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  1. C

    Athlon's way too early '11 predictions

    Bottom line; If 5th place is the prediction in August, the Hawks are going to suprise a few people.
  2. C


    I agree. But you have to get there to lose it. I would have placed Clay in the backfield and not run shotgun for the 2 pointer. TCU earned it. I love how the crew on ESPN is trying to make OK out to be an underdog; pathetic. Hopefully UConn will keep up for awhile.
  3. C

    Back me up: is Fitzgerald overrated?

    He didn't have Persa, it's Northwestern, and unfortunately, he's not overated when it comes to beating Iowa.
  4. C

    Silver lining?

    Did I see a blitz? Coker moves to #1 RB Win v. ranked team. Nice ending to a difficult season.
  5. C

    Keeler: Iowa is an 8-4 Program

    Wow, is this for real? We are expected to resign ourselves to 8-4 seasons and that's OK? That's not what I watch Iowa for. And we are expected to believe that KF is the only man for the job? I don't want to see KF go; but to think that he is the beginning and the end of Iowa football is...
  6. C

    Big Ten logo

    A teal logo. "Legends" and "Leaders". How does this happen; this is a nightmare. Who comes up with **** like this?
  7. C

    Still Outback Bowl??

    Wait a minute, what are the Big 10 bowls and thier hierarchy? I see 2 teams playing in the BCS, which is going to leave one of the 11-1 teams going to the Outback, right? That leaves Iowa (4th place) to play in the Champs? Or did the big 10 get out of that one and enter the Insight?
  8. C

    If we obsess over this game...l

    Look at it like this: Lose to Arizona = no National Championship game. Lose to Wisconsin = probably no BCS game. Lose to Northwestern = no BCS game, probably no Big 10 title. Lose to Ohio State = no Big 10 title, missed their shot at "statement game" They lose to Minnesota because they...
  9. C

    Microcosm Play of the Year

    No, It was the fake punt. I was half drunk thinking wow, Wisconsin is going to hand this game to Iowa, I can't believe it. A second later; Oh ****, It's a fake!!! (before the snap, mind you) What was Iowa's coaching staff thinking? You have to remember at that time Iowa's offense was...
  10. C

    If we obsess over this game...l

    You mean the Minnesota game, right? I'm sorry, I'm still obsessing over the Wisconsin game. And no, it really doesn't change my life; I just hate to see good talent wasted.
  11. C

    Eddy P. statements

    You're being sarcastic, right? Please tell me you are.
  12. C

    What if....

    Exactly, I believe the talent has reached the next level; the talent at the skill positions, at least on offense, has never been better. Recruiting has continued to ramp up. It's time for the caching to catch up.
  13. C

    Bowl Outlook

    That's what I'm talking about. No excuses. My friend, apparently there aren't many of us left. Thank you.
  14. C

    Marcus Coker playing time

    I agree, If one gets hot in any given game, stick with him or rotate them. It's not as if the team is going to be short on RB's.
  15. C

    What if....

    There are no stupid questions. I live in a country where I have the freedom to ask any question that I want. I'm going to let Rick know that I'm being harrassed by by individuals that do not believe in freedom of speech; who are behaving in an "un-american" way, then you will have to deal with...
  16. C

    What if....

    I agree wholeheartedly, it took alot of guts and determination for Kirk to take over this program, considering the shape it was in at the time and I appreciate the job that he's done resurecting Iowa football; I would hate to see him go if he did. This isn't an anti-KF question, just a question.
  17. C

    So T-Magic may have quit Nebraska?

    .....aas soon as possible.
  18. C

    What if....

    All this talk about KF leaving for PSU once JoePa retires had some real traction to it. Who would be your top 5 coaching candidates? Mine (without thinking to hard): 1) Chris Peterson 2) Bret Beliema (spelling?) 3) Bob Stoops 4) Mike Stoops 5) Pat Fitzgerald
  19. C

    what question would you like to ask Kirk?

    1) What would you consider to be your strengths? 2) Your weaknesses? 3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 4) Assuming that you would accept any accountability for the results of this past season; what would you change?
  20. C

    Next Michigan Coach

    OK by me.