are unavoidable. 4 stars are BETTER PLAYERS!!

2006 - Clayborn & Jeramiah Hunter: 4 stars and turned out to be studs
2007: Ballard, Bernstein, Binns, and Balaga: 4 stars and turned out to be studs.
2009: Keenan Davis & Brandon Weigher: 4 stars, both played extensively as freshmen and clearly had talent (Davis didn't live up to the hype)
2010: Coker, Derby, Donnal, Fiedorowitcz: 4 stars, all but Coker were drafted. Coker could have been if things went smoothly.
2011: Blythe, Hamilton, Walsh: 4 stars. Three out of the 6 best players on the team right now.
2012: Jaleel Johnson & Ryan Ward: 4 stars and guys the staff is high on.
2014: Scheel. The one underclass skill player who has generated buzz.

Think about it. Although we have only had a hand full of 4 stars in the past decade on our 85 man rosters, most of them were among the best players on the team. If we could get four 4 stars each year like 2007 or 2010, we would be a better program. No question about it. Stars matter.

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