'19 In-State PG Tyreke Locure Talks Increased Iowa Interest

Are any of you going to be going to the prime time league games? If so you should be able to get close enough to JBo to just flat out ask him if he can dunk or not. If he can I bet he'd be itching to be able to show it in that kind of setting too. Maybe Rob can ask him the next time he gets the chance to corner him.
If someone gave him 5 chances to put one down and started taking even money bets on it, I would bet everything I had on me that he would get one down. It's not a sure bet but odds would be way too much in my favor to pass up.
I love Bohannon and am glad we got him for a pg, but there's no way he can dunk.

You're saying there is no way? How can you possibly be so sure he can't do something that most decent 6' athletes can do. He's not a great athlete for a D1 player but his athleticism would stick out like a sore thumb when comparing him to the average Joe.
You're saying there is no way? How can you possibly be so sure he can't do something that most decent 6' athletes can do. He's not a great athlete for a D1 player but his athleticism would stick out like a sore thumb when comparing him to the average Joe.
No way he can dunk right now. Maybe after some serious PT in the program, he'll get there. He simply does not have the jumping explosiveness right now. All that being said, it doesn't matter. There is absolutely no need for him to be able to dunk. What we need him to focus on is his lateral quickness.
No way he can dunk right now. Maybe after some serious PT in the program, he'll get there. He simply does not have the jumping explosiveness right now. All that being said, it doesn't matter. There is absolutely no need for him to be able to dunk. What we need him to focus on is his lateral quickness.

You don't need all that much explosiveness at his height. You just have to be a "pretty good" jumper. A vast majority of kids capable of being D1 point guards are at least "pretty good". You're right tho that even if he can't now, he almost certainly will be able to in the next year or so.
You don't need all that much explosiveness at his height. You just have to be a "pretty good" jumper. A vast majority of kids capable of being D1 point guards are at least "pretty good". You're right tho that even if he can't now, he almost certainly will be able to in the next year or so.
He's 6ft. Woody is 7'1" and could barely dunk. Honestly, when I look at Bohannon, I see someone that looks like he's never spent more than a few seconds in a weight room. That's why I have stated before that he can definitely get quicker. I don't think Iowa's BB lifting program is that great, but I think it's really going to help him.
He's 6ft. Woody is 7'1" and could barely dunk. Honestly, when I look at Bohannon, I see someone that looks like he's never spent more than a few seconds in a weight room. That's why I have stated before that he can definitely get quicker. I don't think Iowa's BB lifting program is that great, but I think it's really going to help him.

The obvious difference is Woody plays basketball because he's abnormally tall. If you're 6', you have to be better than a lot of other players your size. Better doesn't = can jump a little higher than average, but most can.
Not sure what it matters if Jordan can dunk anyway. Put the ball in the hoop, that is all that counts.
I'm not a clone fan or a Twins fan

It was pretty funny the way you completely disappeared at the end of the season. After trolling that the Hawks wouldn't make the NIT, you disappeared when the Hawks were on a run to nearly make the NCAA tournament. Weird that you disappear when Iowa is doing well, and appear when they are struggling.

BTW what did you think of Jordan finishing the season with 3 consecutive double doubles? Pretty amazing, wasn't it?
It was pretty funny the way you completely disappeared at the end of the season. After trolling that the Hawks wouldn't make the NIT, you disappeared when the Hawks were on a run to nearly make the NCAA tournament. Weird that you disappear when Iowa is doing well, and appear when they are struggling.

BTW what did you think of Jordan finishing the season with 3 consecutive double doubles? Pretty amazing, wasn't it?

I left because I was tired of getting attacked. I appreciate good defense while others appreciate 3 pointers and "fake assists".
I left because I was tired of getting attacked. I appreciate good defense while others appreciate 3 pointers and "fake assists".

How are his assists any more fake than anyone else's? You either get credited with them by the official scorer or you don't.
PC's words not mine. Apparently some assists are fake or unimpressive

If you think it is stupid to say "fake assists" then why do you do it all the time?

I left because I was tired of getting attacked. I appreciate good defense while others appreciate 3 pointers and "fake assists".

Everyone knows you are a Clone fan. What are you actually getting by trying to pretend about something when nobody believes your act? The troll is blown, and has been from the start. When you go to a fan site to pretend to be a fan, and to "troll" that way, the gig is up when nobody believes you are a fan any longer.

Lets put is this way, I'd bet there are Hawk fans doing this very thing on Clownfanatics. Does CyTwins call them out for the losers they are? Welp, you just happen to be that loser on this site.
If you think it is stupid to say "fake assists" then why do you do it all the time?

Everyone knows you are a Clone fan. What are you actually getting by trying to pretend about something when nobody believes your act? The troll is blown, and has been from the start. When you go to a fan site to pretend to be a fan, and to "troll" that way, the gig is up when nobody believes you are a fan any longer.

Lets put is this way, I'd bet there are Hawk fans doing this very thing on Clownfanatics. Does CyTwins call them out for the losers they are? Welp, you just happen to be that loser on this site.

I'm not a clone fan and I've never been on one of there message boards
Actually "fake assists" is your words.

"fake assists" was totally 56's words - we saw less and less of him as last season progressed. He worked really hard at making me feel dumb about Jordan potentially being on the ALL B1G Frosh team. He attacked the hell out of me for that. He was gone for a while. It was nice.
Hilarious. We are arguing whether or not our point guard, who is known for shooting threes and shooting clutch shots, can dunk or not.... as if it would be of any consequence. It doesn't matter if Jordan can dunk or not. What matters is can he hit the open three. That will open up things for his teammates. If all he could do were drive and dunk, it would be to the detriment of the team - one more defensive body clogging up the driving lanes.

And all in a thread about Tyreke Locure! Seriously, doesn't anyone want to talk about him?

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