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  1. T

    Just Wondering

    Good win for the Hawks yesterday. However, the 2nd half might be a glimpse of what awaits them when they go to Happy Valley. The team will need to put two good halves together in order to get a win out there. I got to wondering while watching how BJ, Roy M, Ed H and the rest of the guys on...
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    Those Were The Days

    During last night's game viewers were shown a picture of Armstrong, Horton and Marble during their playing days at Iowa. It caused me to wonder if we'll ever see players like that again in CHA.
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    Retired Jersey Numbers?

    While watching #16 James Vandenberg and #25 Mika'il McCall (all too briefly) on Saturday I was thinking to myself, why aren't these jersey numbers retired? #16 of course being Chuck Long's number (Heisman runner-up) while #25 was worn by Randy Duncan who quarterbacked Iowa's mythical national...
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    Kale Abrahamson gets Iowa offer

    Recently saw on-line a photo of him standing outside of Cameron Indoor Stadium. Our chances are not good.
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    Van Coleman Interview

    Listened to Van Coleman today on 1700 The Champ out of Des Moines. Among the many topics discussed was, of course, Iowa basketball recruiting. When asked if he was surprised that Iowa was no longer recruiting Glover, Coleman said that he was given his belief that Glover "was the guy" since the...
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    Last Second Shot Foul!

    I just finished reading Scorecasting: The Hidden Influences Behind How Sports are Played and Games are Won by Moskowitz and Wertheim. In the first chapter, Whistle Swollowing, the authors suggest that human behavior is sometimes influenced by omission bias or the understanding that...
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    Last Second Shot Foul!

    I just finished reading Scorecasting: The Hidden Influences Behind How Sports are Played and Games are Won by Moskowitz and Wertheim. In the first chapter, Whistle Swollowing, the authors suggest that human behavior is sometimes influenced by omission bias or the understanding that omission-the...
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    Last Second Shot Foul!

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    Acie Earl Interview

    I had a chance to shake Acie's hand last November at a girls tournament in Pella where he was coaching several of his Venom teams. I asked him how he thought the Hawks would do in Fran's first year. His response rather surprised me. He said: "I don't waste my time thinking about the Hawks."...
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    Dear Matt Gatens

    Not good advice. Shooters shoot their way out of a slump by continuing to shoot it.
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    Oregon's Crazy New Basketball Floor

    YIKES!!! It looks like an aerial shot following one of Dave Letterman's "throwing stuff off the roof" segment.
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    Oh My!!!

    But we didn't, so the dream is still alive
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    Oh My!!!

    My point exactly. In spite of all that we get the W. In Indiana's case, winning teams make winning plays at the end of the game. Didn't happen!
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    Oh My!!!

    Championship teams find a way to win in spite of themselves. We'll take it.
  15. T

    Good Job Fred Mims

    for publicly calling out the new basketball staff with your quote of "We believe they were the result of sloppy management by our basketball staff." This coming from the senior adminstrator in the athletic department responsible for NCAA rules compliance. Where were you the weekend that the...
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    The Rivalry-Hawks and Clones

    Iowa is a football school? Tell that to the followers of Iowa Wrestling.
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    The Rivalry-Hawks and Clones

    Like Hawk fans everywhere I'm anxiously awaiting the start of what should be a magical Hawkeye football season. In the meantime, I've been thinking about the UI-ISU rivalry and especially the attitude of some Hawk fans that ISU is our "little brother." At first glance, this appears to be the...
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    Just Wondering

    If the tables were turned and it was the Big Ten that was imploding, would any of the "super conferences" be interested in Iowa? Or would we be in the same situation as ISU?
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    Jon is right re: Hoiberg's popularity

    My wife and I were visiting her father, who resides in a residential care center in Cedar Rapids, when my son-in-law (an ISU grad) called the afternoon of the Hoiberg hire. He and I chatted for quite awhile because he was not happy because of Hoiberg's lack of coaching experience. After we...