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  1. J

    Parker good hire, BUT....

    Yep I am sure you are right. Kirk behind close doors is telling his players that he is satisfied with 4 conference wins and 7 win seasons. I am sure he does not have a goal of winning big 10 championships. Maybe if he takes up Twitter that would help. By the vast majority of programs...
  2. J

    Will Bielema hire from without for his open assistant jobs?

    Bielema has not choice but to go outside the staff because they have all left. I believe 6 of the 9 staff members from last year are gone. Must not be a great place to work.........
  3. J

    wisky coaching staff

    I think there is more to it that leaving for better jobs. Pittsburg? I don't know if I call that a better job even if a title may come with it.
  4. J

    wisky coaching staff

    What is up with the coaches leaving Wisky staff? 4 this year and 2 last year. That will eventually catch up with you. Does that say anything about Bielma? Cannot be that great of a place to work if that many people are leaving.
  5. J

    Staff Move Predictions

    DC from the outside -- maybe Aiken? Woods to DL coach after DC is hired. If Woods gets the job I see one of the offense of assistants being reassigned to the admin position that Woods had. Then hire a new assistant from the outside.
  6. J

    Iowa's Woes are Easily Explainable and Fixable

    there is no problem with our system. see the system at Standford. Michigan wants to be and will be more pro style once Robinson is gone. Watch the national championship game - both teams are run first teams. The difference is the talent.
  7. J

    Twitter Ban

    Urban Meyer bans OSU players from using Twitter. According to many on this board this certainly means that he is out of touch with his players and there is no way they can win. Certainly he cannot be as out of touch as Ferentz....
  8. J

    Indiana Crowd

    Per the NCAA website Indiana was in the top 10 in the nation in attendance last year. I know that is tickets sold, but that is great fan support for a team that was horrible the last few years.
  9. J

    Indiana Crowd

    You really think history is why Indiana sells out and Iowa plays in front of a half empty arena? I think Indiana fans realize the importance of a home crowd and how they can help build the program back to past glory. The Hawks don't have a home court advantage. How hard do you think it is...
  10. J

    Indiana Crowd

    Fran on the post game ......'what an enviroment .....' you know what the is thinking.... if fans can fill an area in Bloomington Indiana ... why not Iowa City...... I agree....
  11. J

    Indiana Crowd

    what the hell does that mean? educate me?
  12. J

    Indiana Crowd

    Why are the two situations not the same? Why should we not expect Iowa fans to support their program like Indiana's that is??
  13. J

    Indiana Crowd

    Great Win. Gotta admire the Indiana fans and environment. It makes you question Iowa fans when you see a program that has been just as bad as Iowa yet they sell out. They were doing it before there recent run. Iowa's fans need to step up. Building a program needs fans support like we seen...
  14. J

    2010 All-Big Ten Teams

    alot of individual talent on this team, but for whatever reason they could not put it together on the field
  15. J

    DJK could have been a leader

    could have been a leader -- you cannot be serious. DJK is a very talented player, but it is obvious that there is a rift between him and KF. We will never know the real story, but my trust is in KF. Do you think a coach really wants to have to take a stance against a very talented player...