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    According to maurice flemming and jaleel johnson.
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    jaleel fb and twitter

    He says he is receiving some negative comments. People that send these are just stupid but he also gave credit to the positive fans.
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    New Era Scouting: Prospects to watch; 2 Hawks

    If Iowa nfl success continues our recruiting will keep get better.
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    Hawkeye sports room in my basement.

    My room is painted gold with an Iowa flag on the wall and many different Iowa posters slash signs I will post some pics when I get time.
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    Jaleel Tweet

    He s talking to Laron now he is still a solid verbal.
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    Chances of Coker coming back

    Why would he ruin his pro potential by going to an fcs school when he could've stayed a hawkeyhe
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    Chances of Coker coming back

    I know the chances are small but what if this assualt stuff isn't true. Why would he want to sit out a year?
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    Player at Airport

    Sorry didn't realize I was on the wrong topic. Can I change it?
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    Player at Airport

    I saw a hawkeye at the kansas city airport a few days ago he was flying to chicago or colombus. He had a insight bowl back pack and I know he was a player. He was small for a football player probably 6 2. Any idea who it was?
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    Projected 2012 starters

    IPost who you think will start. Here is what I think QB- Vandenberg HB- Coker. Garmon will get a few carrys FB- Rodgers WR- Davis WR- K-Mart WR- I will edit this after further research and add all positions.
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    Thoughts on Rudock?

    Good point, He already is a national champion. Maybe he can do it again..
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    Thoughts on Rudock?

    Yes, that is what I was trying to say.
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    Thoughts on Rudock?

    What do you think of Jake rudock. Do you think playing at such a good team will help him or hurt him at Iowa.
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    2012 Bball Recuits

    My high school has to play gesell in districts
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    My thoughts towards Iowa Basketball.....

    I saw Gesell play and he is a stud. My high school played them in the district final last year and lost by like 30
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    Next 3 Years of Iowa Football?

    2012 8-4 2013 8-4 2014 10-2
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    Mike Leach to Wash St

    Washington State will never win. They are located in the middle of nowhere and they have a very weak fan base.
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    Best Way to track recruits?

    What do all of you guys use because I try to use rivals and it is flawed. There is no place to track our targets.
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    Would you be excited to play ISU in the Insight Bowl?

    I would like to play ISU again even though it would probably not happen. They probably would not want to take ISU.