12-0 is a possibility

If Coker or Vandenberg go down, it is:

"Turn out the lights, the party's over"

Oh yeah, for sure. 9-3 is pretty optimistic, but I'd even take 8-4. Hopefully our line lives up to the hype and protects Vandenberg. We also need one of the other backs to shine so Ferentz isn't forced to pound Coker every game. One thing that helps is the schedule.
Posters like yourself make Iowa fans look like idiots

This isn't a 12-0 caliber football game unless you've been smoking crack all day.


GREAT response all I will say is ditto! Wait a minute I will say more the idiot that posted that Iowa has a better chance of being 12-0 this year than last should be banned from this site for being a complete homer!
Predicting Iowa football is a mug's game. Last year, this was a team STACKED with talent and experience that needed a dropped pass by lowly INDIANA to avoid being 6-6. Oh, did I mention a 60 minute battle with 2-win Minnesota?

Saying stuff like "@Purdue will be a cakewalk" is borderline mental.
Every year someone will post this just so they can come back and say, "See, I TOLD you!" Look, if it happens great and no one will care you said it.

As for reality, there are just too many variables. Shoot, as the previous post mentioned, we were STACKED last year and nearly went 6-6. I've heard KF mention this before too, the ball can bounce either way really easy. I'm just hoping for some sweet bounces in the first 6 games and then we'll start talking about the season predictions.
If last years team had this schedule, 12-0 would be an easy pick. However, this years team is very young. That being the case there are only a few games that are automatic wins. Tenn Tech, La-Monroe, Indiana...The schedule is great from Iowa's point of view but with a young team you just never know how many wins they will have.

12-0 is a possiblity every year. The odds against it goes up or down with different teams. For this years team the odds are pretty steep.
If last years team had this schedule, 12-0 would be an easy pick. However, this years team is very young. That being the case there are only a few games that are automatic wins. Tenn Tech, La-Monroe, Indiana...The schedule is great from Iowa's point of view but with a young team you just never know how many wins they will have.

12-0 is a possiblity every year. The odds against it goes up or down with different teams. For this years team the odds are pretty steep.

We thought we had a favorable schedule last year too, remember? All the tough games at home. Who would have foreseen the loss at Minnesota and what should have been a loss at Indiana? I don't believe last year's team would run this table either. There's a lot of football to play, we haven't beat anyone yet, and the other team will always be trying to win too. Put away your pitchers. Too soon to be mixing up Kool-aid.
Calling last years team an easy pick with this schedule was an overstatement. My thought process was about the skills of last years team vs this years team and speculating before the season starts.

This years team should be able to be 4-0 going to Happy Valley. They should be, but will they be? Thats a big question with a young team. 12-0 astromically improbable.
We have a very favorable schedule, but we know so little about this team it's not even funny. 50% new starters...that has not historically been a recipe for 12-0 throughout the years.
Iowa is in bizzaro world, look what happened to us last year and look at what happened in 2002. A lot of things don't make much sense in Iowa City...
I agree that every game on this schedule is definitely winnable, but we always lay an egg once or twice in a season. If we can lose @Minnesota last year, then there's any number of games on this schedule that we could lose as well.

@PSU and @Neb worry me the most, and we always somehow find a way to lose to NW.

Didn't realize we don't play Wisconsin, and no OSU on the schedule is good.

10-2 might be a bit more realistic. Until our offense starts putting people away, I think we'll let a couple games get away that we should win.
This years team should be able to be 4-0 going to Happy Valley. They should be, but will they be? Thats a big question with a young team. 12-0 astromically improbable.

This is true. In addition to the youth, I would also add that our kicking game has not been a strength for awhile and could provide a barrier to winning close games (in which we will invariably be involved). If you look at 2008, that team could have been 11-1 if we still had Schlicher or Kaeding placekicking, not to mention the inexperience in our only talented QB. That team had the horses to POSSIBLY go unbeaten, yet they needed an epic win over PSU and Purdue to not complete a short (~30 yd) Hail Mary to be better than 6-6.

It's just something you can't predict. In a way, I agree with the OP that there's not a game on the schedule we can't win. But, no matter our odds of winning each game separately, the odds become microscopic when multiplied out to twelve in a row. Especially when our returning kicking game is the same one that biffed away points in close games against AZ, 'Sconsin, and OSU last year.
12-0 may be theoretically possible, but that is extremely difficult to achieve even by teams loaded with 5 star talent.

Not gonna happen. Iowa will be lucky to go 8-4. Should Coker or Vandenberg go down...you could be looking at a losing record.

I actually expect Coker to miss playing time....when you are basically the "only" runningback, getting hurt is almost inevitable.
i went through the schedule and said 11-1. going into it i was thinking 9-3 or 10-2, but went through the schedule and came out to 11-1.

sure, 12-0 is EXTREMELY difficult to do. but i don't mind the optimism.

good luck with your prediction
Possible but not probable, especially with young D-line & linebackers. Anything is possible with a KF team & the style they play. There is never a game on Iowa's schedule year in & year out that one can say they have no chance.

But, again, it's not probable. Look at Hx & how many undefeated teams Iowa has had.
Iowa will be lucky to go 8-4.

I disagree with that completely. With no OSU or Wisconsin, show me 5+ games on this schedule that we will be lucky to win..

I expect us to lose a couple games at least, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised at 8-4 or 9-3. Not surprised at all.

The 2004 team shared the Big Ten title with a first year QB and a decimated running game.. No reason we can't go 8-4 with a favorable schedule.

If JVB goes down, then yeah, we could be in big trouble, but injuries are the one thing you can't predict so I won't worry about that until it happens.
It's the years nobody expects it when Kirk Ferentz and boys do the most damage.

Is this sentiment a myth?
How many times has this actually happened? I could see mediocre expectation for 2008, and they won 9 games with a bowl win. Nice bounce back season.

2002 probably fits that mold as well. What other years did they completely defy expectations?

Were expectations out there for Iowa to completely fall off in 03/04?
Is this sentiment a myth?
How many times has this actually happened? I could see mediocre expectation for 2008, and they won 9 games with a bowl win. Nice bounce back season.

2002 probably fits that mold as well. What other years did they completely defy expectations?

Were expectations out there for Iowa to completely fall off in 03/04?

2009 as well. We were unranked going into Happy Valley that year, and ended up Top 10.

Look at it! It's the easiest in all the Big 10. No OSU, no Wisconsin. That's 2 losses that are out the door. From there anything is possible.

Like I said we have a much better shot with this schedule to go undefeated than we did last year. And last year our fearless leader Jon Miller predicted us to go 12-0 and you all loved it.

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