Player at Airport

I saw a hawkeye at the kansas city airport a few days ago he was flying to chicago or colombus. He had a insight bowl back pack and I know he was a player. He was small for a football player probably 6 2. Any idea who it was?
Judging by your very astute and detailed description, I would have to say that it was Carl Davis


or it could be Canzeri

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I have strong information that tells me it was one of the following players, give or take an inch due to eyewitnesses always getting that wrong.

Broderick Binns: 6'2", 261lbs (B)

Austin Blythe: 6'3", 285lbs (W, RH)

Brandon Boerm: 6'0", 175lbs (Who is this guy?)

Damon Bullock: 6'0", 195lbs (B)

Marcus Collins: 6'0", 215lbs (B or W? Maybe?)

Darian Cooper: 6'2", 280lbs (B)

Jordan Cotton: 6'1", 185lbs (B)

Lebron Daniel: 6'2", 250lbs (B)

Mike Daniels: 6'1", 275lbs (B)

Bruce Davis: 6', 232lbs (B)

Keenan Davis: 6'3", 215lbs (B)

Zach Derby: 6'3", 235lbs (W)

Shane Dibona: 6'2", 230lbs (W, RH)

Tom Donatell: 6'2", 205lbs (W)

James Ferentz: 6'2", 275lbs (W)

Cole Fisher: 6'2", 195lbs (W)

Palmer Foster: 6'3", 210lbs (Thought his name was "Palmer Faster" at first glance, no idea on ethnicity)

Tommy Gaul: 6'3", 261lbs (W?)

Jonathan Gimm: 6'3", 240lbs (W)

Marcus Grant: 6'3", 195lbs (B)

Anthony Hitchens: 6'1", 200lbs (B)

Micah Hyde: 6'1", 185lbs (B)

Christian Kirksey: 6'2", 195lbs (B)

Marshall Koehn: 6', 160lbs (Who in the?)

Casey Kreiter: 6'3", 250lbs (See above)

Nico Law: 6'1", 180lbs (B)

Johnny Lowdermilk: 6'2", 195lbs (W)

Kevonte Martin-Manley: 6', 190lbs (B)

Mike Meyer: 6'2", 180lbs (B)

Matt Meyers: 6'2", 220lbs (Just a guess, W?)

Tanner Miller: 6'2", 195lbs (Don't let the first name fool you, W)

James Morris: 6'2", 215lbs (W)

Trent Mossbrucker: 6', 204lbs (W)

Johnny Mullings: 6'3", 210lbs (Australian)

Tom Nardo: 6'3", 277lbs (W)

Nick Nielsen: 6'3", 210lbs (W?)

Travis Perry: 6'3", 207lbs (Should have looked up a picture here as well)

Macon Plewa: 6'2", 215lbs (B?)

Jim Poggi: 6'2", 212lbs (W)

Terrance Pryor: 6'1", 215lbs (B? W?)

Jake Reisen: 6'2", 231lbs (Totally racially profiling now, W)

Jake Ruddock: 6'3", 185lbs (W)

Don Shumpert: 6'3", 185lbs (B)

Collin Sleeper: 6'2", 200lbs (W)

Melvin Spears: 6'2", 224lbs (B)

Steven Staggs: 6'3", 195lbs (There are no black "Steven"s, W)

Kyle Steinbrecher: 6'2", 201lbs (See above, but insert "Kyle", W)

Louis Trinca-Pasat: 6'3", 250lbs (Foreign guy, W)

Dean Tsopanides: 6'2", 240lbs (Greek, W'ish)

James Vandenberg: 6'3", 212lbs (W)

Mark Weisman: 6', 225lbs (W)

I hope that helps.
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insidesource - good stuff.

this thread has certainly taken a turn the OP didn't expect.......

Thank you for the kind words. While I am only one man, I will make sure that HawkeyeNation's posters and those who chose to only "lurk" will always receive the best information possible and in the most timely manner possible.
Thank you for the kind words. While I am only one man, I will make sure that HawkeyeNation's posters and those who chose to only "lurk" will always receive the best information possible and in the most timely manner possible.

efforts much appreciated. i think this mystery will be solved with contributions like yours. really impressed with your addition to the list - quality effort.